Never a good idea to have people in charge imposing their beliefs on the people they govern. Especially true if the people in charge are clueless to reality or maybe they just don't care.
So you like democracy where the people can vote in new politicians when they don't like the decision they are making....Me too!
Bullying is defined as the repeated misuse of power in a relationship. The American people were forced to decide to choose between their already established financial stability and livelihood, or to succumb to their wishes. The balance of power was very much shifted away from the individual citizen and that power was repeatedly misused. Yes, ultimately it was a choice but it wasn't a fair choice nor was it equilateral in nature. Most people don't like a bully. The outrage being seen right now is a direct result of that. Should the American people forget and move on? I don't think so. I think most should do like Baker said and become much more responsible for their own health and remove as much debt as possible from their lives, then become much more resolute in reminding the government who works for who. One of the two parties involved is supposed to be representative, not a ruler.
Its completely unfathomable at this point how one can 'trust' the main stream medias science. How many actually died from Covid? No one knows. How many are dying from the vaccine and it's injuries? No one knows. I do know a shit ton of professional athletes from 18-30 have dropped dead across the globe, people that you know are in shape, and thats not normal per human history. The only common thread is vaccinated. Its the only new occurrence in the globe to affect such an otherwise immortal age structure.

It is not solely party driven, Naomi Wolf a life long democrat and even political strategist was one the largest fights against the vaccine. Why? Idk why is our nations birth rate down 50% since this vaccine started. Why are miscarriage so high?

Steve Kirsch was vaccinated, a left leaning guy, in the so cal tech industry until he started researching what he put in his body.

Seriously I don't give a rats ass if your Joe Biden or Donald Trump if at this point you blindly follow media talking points you're to far gone to recover honest convictions.

Palovid (curious anther experimental covid therapy by Pfizer), Remdesevir (shuts down kidneys, kills you quicker than a cold virus), oh look 90% of the people on ventilators died, good idea. Oh wait not the CDC came out and said PCR tests couldn't tell the difference between the flu & covid, well sob. Come to find out masks didn't work and people still drive by themselves with 1 on. Doesn't anyone question the obvious fact that when FDA shouted their stamped approved vaccine Pfizer-BioNTech 'Comirnaty', everyone jumped to get it, oh wait it was NEVER administered in the USA. Only the emergency authorized vaccines by Pfizer, Moderna, & JJ were.

Pfizer wanted to keep their 'Trials' secret for 75 years, my God people, at what point do you wonder why? There is a reason a judge said 'hell no' and made them release their results. Its staggering if you actually read the damage done. Sadly its to late and the alarming number of 'died suddenly' or 'adult death syndrome' previously not in the news is growing at a rapid pace.

It is by the single most crued and vial crime against humanity at a global scale level. WWG1WGA
Bullying is defined as the repeated misuse of power in a relationship. The American people were forced to decide to choose between their already established financial stability and livelihood, or to succumb to their wishes. The balance of power was very much shifted away from the individual citizen and that power was repeatedly misused. Yes, ultimately it was a choice but it wasn't a fair choice nor was it equilateral in nature. Most people don't like a bully. The outrage being seen right now is a direct result of that. Should the American people forget and move on? I don't think so. I think most should do like Baker said and become much more responsible for their own health and remove as much debt as possible from their lives, then become much more resolute in reminding the government who works for who. One of the two parties involved is supposed to be representative, not a ruler.
I agree with that! There is no doubt that many folks were coerced into getting the vaccination. Whether we, as a country, benefited from that can be debated. I completely agree that the more personal responsibility we take for our health and financial stability the better. I also agree that we should not forget this, and how both sides tried to use the pandemic to their political advantage. We should take our perspectives to the voting booth.
I agree with that! There is no doubt that many folks were coerced into getting the vaccination. Whether we, as a country, benefited from that can be debated. I completely agree that the more personal responsibility we take for our health and financial stability the better. I also agree that we should not forget this, and how both sides tried to use the pandemic to their political advantage. We should take our perspectives to the voting booth.
I think both parties are nuts, and have lost it. But one party in particular is extremely further gone then the other. The system is broken! Thats it, I am going to move out to the middle of nowhere and not have to deal with people anymore, oh thats right, I did that!

Now if I can just figure out how to avoid the internet, since I refuse to watch any tv news already.
I think both parties are nuts, and have lost it. But one party in particular is extremely further gone then the other. The system is broken! Thats it, I am going to move out to the middle of nowhere and not have to deal with people anymore, oh thats right, I did that!

Now if I can just figure out how to avoid the internet, since I refuse to watch any tv news already.
I agree. The Dems are way far left on policy, and the Republicans have completely lost their way. I hope they can eventually recover and return to the party of Regan, but things are not looking bright right now. I would love to see a new center right third party emerge but I think the odds are low. At this point, I think our best bet is divided government. But that is just my opinion...
I agree with your post!
I agree with that! There is no doubt that many folks were coerced into getting the vaccination. Whether we, as a country, benefited from that can be debated. I completely agree that the more personal responsibility we take for our health and financial stability the better. I also agree that we should not forget this, and how both sides tried to use the pandemic to their political advantage. We should take our perspectives to the voting booth.
That doesn’t mean shi# , if the left stuffs the ballots with fake votes at 3 am the next day , or you purposely provide the wrong sized ballots so conservatives can’t vote in Arizona .

