Conspiracy theorys, where do you stand?

Sir, two kids in school since 2002-present, three immediate family members that teach in public schools until this year and no evidence of this. They have not seen it. They taught in both Illinois and Arizona. Nice schools and rougher schools.

I asked. I wanted to know. Like I said in a previous post one sub said some weird stuff along those lines to kids but got immediately canned by a low income minority school district.

Do you think I’m trying to keep some secret for teachers? Why would I do that? I’m telling you it must not be as widespread as you think.

Sir, someone is selling you a bill of goods.
Well I'm glad your "experience" with public schools was positive. That is not the case for many who choose to see the very real f'd up things going on in the schools.
And no I could not care less about anything you feel you are hiding. You've proved what and who you are in terms of this issue. I'm sure in other aspects we would probably get along, but on this I will just say you are completely wrong. And none "sold" me anything.. I have seen it first hand and have had to deal with it first hand.
Agree with this. Both my wife and I went to very average public schools. We are about to comfortably retire after a lot of years working. My two kids graduated from a decent public school that I have PLENTY of criticisms of but I also see most of the teachers absolutely doing their best for the kids. Never saw any of the nonsense claimed by some. Last one graduated in 2020 so it wasn’t all that long ago. She is currently going to grad school, paying for it herself with no loan and working two side jobs. I guess all the communism and socialism at her public school and public university didn’t take, lol

I hate all the criticism of school teachers. Being a teacher looks easy from the outside. What I learned from my other daughter and her husband is that the hours are long. The stress is real. The pay wasn’t what they were there for, it was doing some good in the world. It was’t worth it to them. I learned my lesson though and I’ll be damned if I’m going to criticize those people in the trenches doing what they do every day.

In the end, teachers want to do good in the world but it’s just a job. What the hell are we going to do when we make jobs like teaching and police work not only a target of the crazies but also have the normal public demonizing it? It’s already too hard to get good people to take these jobs.
Bingo. Making a grenade-throwing comment that schools are teaching / indoctrinating kids to be "commies" has NO basis in fact. It's just that - a grenade-throwing wild comment that makes such declarers feel better / superior to others.

Your point about many in the general public attacking teachers, police, doctors & other medical personnel, scientists, etc. making those careers unpopular - is spot-on. Seems many these days seem to think they're smarter than the real experts in various fields. Loud, barking voices tearing others down, making fun of them, ridiculing their every move, evidently is the popular "Christian" sport these days. Maybe those self-aggrandizing "experts" should step forward and we'll see how "expert" they really are. Possibly give them some tests in those fields - see if they pass with flying colors.

BTW - today, I'm "declaring" that the sky is green, not blue ........ and anyone who thinks otherwise is an idiot. "Everyone" knows this. Sound familiar???????

I agree with your points Westwind. They used to call it "throwing out the baby with the bathwater" when broad-based, baseless comments were made in past years.
Bingo. Making a grenade-throwing comment that schools are teaching / indoctrinating kids to be "commies" has NO basis in fact. It's just that - a grenade-throwing wild comment that makes such declarers feel better / superior to others.

Your point about many in the general public attacking teachers, police, doctors & other medical personnel, scientists, etc. making those careers unpopular - is spot-on. Seems many these days seem to think they're smarter than the real experts in various fields. Loud, barking voices tearing others down, making fun of them, ridiculing their every move, evidently is the popular "Christian" sport these days. Maybe those self-aggrandizing "experts" should step forward and we'll see how "expert" they really are. Possibly give them some tests in those fields - see if they pass with flying colors.

BTW - today, I'm "declaring" that the sky is green, not blue ........ and anyone who thinks otherwise is an idiot. "Everyone" knows this. Sound familiar???????

I agree with your points Westwind. They used to call it "throwing out the baby with the bathwater" when broad-based, baseless comments were made in past years.
Wrong on so many levels I don't even have the time or energy to address them all
All I will say is I kinda want to live in the world you 2 do....
Quoted from a post today- it made me think of this thread:

Increasingly it feels like the only way to think about algorithmic media is that it’s a game normal people don’t even know they’re playing
Thing is Natty, liberalism as it is today is communism/socialism at its roots. We are lucky enough to live in a very conservative area and the school is really for the most part conservative. BUT most of that list still goes on here. We have a Spanish teacher who punishes the kids if they call HER Mrs. They must call her by her weird pronouns. We have had the stupid kids acting like cats and dogs, my own son was punished because he dared bark back at one of them. We have the common core shit. We even had a teacher preaching to the kids the evils of guns and even worse hunting(IN WISCONSIN).
The list could go on and on including pride week and trans day. My oldest was punished because he chose not to participate in pride week and praise all the pretend gays on school.
But the good, they still say the pledge of allegiance every day. A lot of the teachers are very very good . bad ones are so bad they give all a bad name.

