Conspiracy theorys, where do you stand?

That's where I'd disagree. Teachers should teach reading, writing and arithmetic. Throw in some science.and that's it. Keep your personal beliefs at home and away from the kids. The rest is for the parents to teach.

What about the kids whose parents don't know anything about personal finance? What about kids who don't have both parents? Do they just deserve to be disadvantaged?

Financial stability is not a personal belief. It's a necessary part of a stable and peaceful household. Stable, peaceful households are good for individuals, good for society, and good for the country.

Keep religion, politics, gender theory, etc. out of schools. But personal finance, basic home and auto repair, health and nutrition, and other essential life skills should definitely be taught to every child in America.
That's not just in IT. Most of the incoming generations are utterly useless. Only want to do the bare minimum while getting paid way to much. Most have no idea how to go the extra mile or even what that means. I agree it is poor parenting.

So the kids are useless because of bad parenting, but the schools have no business teaching kids about hard work and personal finance? How is that supposed to work?
So the kids are useless because of bad parenting, but the schools have no business teaching kids about hard work and personal finance? How is that supposed to work?
Exactly. It doesn't. Parents should get a clue and stop leaving it up to the public schools to teach what the parents should be. I'm no financial wizard, nor is my wife,but we take time to teach what we know and guide as much as possible. It's our responsibility and we take it seriously. It's also the reason why our kids are the ones everyone wants to hire, because they are hard working, respectful and give a shit. No school taught them that, we did.
What about the kids whose parents don't know anything about personal finance? What about kids who don't have both parents? Do they just deserve to be disadvantaged?

Financial stability is not a personal belief. It's a necessary part of a stable and peaceful household. Stable, peaceful households are good for individuals, good for society, and good for the country.

Keep religion, politics, gender theory, etc. out of schools. But personal finance, basic home and auto repair, health and nutrition, and other essential life skills should definitely be taught to every child in America.
Not my problem if you can't teach your kids. Tech , yes I agree that should be taught. There already is shop classes to teach trades, no reason at all to think the schools should teach every basic aspect of life. That's the parent responsibility. That ass backwards thinking is part of what got us to here as a society.
Here is what I say. It is absolutely childish to keep saying “but the other side did this”. Why? Because that whole deal is a way for politicians and their vermin consultants to keep us fighting with each other and keep the money flowing. Think about it- every time someone gets really pissed, they send a check to their guy or gal in Washington.

We deserve 1) A government that works. I want a national weather service. I want a post office. I want DEA chasing cartel dudes. I want my soil and water conservation agency. I want a CIA being our eyes and ears on the world stage. I want an FBI chasing bad guys, doing counter terrorism and counter intel. I want the FDIC law enforcement branch to investigate banks (even local small banks) who are not keeping my money safe. I want a Department Of Energy taking care of our nukes, nuclear material and keeping a steely eye on foreign nukes. I think is silly to think we destroy everything to rebuild it. It’s too important to destroy, even temporarily.

2) I say that government needs to be improved. It can be done and maybe, just maybe we are on the road toward that. Keeping us divided is how the status quo is kept.

I recently heard it said that the largest organization in the world except for possibly the Catholic Church, is the U.S. government. That shocked me. In an organization that large, there will be good and there will be bad. Pretty big ship to steer. I personally like it that the United States doesn’t ride the bus, it drives it. I don’t want that to change.
As for federal government being improved / more efficient at spending our tax dollars - - - Al Gore did that to some extent / tried to do that more when he was VP. He pointed out the fact that the U.S. government was paying $1200 for a hammer that any of us could buy at the local hardware for $30 - same exact brand of hammer. And $200 or so for ashtrays!!! But I'm old enough to remember that he was ridiculed by business-friendly Republicans for his efforts. Licking the boots of businesses that have highly-paid lobbyists to keep the money train rolling their way, costs all of us $$$$$$$$$$$ billions.

Here's a thought - if either side does the public a good service (like eliminating such frivolous spending of our tax dollars) - how about we don't bad-mouth them???

Your point about both sides fighting each other, name-calling, pointing fingers ...... is well stated. I agree 100%. The more "we" - both sides of us avg., non-billionaire Americans - occupy ourselves bickering ..... the more we don't get what WE need and want for our country's future. Billionaires don't give a rat's azz if our lives / families' & kids' lives improve. Just watch. Ask yourselves why the billionaire class has underground bunkers scattered around the world stocked with champagne & 5-star goodies to last 5+ years. They can see us "peons" coming after them - from both sides of the political aisle.

