Conspiracy theorys, where do you stand?

30 years ago, I worked hauling sheetrock and building materials to commercial job sites while going to college. I remember seeing some of the first hispanic crews in our area then. The owner could pay them a fraction of what the American workers made. They worked hard. It was very good for their bottom line. It was a novelty. Fast forward to today, and it is as common to here Spanish conversations in stores as it is to hear English. God help us when they become mobilized for fighting. They're already here.
So if we lop off the bottom 20% they don't go away. Don't they just become a problem somewhere else in the system? Not saying we should keep doing what we're doing but I don't think kicking them out of school and locking them in institutions is free.
Why does it automatically become everyone else's problem if the problem kids are taken out of the.classroom? That's the problem.with liberals. If someone is a career **** up the only response is WE have to take care of them? We don't.
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Why does it automatically become everyone else's problem if the problem kids are taken out of the.classroom? That's the problem.with liberals. If someone is a career Smile up the only response is WE have to take care of them? We don't.
Play stupid games, win stupid prizes
Pay for them in your public school system or pay 2-3 times for them in your state penal system
Why does it automatically become everyone else's problem if the problem kids are taken out of the.classroom? That's the problem.with liberals. If someone is a career Smile up the only response is WE have to take care of them? We don't.
Play stupid games, win stupid prizes

If they don't support themselves then we all support them somehow. Welfare, jail, prison its all paid for with my and your tax dollars. It's not a conservative or liberal thing, it's a tax dollar thing.

I don't know what the answer is all I know is that as long as they are alive they'll be paid for somehow.
If they don't support themselves then we all support them somehow. Welfare, jail, prison its all paid for with my and your tax dollars. It's not a conservative or liberal thing, it's a tax dollar thing.

I don't know what the answer is all I know is that as long as they are alive they'll be paid for somehow.
I disagree. It does not have to be only that way. If there was even a small amount of personal accountability the could be enforced (I'm sorry but that is a liberal thing, stop bailing everyone that shouldn't be out, stop telling everyone they're special and perfect any way they want to be etc) things would be different. By keeping those troublemakers in class you are showing them that behavior is fine. By not dealing with it swiftly and strongly your telling them and other (most importantly) it's fine to be that way.
So imo it is definitely a liberal thing, it's the liberal hive mind your ok, I'm ok bs.
I disagree. It does not have to be only that way. If there was even a small amount of personal accountability the could be enforced (I'm sorry but that is a liberal thing, stop bailing everyone that shouldn't be out, stop telling everyone they're special and perfect any way they want to be etc) things would be different. By keeping those troublemakers in class you are showing them that behavior is fine. By not dealing with it swiftly and strongly your telling them and other (most importantly) it's fine to be that way.
So imo it is definitely a liberal thing, it's the liberal hive mind your ok, I'm ok bs.

So discipline is ok in the schools?
Most definitely it is. I don't believe I've ever said it wasn't.
The lack of discipline or more specifically the rampant use of selective discipline in our public schools, especially is part of the liberal policies that have got us to the hell hole we are in for public schools.
30 years ago, I worked hauling sheetrock and building materials to commercial job sites while going to college. I remember seeing some of the first hispanic crews in our area then. The owner could pay them a fraction of what the American workers made. They worked hard. It was very good for their bottom line. It was a novelty. Fast forward to today, and it is as common to here Spanish conversations in stores as it is to hear English. God help us when they become mobilized for fighting. They're already here.
They won’t need to fight. They are breeding themselves into a majority. Not uncommon for women to have 4 plus kids and men to have multiple women pregnant. I work with them daily, the idea that they are a strong family unit is one of the greatest myths I’ve seen pumped on the American people. By becoming such a large force they are voting themselves into power. Look at Hispanic areas, all Hispanic representatives. You think those representatives represent America or some other deeply engrained ethos. Texas will be blue in a couple years because of this
30 years ago, I worked hauling sheetrock and building materials to commercial job sites while going to college. I remember seeing some of the first hispanic crews in our area then. The owner could pay them a fraction of what the American workers made. They worked hard. It was very good for their bottom line. It was a novelty. Fast forward to today, and it is as common to here Spanish conversations in stores as it is to hear English. God help us when they become mobilized for fighting. They're already here.

