Conspiracy theorys, where do you stand?

Dawgs ... are these Hispanic workers legit employees paying taxes, social security, etc.?
Your guess is as good as mine. It such a mess. Someone in the pay structure does. Zero chance they all do
First of all, I didn't put words in your mouth. I asked you questions, and you responded. Discipline is the enforcement of rules. In this case, social rules. Discipline is not just discipline. You don't punish someone for no reason, you punish them for breaking the rules. In this case, I presume we are talking about discipline for bad behavior in schools, i.e. accountability for ones behavior and respect for others.

Second of all, I don't have liberal beliefs. I specifically said schools should teach hard work, accountability, and self reliance. I would happily add respect for others to that list. Which of those do you perceive as "liberal".

And third, there's no need for profanity. Maybe you should calm down.
Well you did put words in my mouth.... You made up words I never said
When I said your, I didn't mean you , I meant the schools/teachers. Poor way to write it on my part. Not intentional.
No calming needed, profanity or not, ****ed up is exactly what the liberal mind is. Nothing on here gets me worked up. Just a bunch of keyboard tough guys trying to prove how smart they are.
I’ve heard a lot of that is money laundering by cartels. No idea if it’s true but a drug task force guy I know said it especially in small towns

This is another problem in America. The Feds guaranteed know there is laundering going on but will do nothing to stop it. Laws are just for straight white males to follow…

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This is another problem in America. The Feds guaranteed know there is laundering going on but will do nothing to stop it. Laws are just for straight white males to follow…

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There’s a reason we haven’t declared cartels terrorist organizations. I don’t know what it is offhand but there’s literally no reason they aren’t. They have killed factors more Americans than isis so you fill in the blanks
I’ve heard a lot of that is money laundering by cartels. No idea if it’s true but a drug task force guy I know said it especially in small towns

Around here the money laundering Americans use Mattress Stores. How many stores are needed for an item you buy at most every 15 years? And when I drive by the parking lots are always empty....
There’s a reason we haven’t declared cartels terrorist organizations. I don’t know what it is offhand but there’s literally no reason they aren’t. They have killed factors more Americans than isis so you fill in the blanks
I know I'll get flamed for this but I'll be the contrarian.
I view the drug cartels as nothing more than capitalists on steroids. We've had a opioid problem in this country for about 150 years. There have been various suppliers throughout history. As long as there is a market-users- there will be suppliers. If we could find a way to eliminate or throttle back the market the suppliers will start to go away. Prohibition didn't work and trying to eliminate the cartels won't solve the opioid problem.

I don't have answers but I think we can start by taking the free narcan away. How many times should we save someone so they can just overdose again and again?

Here's a link to the history of opioid problems in the world. It's surprising how we created the problem and now it's eating us alive.

I know I'll get flamed for this but I'll be the contrarian.
I view the drug cartels as nothing more than capitalists on steroids. We've had a opioid problem in this country for about 150 years. There have been various suppliers throughout history. As long as there is a market-users- there will be suppliers. If we could find a way to eliminate or throttle back the market the suppliers will start to go away. Prohibition didn't work and trying to eliminate the cartels won't solve the opioid problem.

I don't have answers but I think we can start by taking the free narcan away. How many times should we save someone so they can just overdose again and again?

Here's a link to the history of opioid problems in the world. It's surprising how we created the problem and now it's eating us alive.

I’m actually with you. No demand, no cartels. And amen on narcan. I’ve been saying that for years.

But the cartels do exist and they are bad actors on a global scale. They now have infiltrated more than just the drug trade. Additionally they carry advanced weaponry they literally buy from third world militaries. They need to be stopped. Obviously Mexico is in bed with them and refuses to but I’m beginning to think we are too. If Trump was the big bad enforcer he likes to claim he would throw his weight around to make them obsolete. My money is on the same place as the Epstein list. It will never be brought up
My neighbor's house this morning. A van showed up hauling most of the crew. Spanish is all I hear.

^^^ Typical crew around here, also. Some of my neighbors with roofs having more years of wear than what you pictured have gone and put the solar panels on top of them. How's that going to end?
. If Trump was the big bad enforcer he likes to claim he would throw his weight around to make them obsolete

He already started. That's what the sanctions are all about. He's pissed that Canada and Mexico aren't doing anything to protect their respective borders and are letting a stream of illegal people and goods into the US.

Why put tariffs on them after he authored NAFTA2? Leverage in negotiations over border security.

My money is on the same place as the Epstein list. It will never be brought up

Funny you mention that. I was thinking the other day if maybe he already has the list and is using it himself. It would make a lot more sense to wield it as a weapon against his enemies individually rather than release the list and watch the whole country collapse while he's in office.

