Yeah...screw the kids who, though no fault of their own, were born to shit-ass parents, or dumb parents, or uneducated parents, or single parents working 3 jobs, or absent parents, etc. Screw them if they go home from school every day to an empty food in the fridge...nobody to tell them they're proud of them...or they love them...nobody who gives 2 shits about teaching them life skills and soft skills. Not my problem. Sweet Jesus...what an attitude to have about some of the most vulnerable people in our great country.
Few pics from my Timber Frame classroom. I also coach soccer and chaperone our downhill ski club. And while I mostly am an AP Bio and STEM teacher, I do have a thriving Intro to Timber Framing course that I teach, one of only a small handful in the entire country. These kids are awesome! They put their phones away for the full hour and are engaged and committed to the project. It's a little tech. Ed., a little history, a little science, some math, team work, delay of gratification, tool use and care, etc. The only thing missing is socialist communist indoctrination.
Five of the kids in that second photo come from some pretty crappy homes, and are just the kind of kids we're talking about. They have nobody looking out for them. Yes...they vape. Yes...they are not always the most well behaved. But at their core they are decent young people who just need a shot at life. Teach them the liberal arts...math, science, history, English...offer them some electives and trades...and yes, basic finance, life skills, how to keep a check book, open a bank account, and Heaven-forbid...maybe even how to invest in the stock market. I would think any American would see the value of giving as many kids as we can the tools to be successful, productive members of society, and break the cycle of poverty that plagues the US.
I am all about hard work, self reliance, and accountability. I am also about helping those amongst us who are less fortunate...especially kids.
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