Westwind - you hit the nail on the head. Why are we fighting with each other ....... as avg. Americans??? The real enemies of "us" avg. working Americans, sit their fat azzes on solid gold sh###ers. They laugh at "us" while they sip single-malt scotches valued in the thousands of dollars per bottle. We are their cartoon entertainment.
Not my problem if you can't teach your kids. Tech , yes I agree that should be taught. There already is shop classes to teach trades, no reason at all to think the schools should teach every basic aspect of life. That's the parent responsibility. That ass backwards thinking is part of what got us to here as a society.

But a lot of kids come from broken homes, and are left with single parents just trying to survive. It’s a terrible situation for raising kids, but it’s the reality. How is the school teaching personal finance to a country of people that are in a bunch of debt and horrible with money less important than their literature or foreign language class?

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Not my problem if you can't teach your kids.

I think that's a really poor attitude to have towards children. A lot of children are born to really shitty parents. They should not be penalized for that.

Half of all people on Earth are of below average intelligence. Some children are born to foreign parents who come from different cultures and don't understand our culture or how our systems work.

The basis of American culture is protestant work ethic, self reliance, and accountability. This is what makes America exceptional. I believe in American exceptionalism and high standards for all children. I don't think your opportunities in life should be dictated by who you were lucky (or unlucky) enough to be born to.
But a lot of kids come from broken homes, and are left with single parents just trying to survive. It’s a terrible situation for raising kids, but it’s the reality. How is the school teaching personal finance to a country of people that are in a bunch of debt and horrible with money less important than their literature or foreign language class

Not my problem. And yes, it is a lot less important than teaching the basics. And I agree with the foreign language. It should be an elective to take sure but nowadays you have to take Spanish at least in our schools. And that drives me crazy
I think that's a really poor attitude to have towards children. A lot of children are born to really shitty parents. They should not be penalized for that.

Half of all people on Earth are of below average intelligence. Some children are born to foreign parents who come from different cultures and don't understand our culture or how our systems work.

The basis of American culture is protestant work ethic, self reliance, and accountability. This is what makes America exceptional. I believe in American exceptionalism and high standards for all children. I don't think your opportunities in life should be dictated by who you were lucky (or unlucky) enough to be born to.
So the basis of American society is self-reliance and accountability but not when it comes to bad parenting? That's a little backwards don't you think?
So the basis of American society is self-reliance and accountability but not when it comes to bad parenting? That's a little backwards don't you think?
Bottom line is this. I don't want any teachers telling my kids how they should think how they should act what they should do with their money. That's my job as a parent to do. What other parents do is their problem, not mine and just because they decide they want to leave raising their children completely up to the schools doesn't make it right. It's wrong on every level and it's the reason society is as f***** up as it is
And keeping with the spirit of the overall thread, the conspiracy as I see it is public schools are nothing more than socialist communist indoctrination camps if you're a bad enough parent to allow it
Bottom line is this. I don't want any teachers telling my kids how they should think how they should act what they should do with their money. That's my job as a parent to do. What other parents do is their problem, not mine and just because they decide they want to leave raising their children completely up to the schools doesn't make it right. It's wrong on every level and it's the reason society is as f***** up as it is

I'll agree with keeping religion and some other "isms" out of the classroom.
I see no problem with a teacher helping a student learn coping skills and teaching financial skills.
Not all parents have the knowledge or skills to teach their kids some of the skills learned in school.

I suppose that home schooling would be an option if you don't want the school system to teach your kids some of these skills.
Reply dump! Started the first one yesterday. Got a house full and got busy yesterday.
If Americans arent doing it what jobs are we doing? We have to be doing something. I would think engineering is a pretty decent field to be in. 6 figure career. Why wouldn’t Americans do that?
Parents are too busy smoking legal weed, laying around the house watching t.v and figuring out who they are going to sleep with next. They are too busy finding ways not to work to pay 5 minutes attention to their kids schooling. School administrators not backing teachers on any discipline issue and teachers aren’t teaching they are dealing with discipline nonsense all day instead of teaching. Ask any public school teacher what the problem is, its the administrators cashing their checks, drinking latte and convincing the public that there aren’t problems at the school.