Kinda suspicious he had a little chat with Fidel Jr. and suddenly he's talking about resigning.

I haven't mentioned this to anyone else, but heck, this is a thread about conspiracy theories, so why not float the idea here?
He already started. That's what the sanctions are all about. He's pissed that Canada and Mexico aren't doing anything to protect their respective borders and are letting a stream of illegal people and goods into the US.

Why put tariffs on them after he authored NAFTA2? Leverage in negotiations over border security.

Funny you mention that. I was thinking the other day if maybe he already has the list and is using it himself. It would make a lot more sense to wield it as a weapon against his enemies individually rather than release the list and watch the whole country collapse while he's in office.

Kinda suspicious he had a little chat with Fidel Jr. and suddenly he's talking about resigning.

I haven't mentioned this to anyone else, but heck, this is a thread about conspiracy theories, so why not float the idea here?

I like a good conspiracy. And maybe you are right. I’m just a nobody so from where I sit nothing has been done. I will say I think the list needs to be public. These sick bastards need to hang. Using the list as blackmail is fine but there’s zero reason to protect these people.
Stopping the flow is great and a no brainer. Destroying the cartels is something different all together. When they are allowed to operate with impunity my conspiracy theory says we are at worst incompetent and at best business partners.
^^^ Typical crew around here, also. Some of my neighbors with roofs having more years of wear than what you pictured have gone and put the solar panels on top of them. How's that going to end?
I guess I was ignorant to the solar panel roof game. I had a neighbor with a house full of them. I was under the assumption he was using that power for himself and basically becoming energy independent. I was wrong. He sells it back to the grid and gets a credit. Hell even in the middle of the summer he still had a bill and it was just he and his wife in the house.
I guess I was ignorant to the solar panel roof game. I had a neighbor with a house full of them. I was under the assumption he was using that power for himself and basically becoming energy independent. I was wrong. He sells it back to the grid and gets a credit. Hell even in the middle of the summer he still had a bill and it was just he and his wife in the house.

I have solar panels....about 10 years now. There's two ways you can go...1) you can own them...which I do, or 2) you can lease them. Leasing them is the worse option, though this might be the way to go for some people. If you own them you do indeed "spin the meter backwards" and generate a credit with your provider. We scaled ours to 125% of our usage back 10 years ago. Even since adding a heat pump to our above ground pool a few summers ago, we still never have a bill. Every quarter we also receive an SREC check for the carbon credits we are producing. That has basically offset the loan we took out to buy the panels..about $12K.

Leasing them....the solar company receives the SREC check...and they lower your bill for you each month, though probably not to zero.

The problem with residential solar is that it's very hard and expensive to store that energy in battery banks...though the technology to do so is getting better and better and less expensive.
Yes...I agree. I hate all that crap too when I hear about it going on in schools. Since I live in a liberal State and have mostly all liberal friends and family, I will say this...they hate most of it too. They don't want teachers preaching. They can't stand the pronoun stuff. Very few believe that boys should compete against girls. They can't stand the war on Christmas. Much of the stuff that drives you and me crazy, they also find off-putting. And I think maybe the distinction is that these people I am referring to are not really progressive liberals...they are more the old school, patriotic, New Deal, strong national defense democrats.
Now we're talking. Polling services say most Americans are in the center on most topics. Common sense stuff. The fringes on either side are where the nut cases lurk. I like some things that both parties have to offer (Note I said offer ........ not deliver ...... for most of us). I lean left on 2 things mainly - environmental issues, because we only have one planet to live on ....... and workers' rights, because GOD knows working people from both parties have no highly-paid lobby in D.C. Just wait until the billionaires start slashing away at our Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid. They get hundreds of millions in tax breaks ........ working folks get S.S. money taken out of their pockets via smaller checks, and higher premiums to pay out of pocket with less coverage. Call me names for sticking up for working folks - - - of either party. Maybe the multi-millionaire / billionaire class has it too hard??? More big tax breaks to ease their pain & suffering????
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About the opioid crisis- In 2004 13 kilos of Heroin was seized during an incident on an interstate highway. It was the largest overland, non-intel driven seizure of heroin in the U.S. that year. Heroin was so uncommon that the officers had no idea it was a a big deal. Thought it was just an odd seizure and moved on.

20 years later, 13 kilos wouldn’t be a blip on the radar. Seizures got bigger. Kilos of fentanyl were huge- hundreds of kilos at a time. The price per kilo plummeted indicating massive amounts on the streets.

