Conspiracy theorys, where do you stand?

My wife and I both went to public schools, and we never had any kind of "sit on your butt and live off others" ideology taught to us. It was just the opposite - study hard, learn a skill / profession, support yourselves and your families, and be a benefit to society. Just because some accuse "commie indoctrination" for political benefit - doesn't make it true. Our sons never had any of that supposed BS "commie-sh##" to them either. They both finished public schools, went to college, and work every day, in good careers. So --- for those who spout crap --- let's stop with broad-based, fact-devoid BS to make themselves feel better. I agree with what Natty is saying here. Schools play an important role ...... sometimes - sadly - maybe the only structured role in some kids lives.
Agree with this. Both my wife and I went to very average public schools. We are about to comfortably retire after a lot of years working. My two kids graduated from a decent public school that I have PLENTY of criticisms of but I also see most of the teachers absolutely doing their best for the kids. Never saw any of the nonsense claimed by some. Last one graduated in 2020 so it wasn’t all that long ago. She is currently going to grad school, paying for it herself with no loan and working two side jobs. I guess all the communism and socialism at her public school and public university didn’t take, lol

I hate all the criticism of school teachers. Being a teacher looks easy from the outside. What I learned from my other daughter and her husband is that the hours are long. The stress is real. The pay wasn’t what they were there for, it was doing some good in the world. It was’t worth it to them. I learned my lesson though and I’ll be damned if I’m going to criticize those people in the trenches doing what they do every day.

In the end, teachers want to do good in the world but it’s just a job. What the hell are we going to do when we make jobs like teaching and police work not only a target of the crazies but also have the normal public demonizing it? It’s already too hard to get good people to take these jobs.
My wife taught for 12 years in public schools. Has a phd in education. She quit. Can’t take the parents. And the kids take on the persona of the parents and they are now shitheads too.
According to my wife, based on social media, nearly every school teacher hates their job and talks about how hard it is. My opinion is that things are way worse than they used to be. I went to elementary ed in the 80s. My memory is that those women genuinely liked being there and teaching us.
They aren’t lying man. And Illinois politicians keep acting like it’s the pay. It ain’t. It’s the lack of support from administration. You don’t go into teaching to get rich.
They aren’t lying man. And Illinois politicians keep acting like it’s the pay. It ain’t. It’s the lack of support from administration.
Yep. And the rules. Too many rules on what they can and can't teach. No autonomy over their classrooms.
My desk and workspace is messy in my classroom. Know why? Because I'm busy teaching and having a tidy desk is not even on my radar. I don't wear jeans and polo's to work but it's promoted. We donate $20 to charity and can dress down every day.

PA is pretty liberal and I've taught in 2 districts and over the past 20 years. Neither district promoted all the boogeymen in this thread. You might find a random teacher who does but not the overall staff.
Early reports are that the New Orleans terrorist may have crossed the democrats' open border just two days ago.
You left out litter boxes in the bathrooms.

Since your friend the school administrator no longer has the impediment of the teachers union, can you check back with him and let us know all the actions he has taken to solve the problems with loser parents, discipline problems, how he increased test scores, got kids ready for the trades and created opportunities for kids that want to go to college? Or has another unseen Barrier sprung up that can’t be solved while he drinks lattes and plans his next vacation? Because this dude sounds like he was feeding you good old Excuse #3 Of Why I Was Not An Effective Administrator. Be prepared for “So We Don’t Get Sued and Because The Department Of Education Keeps Me From Not Sucking At My Job.

And I forgot tampons in the boys bathrooms also 😉
Early reports are that the New Orleans terrorist may have crossed the democrats' open border just two days ago.
Former army soldier born in Texas. Religion of peace
Are they saying where he is from?

I’m reading up on Kazakhstan and Isis-K in preparation.
Former army soldier born in Texas. Religion of peace
There are checkpoints on border area roads and there are ports of entry at the border.

Press usually confuses them.

Either way, we are about to never have to worry about open borders again in our lifetime. Democrats will shoulder this one. It’s on them.
The suspect's name has been reported as 42-year-old Shamsud Din Jabbar.
Here you go. She lays it all out. They are here and just waiting
Appreciate your thoughts Tree Spud. I might be naive. I've considered that before.

Are you equating LIBERALISM and COMMUNISM? Your list sounds like a bunch of liberal bullets, not necessarily communist manifesto kind of stuff. I don't think any of that went on in East Germany in the 4 decades after WWII. Regardless, I loathe 95% of your bullets. And it certainly happens...maybe more so in colleges and universities. But almost none of that is happening in my very liberal public high school. Again, I'm not saying it isn't happening anywhere. Not saying our schools are sacred. Not saying they couldn't use some overhaul. I just don't think they are the communistic gulags you and Bill and are making them out to be. So yes...I could be naive. But I'm a conservative...I've been teaching for 28 a very liberal Massachusetts...and I just don't see it to the extent that some think it's happening.