Meanwhile, Chinese students lining up to get into the library door in the morning waiting for it to open. Here is the good news. I have an online friend who is an engineering professor. He is one of the most delightfully crotchety people I know. A true contrarian. He told me that no students are as proficient with the math and computations as his Chinese students but Americans make better engineers because engineering is mostly problem solving and American students have better imagination, are better problem solvers and make better engineers. Hell yeah!
Given that most teachers can make as much or more money in other careers, and the added safety fears from school-shootings, it is likely some of the best/brightest teachers will exit; many of whom are likely to be those who are most instrumental in preparing students for careers in stem-related fields. One might ask who cares, a portion of Americans don't trust science anyway; especially with regard to topics like climate change or the benefits of medical science.
My daughter and son in law were both born to teach. Both taught in both underprivileged school districts in a lefty state and well off school districts in a red state. Neither are teaching anymore and will not go back. Why? Well….. the parents and gangs and the students and parents fighting inside and outside the school in in the underprivileged school and the resulting fear for her safety did figure in but in BOTH schools it was the scumbag, buck passing administration who wouldn’t deal with disciplinary problems or problem parents. They made decent money. They had benefits and a retirement. They could have a nice life teaching but it wasn’t any of that that ran them out of the profession. It was lack of administrative support in the post covid melee. It was a time when schools admin needed to step up and prove why they were making the big money and they failed over and over.
Public schools should focus more on teaching kids’ tech skills, real world skills, how to budget money, the importance of a 401K, how to live within their means, how compound interest works, how to think for themselves...instead of bias woke agendas, transgender crap, CRT, socialism and any other "ism" that will not help them succeed in the real world.
I agree 10000% about teaching about money and retirement!!! This is a gift to any person who has an adult take the time to teach it. A TRUE gift!

Now the second part…. I asked my daughter about that, especially when she taught in the underprivileged school in a lefty state. She was fresh out of a teaching university and I am certain she was exposed to some of that. She just laughed. She said, when would I have time to teach that stuff? In between breaking up fights and trying to have time to increase the test scores? I asked if she had ever heard of any of this stuff going on. She said something to the effect of a sub got canned after saying some stuff that could be taken that way but “she was getting it all wrong if thats what she was trying to talk about”.

None of that stuff would fly in the red state they taught in, lol
That's not just in IT. Most of the incoming generations are utterly useless. Only want to do the bare minimum while getting paid way too much. Most have no idea how to go the extra mile or even what that means. I agree it is poor parenting.
This is not a broad brush statement. There are some good ones and typically when you get a good one they are very good. But they are few and far between.
Just watched a story on nightly news about trade programs and how there is a waiting list of young folks trying to get in. Think it was east coast though. Right or wrong they interviewed two kids who had college offers and chose the trades. “Why go into debt when my first year working I’ll have what they owe”. These kids will be owning their own businesses writing their own tickets in short order. Love it.

I am a believer that what drives attracting good people to these programs is the quality of the recruiting and messaging. That may be what needs fixing. I suspect that when you have the son of the son of the son of a union boss doing the recruiting it may be why it isn’t effective. I’m sure it used to be you had to have connections to get these jobs but the mechanics are different now. Adapt or die etc etc.
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Yeah...screw the kids who, though no fault of their own, were born to shit-ass parents, or dumb parents, or uneducated parents, or single parents working 3 jobs, or absent parents, etc. Screw them if they go home from school every day to an empty food in the fridge...nobody to tell them they're proud of them...or they love them...nobody who gives 2 shits about teaching them life skills and soft skills. Not my problem. Sweet Jesus...what an attitude to have about some of the most vulnerable people in our great country.

Few pics from my Timber Frame classroom. I also coach soccer and chaperone our downhill ski club. And while I mostly am an AP Bio and STEM teacher, I do have a thriving Intro to Timber Framing course that I teach, one of only a small handful in the entire country. These kids are awesome! They put their phones away for the full hour and are engaged and committed to the project. It's a little tech. Ed., a little history, a little science, some math, team work, delay of gratification, tool use and care, etc. The only thing missing is socialist communist indoctrination. 😆

Five of the kids in that second photo come from some pretty crappy homes, and are just the kind of kids we're talking about. They have nobody looking out for them. Yes...they vape. Yes...they are not always the most well behaved. But at their core they are decent young people who just need a shot at life. Teach them the liberal arts...math, science, history, English...offer them some electives and trades...and yes, basic finance, life skills, how to keep a check book, open a bank account, and Heaven-forbid...maybe even how to invest in the stock market. I would think any American would see the value of giving as many kids as we can the tools to be successful, productive members of society, and break the cycle of poverty that plagues the US.

I am all about hard work, self reliance, and accountability. I am also about helping those amongst us who are less fortunate...especially kids.