Cmon you know what’s going on. John Fetterman (can’t walk or talk) wins an election? That’s what Pennsylvania wants ? Give me a break .
Bullying is defined as the repeated misuse of power in a relationship. The American people were forced to decide to choose between their already established financial stability and livelihood, or to succumb to their wishes. The balance of power was very much shifted away from the individual citizen and that power was repeatedly misused. Yes, ultimately it was a choice but it wasn't a fair choice nor was it equilateral in nature. Most people don't like a bully. The outrage being seen right now is a direct result of that. Should the American people forget and move on? I don't think so. I think most should do like Baker said and become much more responsible for their own health and remove as much debt as possible from their lives, then become much more resolute in reminding the government who works for who. One of the two parties involved is supposed to be representative, not a ruler.
I'm 62 years old and I can't remember when the individual citizen had any power. It's always been controlled by the government or employers. And if your employer happened to be the government ,namely the military, then hold onto your shorts buddy.
I agree with that! There is no doubt that many folks were coerced into getting the vaccination.
We get coerced into stuff everyday. Health insurance...stay in plan or pay 40% more for services. from the only provider in the area or go without. Employment...go by my "safety" rules or find employment somewhere else. We should be numb to it by now.
I agree. The Dems are way far left on policy, and the Republicans have completely lost their way. I hope they can eventually recover and return to the party of Regan, but things are not looking bright right now. I would love to see a new center right third party emerge but I think the odds are low. At this point, I think our best bet is divided government. But that is just my opinion...
Instead of everything being either red or blue I wish we all could agree on stuff that would be purple instead. I think both parties have some good ideas and policies but the only thing they can agree on is that the only way is their way and the other party is completely wrong on everything.
I agree with your post!

I don't think most of us are that far apart. We all have a unique perspective, but we have more in common than we have in differences. There will always be fringes on both far left and far right, but most folks are sensible and fit fairly close to the middle.

I think a lot of this comes from folks who just like to speak in hyperbolic terms.
Instead of everything being either red or blue I wish we all could agree on stuff that would be purple instead. I think both parties have some good ideas and policies but the only thing they can agree on is that the only way is their way and the other party is completely wrong on everything.
Exactly. Few seem to be willing to discuss ideas and find solutions. Most dismiss any idea without thinking about it, simply because of which side it came from. Division politics used to be a technique of the left. Now, both sides do it. It is a lot easier to fund raise when you characterize the other side as evil people that you need protection from. Donate to me so they don't destroy you.
Back to the beginning of this thread...Me having COVID.

On Sunday morning when I tested, I had such a faint line for the antigen response, I had to get my wife to look at it in good light and verify it was positive. Today, I woke up with some body aches (not terrible) and a bit of a headache and ringing in my ears. I tested today and got a STRONG positive! What's up with that?

As the day went on, symptoms got a little worse, but not much. I started digging, and found folks treated with Paxlovid sometime have Rebound COVID. I'm not sure, but I'm suspecting that. Evidently, after the isolation period, 2 to 8 days, they begin either testing positive or presenting with symptoms again. It is possible that I may need to isolate again. I plan to test again tomorrow and see if it was a fluke or Rebound COVID before deciding what to do next.


Hope you kick this thing soon! I am not a dr, but I would treat it like a cold, take some vitamins, drink plenty of water or juice and rest.
Hope you kick this thing soon! I am not a dr, but I would treat it like a cold, take some vitamins, drink plenty of water or juice and rest.

^^^^^^^^^^^ this

and maybe a shot or two of jack daniels

Hope you kick this thing soon! I am not a dr, but I would treat it like a cold, take some vitamins, drink plenty of water or juice and rest.

Yes, they don't recommend a second course of Paxlovid, so that's about all you can do for a viral infection.
Time for another booster.
Back to the beginning of this thread...Me having COVID.

On Sunday morning when I tested, I had such a faint line for the antigen response, I had to get my wife to look at it in good light and verify it was positive. Today, I woke up with some body aches (not terrible) and a bit of a headache and ringing in my ears. I tested today and got a STRONG positive! What's up with that?

As the day went on, symptoms got a little worse, but not much. I started digging, and found folks treated with Paxlovid sometime have Rebound COVID. I'm not sure, but I'm suspecting that. Evidently, after the isolation period, 2 to 8 days, they begin either testing positive or presenting with symptoms again. It is possible that I may need to isolate again. I plan to test again tomorrow and see if it was a fluke or Rebound COVID before deciding what to do next.


They tried to get me to take paxlovid due to them thinking I am high risk. They told me to expect rebound Covid. I thought taking it made no sense so I passed. Covid was gone in a couple days without it. Not sure why they give it to anyone that isn’t high risk.