Natty, based on what you have posted about your teaching and mentoring projects, you are the real deal as a teacher. The wood framing stuff you do is very cool stuff which I am sure can create skills and real life opportunities for the kids after they graduate.

I don't put a group label on the items I listed, as they are examples of the Gov't forcing policies onto institutions such as schools. Yes, that is type Socialism ... taking control from the individual and placing it in the Gov't. The items listed are examples of indoctrination of kids versus education. They inhibit teachers and administrators as they put an emphasis on social & cultural engineering.

As I said, not singling anyone person out, but the above items are real and many have been made into, or attempted, into policy. I would suggest they are the "frog in boiling water" theory ... where people don't see the threat as it occurs over time, or they just become accepted because not everyone is willing to push back.

Sometimes you can be so deep in the forest it's hard to see the trees ... sorry, had to get a Habitat metaphor in there 😁
Agree with this. Both my wife and I went to very average public schools. We are about to comfortably retire after a lot of years working. My two kids graduated from a decent public school that I have PLENTY of criticisms of but I also see most of the teachers absolutely doing their best for the kids. Never saw any of the nonsense claimed by some. Last one graduated in 2020 so it wasn’t all that long ago. She is currently going to grad school, paying for it herself with no loan and working two side jobs. I guess all the communism and socialism at her public school and public university didn’t take, lol

I hate all the criticism of school teachers. Being a teacher looks easy from the outside. What I learned from my other daughter and her husband is that the hours are long. The stress is real. The pay wasn’t what they were there for, it was doing some good in the world. It was’t worth it to them. I learned my lesson though and I’ll be damned if I’m going to criticize those people in the trenches doing what they do every day.

In the end, teachers want to do good in the world but it’s just a job. What the hell are we going to do when we make jobs like teaching and police work not only a target of the crazies but also have the normal public demonizing it? It’s already too hard to get good people to take these jobs.
So you went to school in what? The 60s, 70s ? I went to school in the 70s and 80s, guess what...I dont remember seeing anything like this then either. It didn't happen then so it couldn't be now? You don't want to see it so anyone that has or is seeing it in your book is nothing but a conspiracy theorist nut job.
The reason a lot of teachers are criticized is simple.. because a lot of teachers deserve to be criticized (notice I did not say all). All you have to do is look around and see it. All these activist teachers pushing the trans agenda, the lgbtquarlanhdmanejd+ agenda, the climate change farce, how many would you like me to list?.
It's simple, if you are afraid or unwilling to see it doesn't mean it's not happening.
So you went to school in what? The 60s, 70s ? I went to school in the 70s and 80s, guess what...I dont remember seeing anything like this then either. It didn't happen then so it couldn't be now? You don't want to see it so anyone that has or is seeing it in your book is nothing but a conspiracy theorist nut job.
The reason a lot of teachers are criticized is simple.. because a lot of teachers deserve to be criticized (notice I did not say all). All you have to do is look around and see it. All these activist teachers pushing the trans agenda, the lgbtquarlanhdmanejd+ agenda, the climate change farce, how many would you like me to list?.
It's simple, if you are afraid or unwilling to see it doesn't mean it's not happening.

It's not nearly as widespread as you are claiming/implying.
It's not nearly as widespread as you are claiming/implying.
I'm not implying any level, just that there is a lot of it going on, and any normal minded American would say even 1 instance of it is way to much.
So you went to school in what? The 60s, 70s ? I went to school in the 70s and 80s, guess what...I dont remember seeing anything like this then either. It didn't happen then so it couldn't be now? You don't want to see it so anyone that has or is seeing it in your book is nothing but a conspiracy theorist nut job.
The reason a lot of teachers are criticized is simple.. because a lot of teachers deserve to be criticized (notice I did not say all). All you have to do is look around and see it. All these activist teachers pushing the trans agenda, the lgbtquarlanhdmanejd+ agenda, the climate change farce, how many would you like me to list?.
It's simple, if you are afraid or unwilling to see it doesn't mean it's not happening.
I had kids in public school from 2002-2020 and public colleges from 2016-present.
All these activist teachers pushing the trans agenda, the lgbtquarlanhdmanejd+ agenda, the climate change farce, how many would you like me to list?.
Sir, two kids in school since 2002-present, three immediate family members that teach in public schools until this year and no evidence of this. They have not seen it. They taught in both Illinois and Arizona. Nice schools and rougher schools.

I asked. I wanted to know. Like I said in a previous post one sub said some weird stuff along those lines to kids but got immediately canned by a low income minority school district.

Do you think I’m trying to keep some secret for teachers? Why would I do that? I’m telling you it must not be as widespread as you think.

Sir, someone is selling you a bill of goods.