Yeah...screw the kids who, though no fault of their own, were born to shit-ass parents, or dumb parents, or uneducated parents, or single parents working 3 jobs, or absent parents, etc. Screw them if they go home from school every day to an empty food in the fridge...nobody to tell them they're proud of them...or they love them...nobody who gives 2 shits about teaching them life skills and soft skills. Not my problem. Sweet Jesus...what an attitude to have about some of the most vulnerable people in our great country.

Few pics from my Timber Frame classroom. I also coach soccer and chaperone our downhill ski club. And while I mostly am an AP Bio and STEM teacher, I do have a thriving Intro to Timber Framing course that I teach, one of only a small handful in the entire country. These kids are awesome! They put their phones away for the full hour and are engaged and committed to the project. It's a little tech. Ed., a little history, a little science, some math, team work, delay of gratification, tool use and care, etc. The only thing missing is socialist communist indoctrination. 😆

Five of the kids in that second photo come from some pretty crappy homes, and are just the kind of kids we're talking about. They have nobody looking out for them. Yes...they vape. Yes...they are not always the most well behaved. But at their core they are decent young people who just need a shot at life. Teach them the liberal arts...math, science, history, English...offer them some electives and trades...and yes, basic finance, life skills, how to keep a check book, open a bank account, and Heaven-forbid...maybe even how to invest in the stock market. I would think any American would see the value of giving as many kids as we can the tools to be successful, productive members of society, and break the cycle of poverty that plagues the US.

I am all about hard work, self reliance, and accountability. I am also about helping those amongst us who are less fortunate...especially kids.

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Nowhere did I say screw the kids. Way to embellish, nice job.
What I did say is that yes, it's been shown time and again that public schools are in fact socialist indoctrination camps. Not all teachers buy into it, I know quite a few that don't and natty you don't strike me as 1 that does. But you also know full well that the vast vast majority do and they freely admit it and flaunt it. Not to mention push their f'd up beliefs on the kids you are so worried about
In my opinion, we shouldn't have to waste time for all to cater to a few just because as you put it, they have shot ass parents. It's the parents issue, not mine or my kids or the schools. Period end of story.
Again, it's the we have to cater to everyone and everyone is a winner and is special bs that has messed this country up more than anything else.
it's been shown time and again that public schools are in fact socialist indoctrination camps.
Bill thats the biggest crock of sh!t lie you have ever fell for.

It is, in fact, a conspiracy theory designed to influence people, affect your behavior and cause mistrust in one of our most important institutions.

The Russians, North Koreans, Iranians and Chinese thank you for repeating it. You are serving them well.

And THAT is why I post in this thread about Conspiracy Theories and their corrosiveness to our great country.
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Bill thats the biggest crock of sh!t lie you have ever fell for.

It is, in fact, a conspiracy theory designed to influence people, affect your behavior and cause mistrust in one of our most important institutions.

The Russians, North Koreans, Iranians and Chinese thank you for repeating it. You are serving them well.

And THAT is why I post in this thread about Conspiracy Theories and their corrosiveness to our great country.
Bill thats the biggest crock of sh!t lie you have ever fell for.

It is, in fact, a conspiracy theory designed to influence people, affect your behavior and cause mistrust in one of our most important institutions.

The Russians, North Koreans, Iranians and Chinese thank you for repeating it. You are serving them well.

And THAT is why I post in this thread about Conspiracy Theories and their corrosiveness to our great country.
Just like every other conspiracy theory, that's not a conspiracy theory that you say is a conspiracy theory because You don't want to see it? Lol
Bill if you took some time to understand how foreign actors use the stuff that you repeat to cause Americans to distrust their own institutions and destabilize our country you would understand why I write the things I do.

China and their relationship to our fentanyl crisis is a similar parallel. Fentanyl is the #1 killer of 18-24 year olds. Nothing is bigger. Not car crashes, not cancer not guns. It has killed more Americans than every war combined for the last 100 years.

The CCP partnered with the Mexican cartels for the influx of dollars. BUT, what became more valuable to them than the dollars was the destabilizing effect it had on our society. Thats what we don’t understand well enough! Conspiracy theories destabilize our country and we are helping them do it. And the CCP values that more than pallets of money coming into their pathetic, down sliding economy.

We are playing a short game. Russia and China are playing a long game. We need to wise up to that. We also need to wise up to the fact that foreign entities have influence here and are getting Americans to spread this crap and we keep buying it.