Yes...I agree. I hate all that crap too when I hear about it going on in schools. Since I live in a liberal State and have mostly all liberal friends and family, I will say this...they hate most of it too. They don't want teachers preaching. They can't stand the pronoun stuff. Very few believe that boys should compete against girls. They can't stand the war on Christmas. Much of the stuff that drives you and me crazy, they also find off-putting. And I think maybe the distinction is that these people I am referring to are not really progressive liberals...they are more the old school, patriotic, New Deal, strong national defense democrats. And I think because I am mostly an old fashioned "compassionate conservative" (I am actually more of a libertarian) they don't despise me because I voted for Trump and we find common ground.

And yes, there certainly is some overlap between liberalism and communism....some. Bernie Sanders was a socialist who was obviously very attractive to liberals. I just don't equate the two.
I personally do not have the fear of Russia you do; they are in no way near the country they were thirty years ago. I think there even could be a path to shoring up some of the USA/Russia relationship issues that could benefit both countries as far as trade and could help our farmers with grain trade and could be a blessing to the fur industry...I know I would sure like to see racoons worth something again.

You're not wrong about the Russia of today vs. 30, 40 years ago. I've just been programmed to loathe them. Basic training "Kill a commie for mommy" kind of stuff. They are bad actors. Patton was right...we should have kept going all the way to Moscow in May of 1945.
According to my wife, based on social media, nearly every school teacher hates their job and talks about how hard it is. My opinion is that things are way worse than they used to be. I went to elementary ed in the 80s. My memory is that those women genuinely liked being there and teaching us.

It's true. Teachers are not happy. Moral is low. I am approaching my 30th year of teaching and, as you said, things are way worse than they were when I first began. I would not recommend this profession to a young person considering it.
It's true. Teachers are not happy. Moral is low. I am approaching my 30th year of teaching and, as you said, things are way worse than they were when I first began. I would not recommend this profession to a young person considering it.
That's not what I want to hear. My daughter wants to be a teacher. Do I try to talk her out of it? I would hate to, we need more good teachers and she'd be a good one
Natty, based on what you have posted about your teaching and mentoring projects, you are the real deal as a teacher. The wood framing stuff you do is very cool stuff which I am sure can create skills and real life opportunities for the kids after they graduate.

I don't put a group label on the items I listed, as they are examples of the Gov't forcing policies onto institutions such as schools. Yes, that is type Socialism ... taking control from the individual and placing it in the Gov't. The items listed are examples of indoctrination of kids versus education. They inhibit teachers and administrators as they put an emphasis on social & cultural engineering.

As I said, not singling anyone person out, but the above items are real and many have been made into, or attempted, into policy. I would suggest they are the "frog in boiling water" theory ... where people don't see the threat as it occurs over time, or they just become accepted because not everyone is willing to push back.

Sometimes you can be so deep in the forest it's hard to see the trees ... sorry, had to get a Habitat metaphor in there 😁

For sure Tree Spud. I don't disagree with anything you said. And thanks for your kind words.
That's not what I want to hear. My daughter wants to be a teacher. Do I try to talk her out of it? I would hate to, we need more good teachers and she'd be a good one

Tough one. We do need good teachers. And I do see good, young teachers entering the profession. They tend to get disillusioned, jaded, and burnt out fairly quickly. So I question the staying power as a career? Can a young person enter the profession and do 30 years? That's becoming tougher.
Tough one. We do need good teachers. And I do see good, young teachers entering the profession. They tend to get disillusioned, jaded, and burnt out fairly quickly. So I question the staying power as a career? Can a young person enter the profession and do 30 years? That's becoming tougher.
What’s the average longevity of a teacher now? My wife’s PhD was on something like that. It’s super short, I think like 2-3 years
What’s the average longevity of a teacher now? My wife’s PhD was on something like that. It’s super short, I think like 2-3 years

Boy, I'm not sure. We've got a few young teachers in our building that I am close with...they are on like year 12 or something. They both came in enthusiastic, eager, going to save every kid. Now, they both apply for jobs outside of education every spring and summer. It's only a matter of time before they move on. Both are outstanding human beings and teachers.

We also invariably get teachers entering the profession in their late 30's and 40's who come out of previous careers. They tend to not last very long at all. LOL. Had a woman English teacher who got a job in my building last Sept. who had a prior career in business. She didn't make it through the end of October and she was gone.
What’s the average longevity of a teacher now? My wife’s PhD was on something like that. It’s super short, I think like 2-3 years
I've read it's 5 years on the average for new teachers. I have a niece that's in her 2nd year teaching 5th grade math. I worry about her future.
His wife was a huge liberal. She posted all kinds of liberal talking points on social media. He was probably trying to blow himself up to get away from that whacko
How do you know he won't?
I like my odds. If you held a gun a to my head and said is he on that list, you better believe I’d flinch if I said no

Now maybe I will be shocked and pleasantly surprised and he releases the list and everyone goes down in a blaze of fire. But i couldn’t be more shocked if i woke up with my head sewn to the carpet.
And Trump won’t release the list either…tells anyone who is pay attention the true story
I don't know if he will or not but I do know that both Trump Jr and Elon have been consistently bringing it up.