Not very many folks are down the middle on covid or the vaccine. It is a polarizing subject and one most folks are quick to take sides on, biasing their views of the subject. I am one who fell into a category of the most likely to have a serious outcome if infected and took the original two shot series soon after available. But, I was also one who expressed my opinion that I hoped a lot of folks did not take the vaccine in case his whole thing went south.
I take several different medicines - and all of them have side effects. I had a tooth pulled not too long ago and the list of possible negative outcomes said, in rare cases, may cause death. I still got my tooth pulled. I know three people who died of covid - from age 54 to 75. All of them were relatively healthy at the time they contracted covid. This was within the first 18 months and a lot of todays treatments were not available then. I know two other healthy middle aged men who contracted covid and have been so debilitated by it, they have not been able to return to work. None of these people took a vaccine.
I know three other healthy middle aged men who have suffered longterm negative effects from covid. One had not taken the vaccine, and suffered blood clots and other serious problems. He has since taken a vaccine. He has gone back to work but is still have problems with blood clots. One other took the first covid vaccine and showed positive for covid the next day. He did end up taking the second shot. But he is also suffering from covid arthritis two years later. He takes massive amounts of steroids so he is able to keep working. Another, who took the original vaccine two years ago, just found out the insulin producing cells in his pancreas have been damaged and is now classed as a type 1 diabetic. He has also had covid.
The last two, the anti vaxxers would be quick to claim their health was compromised by the vaccine. But, it is also documented covid by itself can cause covid arthritis and it is long known viral infections - like covid - can damage the insulin producing cells in the pancreas. One of these folks is a blood relative.
In addition, a blood relative who is a Dr in a fairly large hospital, noted at one point, they had right at fifty folks with covid die in their intensive care in one month. Not a single one of them took a vaccine. As a matter of note, I personally know no one who has died of the flu.
Do I believe the vaccines have been the cause of severe health conditions - yes I do. Do I believe covid killed a lot of people - yes I do. Do I believe covid seriously harmed a lot of people. Yes I do. Would I take another covid shot - no I wouldnt. Do I regret taking the first round of covid vaccine - no I dont. My health is compromised and contracting covid before the treatments became more efficient may well have been a bad situation for me.
I have not ever tested positive for covid. Neither has my wife. I have kids who work in hospitals and grandkids in school. As far as I know, all of them have had covid. I am around them all the time, I travel - even out of the country - I dont where a mask, and take no special precautions.
No doubt, there has been a ton of misinformation - both intentionally and unknowingly. It is unfortunate this whole situation became political because it led to a lot of people thinking they had to take sides - and it contributed to folks dying or becoming extremely sick when they didnt have to. I have twice in my 44 married years had to take my wife to the hospital because she had a reaction to long used, standard medicines. For people to think their would be no side effects to the vaccines openly exposed their ignorance. For people in charge to tell us the vaccines were 100% safe openly exposed their ignorance.
As with most things, their are two sides to the story and the truth usually lies somewhere in the middle.