What happened in between? Well…. Oxi happened. Its removal happened. Something had to fill the void. The Chinese and the Mexican drug trafficking orgs filled the void. Remember, the Chicoms initially initially let the fentanyl thing happen for the influx of american dollars but they then saw the chaos it was causing for us. That is the main benefit they see now.

Cutting demand is tough when you can’t get addicts in programs.

There will always be a percentage of people who destroy themselves with booze and drugs. The problem with this whole deal is we created a whole new class of addicts with prescription pills. There is a whole group of addicts who were minding their own business, got injured prescribed pain pills and their lives were forever changed. Some of these were young student athletes.

I have a doctor friend who says certain opioid pain relievers should never be prescribed to people who drink regularly. People who aren’t drunks but are social drinkers. I have personally seen a few of these people spiral- they didn’t go the street drug route but they drank themselves to death….

One thing we do wrong combatting criminal orgs is we feel like it’s somehow distasteful to attack the money side of the orgs. We go after the kilos to keep them off the streets, and that is an admirable sentiment. But the kilos just get replaced. When cops go after the money, the press automatically calls it “policing for profit” (and I agree that there are examples of peoples assets being seized that should not have). If we want to combat the cartels, we go after the money. By the time a cartel has money to launder, they have put months of work into getting kilos to the U.S. and move them around the country. They need that money. They need it NOW. There are sicarios to pay, there are public officials to pay in Mexico, there are workers to pay and suppliers to pay. If you are a Mexican drug trafficker, you don’t get to call Columbia and say “I’ll pay you next month”, because you’ll be dead in two weeks. It causes them real problems when the money gets tied up. Yet we have NEVER taken that approach.

So who is capable of investigating multi-national trafficking orgs who are laundering bulk currency? Not Barney Ponytail your local narc who buys teeners of meth from addicts, talking about how every Mexican restaurant is laundering money. The main cops who can get this done are IRS, HSI and DEA. Notice who came first there? Yeah- because the big money from drugs and gift cards and credit card schemes is eventually running back through legit banking who turn a blind eye to this stuff.

The fed gov is easy to criticize. The three letter agencies are easy to criticize. They screw up. Yet… They are pretty much the only agencies able to work the big cases and they have soooooo many cases to pick from that they can’t give any of them the attention they deserve.
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Bowsnbucks— the left is for working people ? I live in Minnesota, and own a small business. We are the 4th highest taxed state in the nation, so as a working person I take less $$ home .

Contrast that to a red state (South Dakota) which pays zero taxes .. the working person takes home more $$, and is better off.

Many small businesses in my area, have moved to South Dakota, also many people who live by the border. They choose to be a South Dakota resident for that reason!

Do they lose anything as a result?…
The healthcare is solid in South Dakota (Sanford) is located on Sioux Falls, one of the fastest growing cities in the Midwest.

South Dakota ranks higher than Minnesota in K12 education. There’s less crime and traffic.

Blue over Red for the working person ? I can tell you in Minnesota, I know many working men or women that would not sign up for South Dakota system in a heartbeat!!!

The working person will do better under RED in my territory.

You could use Iowa and North Dakota as examples of Red states with lower taxes and a solid quality of life as well. Iowa ranks very high in education & healthcare and has a reasonable state tax system (rate 3.8%) which is about half of Minnesota.
All I know is the Dakotas, Iowa and Minnesota are all ranked way higher in quality of life than my state. You guys need to quit quibbling, lol!
. I will say I think the list needs to be public. These sick bastards need to hang. Using the list as blackmail is fine but there’s zero reason to protect these people.

Well he can always release it once he's out of office. It's not really an either/or situation. If I were him, I would use the list to force the shitheads to step down quietly so as not to cause panic in the economy. Then after I had purged all the pedophiles from positions of power, set up a task force to prosecute them all.

. Destroying the cartels is something different all together. When they are allowed to operate with impunity my conspiracy theory says we are at worst incompetent and at best business partners.

It's not that simple. The cartels operate in Mexico. The US doesn't have jurisdiction there. And the CIA is busy with Russia, China, Syria, Gaza, North Korea, Iran, Yemen, etc.
Well he can always release it once he's out of office. It's not really an either/or situation. If I were him, I would use the list to force the shitheads to step down quietly so as not to cause panic in the economy. Then after I had purged all the pedophiles from positions of power, set up a task force to prosecute them all.

It's not that simple. The cartels operate in Mexico. The US doesn't have jurisdiction there. And the CIA is busy with Russia, China, Syria, Gaza, North Korea, Iran, Yemen, etc.
Do we have jurisdiction in the Middle East where we go after jihadis? Designation of a terrorist organization gives us free reign if I’ve heard correctly