Oh also the idea of cheap Mexican labor is looonnnggg gone. These guys are demanding a premium. Which I suppose is how a free market works but, they arent subject to the same financial scrunity so it’s not a level playing field. Their tax situation is murky at best. Have you ever heard of them getting audited. lol hell no. The irs sees a Hispanic name and says this will be an abortion, let’s go after Fred smith, much easier. I know of a guy who was making $40k a year some years back. He ran crews. Well because of insurance requirements it was no longer feasible to have the crews in house so they all had to go under him and he had to pay them. His next year return showed over $800k. So he went from 40k to 800k and 10 years later the irs never even sniffed around.
It’s not like they are that much better at certain trades, they are unreliable at best, they are just willing to somewhat do it. If Americans would wake up and see how much money there was in these trades I would love to think they would take them back over. But that’s yet to play out.

All that said they are carrying the construction labor force so all in all they are getting the job done. And I know I sound negative, but some of them are phenomenal and some have become as American and apple pie. I just can’t get behind anyone whose first act in this country is illegal and someone who doesn’t have to play by the same rules as the rest of us. If anyone comes legally and plays by the rules and assimilates bring it on
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Most definitely it is. I don't believe I've ever said it wasn't.
The lack of discipline or more specifically the rampant use of selective discipline in our public schools, especially is part of the liberal policies that have got us to the hell hole we are in for public schools.

And we are using discipline in schools to enforce our morals?

I think you may have just contradicted yourself.
And we are using discipline in schools to enforce our morals?

I think you may have just contradicted yourself.
No not at all. You don't get to put words in anyone's mouth. Discipline is discipline, that is a common societal norm that is needed in a functioning socierty. Pushing your ****ed up liberal beliefs on young minds on the other hand is not.
I'd say over 75% of the new restaurants in this area are Mexican.
I’ve heard a lot of that is money laundering by cartels. No idea if it’s true but a drug task force guy I know said it especially in small towns
I’ve heard a lot of that is money laundering by cartels. No idea if it’s true but a drug task force guy I know said it especially in small towns
Oh yeah, we have tons of those plus Mexican food trucks everywhere.

I mean think about it. All those drugs sold in those small towns has to grt money into the big bosses hands somehow
Oh great. Well it's no secret there's tons of drugs around.
I’ve heard a lot of that is money laundering by cartels. No idea if it’s true but a drug task force guy I know said it especially in small towns
He’s not wrong- also Mexican owned businesses are susceptible to “plata o plomo” offers. Plata o ploma is “silver or lead” meaning you can take the money we are offering or the alternative. If the cartels find out who a business owner is and who his family are in Mexico they make threats to kill their family members in Mexico. Legit Mexican Americans can get sucked into this stuff.

The biggest threat right now are the Chinese money launderers. They are laundering money for the cartels in some cases for free. These cases are really hard to investigate and are often woven into large scale gift card and credit card scams run by the Chinese criminal orgs.

The three letter agencies best positioned to investigate these crimes are strangely IRS and secret service.
No not at all. You don't get to put words in anyone's mouth. Discipline is discipline, that is a common societal norm that is needed in a functioning socierty. Pushing your ****ed up liberal beliefs on young minds on the other hand is not.

First of all, I didn't put words in your mouth. I asked you questions, and you responded. Discipline is the enforcement of rules. In this case, social rules. Discipline is not just discipline. You don't punish someone for no reason, you punish them for breaking the rules. In this case, I presume we are talking about discipline for bad behavior in schools, i.e. accountability for ones behavior and respect for others.

Second of all, I don't have liberal beliefs. I specifically said schools should teach hard work, accountability, and self reliance. I would happily add respect for others to that list. Which of those do you perceive as "liberal".

And third, there's no need for profanity. Maybe you should calm down.
Oh also the idea of cheap Mexican labor is looonnnggg gone. These guys are demanding a premium. Which I suppose is how a free market works but, they arent subject to the same financial scrunity so it’s not a level playing field. Their tax situation is murky at best. Have you ever heard of them getting audited. lol hell no. The irs sees a Hispanic name and says this will be an abortion, let’s go after Fred smith, much easier. I know of a guy who was making $40k a year some years back. He ran crews. Well because of insurance requirements it was no longer feasible to have the crews in house so they all had to go under him and he had to pay them. His next year return showed over $800k. So he went from 40k to 800k and 10 years later the irs never even sniffed around.
It’s not like they are that much better at certain trades, they are unreliable at best, they are just willing to somewhat do it. If Americans would wake up and see how much money there was in these trades I would love to think they would take them back over. But that’s yet to play out.

All that said they are carrying the construction labor force so all in all they are getting the job done. And I know I sound negative, but some of them are phenomenal and some have become as American and apple pie. I just can’t get behind anyone whose first act in this country is illegal and someone who doesn’t have to play by the same rules as the rest of us. If anyone comes legally and plays by the rules and assimilates bring it on

Dawgs ... are these Hispanic workers legit employees paying taxes, social security, etc.?