Conspiracy theorys, where do you stand?

The foreign born parent, pregnant mother, makes it to the U.S. has the child born here and the child is now a U.S. citizen

That's certainly a policy that needs to change. I can't tell you how many Chinese I've seen at airports around the US who have US passports but don't speak a work of English.

However, the problem is still not H1B visas.
If you read that article it’s largely Indian based companies with us locations, hiring Indians at a significantly less wage than comparable American worker.

They have to hire foreigners. There are tens of thousands of posted jobs but only dozens of Americans available to fill those jobs. I'd rather have the sector within our borders than outside it. I don't care if they are Indians. This country was founded on immigration and will continue to survive because of immigration. Having software engineers inside the US is good for our country. After one generation, their kids talk like us, dress like us, and for the most part think like us. I went to school with some of these kids, and they were generally great people.

American kids just aren't that interested in STEM careers. We can either hire foreigners to do the jobs in the US, or we can lose the jobs to other countries.
I honestly don’t know if that is factual or not. If Americans arent doing it what jobs are we doing? We have to be doing something. I would think engineering is a pretty decent field to be in. 6 figure career. Why wouldn’t Americans do that?

While I don’t think h-1b is THE problem it is A problem. And for me it’s part of the larger issue I have. I don’t trust the incoming administration. I want to, I voted for them, but I have a sneaky suspicion it’s a lot of smoke and mirrors or bait and switch. Political promises followed by action that doesn’t support the mandate people voted for. It’s compounded when you have people within the administration shutting down opposition by claiming racism. That’s the exact playbook of the side we supposedly voted to remove. So here we are, more of the same just a different colored shit stain on the toilet paper.
I will put my simplistic spin of this.

As far as immigrants assimilating into American culture within a generation or two, IMO that is 90% correct. The Italians did, the Irish did, the Polish did, the Jewish did, Chinese/Asians have, immigrants from India have, Mexicans have, Marshallese have…we have small numbers of all those cultures even here in my little corner of the world that have assimilated just fine into the schools and communities.
The only group that I have seen that resists fitting into our culture are many from the ME that are Muslim. They seem to not want to assimilate as much.

I also agree that immigrants from other cultures are a good thing as far as new perspectives and fresh outlooks.
Now illegal immigration is a whole different cat…sneaking into the country is just wrong on every level and should not be tolerated at all.
Immigrating into our country is a privilege and should be treated as such, passing a few basic standards is not a big ask.

Do they possess any type of a skill that will benefit our country?

Do they have a criminal record?

Can they financially support themselves?

Are they healthy?

To come in and expect free handouts and to be an instant burden on our society is just stupid and wrong. And to come into our country and commit crimes should be a fast-track deportation. We don’t need any of that we have enough of our own idiots and parasites here.
While campaigning in 2016, Mr. Trump spoke out against the H-1B program, calling it “very bad for workers” and stating that “we should end it.”

I guess teaming up with an Indian billionaire and the worlds richest man who staffed up with cheap h-1b labor changed Trump$ mind.

Another strong move right out the gate-
“Speaker Mike Johnson is a good, hard working, religious man. He will do the right thing, and we will continue to WIN. Mike has my Complete & Total Endorsement. MAGA!”

Endorsing the guy who allowed the dems to repeatedly go in without lube, expanding the deficit with wasteful bs tells me…nothing will actually change.

My conspiracy theory, all politicians are the same and the one we elected is no different.
While campaigning in 2016, Mr. Trump spoke out against the H-1B program, calling it “very bad for workers” and stating that “we should end it.”

I guess teaming up with an Indian billionaire and the worlds richest man who staffed up with cheap h-1b labor changed Trump$ mind.

Another strong move right out the gate-
“Speaker Mike Johnson is a good, hard working, religious man. He will do the right thing, and we will continue to WIN. Mike has my Complete & Total Endorsement. MAGA!”

Endorsing the guy who allowed the dems to repeatedly go in without lube, expanding the deficit with wasteful bs tells me…nothing will actually change.

My conspiracy theory, all politicians are the same and the one we elected is no different.
While I generally agree, I said I would have an open mind and give Trump a chance to win me over so I'll wait at least a few months before passing judgement. However, I don't think he's off to a great start.
Telemark said ... "That's just not how it works. American kids aren't even getting degrees in those fields. With the Boomers retiring, we need immigrants to fill in the gaps where younger generations of Americans are lacking."

Here's what one study says adults think, another investigates what students say and a third explores problems for the future.

Given that most teachers can make as much or more money in other careers, and the added safety fears from school-shootings, it is likely some of the best/brightest teachers will exit; many of whom are likely to be those who are most instrumental in preparing students for careers in stem-related fields. One might ask who cares, a portion of Americans don't trust science anyway; especially with regard to topics like climate change or the benefits of medical science.
Public schools should focus more on teaching kids’ tech skills, real world skills, how to budget money, the importance of a 401K, how to live within their means, how compound interest works, how to think for themselves...instead of bias woke agendas, transgender crap, CRT, socialism and any other "ism" that will not help them succeed in the real world.
My wife's company she works for fired all their software engineers and got one from india doing it, probably a quarter to the dollar. Alot of them were from Isreal working remotely. Kinda think they shot their company in the foot. They specialize in data mining and selling it as marketing data. Where companys should invest in, target demograph, etc......

My company cnt get folks in IT and electronics. Group of us will drop like flies in about 8-10 years. Probably takes a good chunk of a decade to teach someone our range of work.

I don't know if this was always like this, but alot of new kid hires are not up to snuff. Knowledge sure is ok, maturity. Focus, wanting to go the extra mile, responsible for the details, etc.... Kinda like poor parenting compounded to today's going rate.........
Public schools should focus more on teaching kids’ tech skills, real world skills, how to budget money, the importance of a 401K, how to live within their means, how compound interest works, how to think for themselves...instead of bias woke agendas, transgender crap, CRT, socialism and any other "ism" that will not help them succeed in the real world.
I was a teacher/football coach for 7 years, got out fortunately (just needed to be my own boss) and started my own small business in the community I grew up in.

I used to teach a real life economics class in which the kids were taught about the stock market, investments, 401k, IRA, mortgages, small business plans, taxes, vehicle loans, checkbooks, expenses, daycare costs… you name it.

I’ve had former students tell me they learned “useful” skills from this and it’s helped them later in life.

It should be a must in every school !
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Granted this was 38 years ago, but my H.S. guidance counselor failed me. I was a math wiz, and owned my own computer before the schools even had one. I was told that only secretaries would be using computers. And that since I was a math wiz I should become an accountant. How exciting?

I bet a lot of students now have no idea what STEM careers are even out there. Unless their parents are in that work.
Granted this was 38 years ago, but my H.S. guidance counselor failed me. I was a math wiz, and owned my own computer before the schools even had one. I was told that only secretaries would be using computers. And that since I was a math wiz I should become an accountant. How exciting?

I bet a lot of students now have no idea what STEM careers are even out there. Unless their parents are in that work.
My kids go to STEM class every 3rd or 4th day. Started in kindergarten. Art, PE, STEM.
My kids go to STEM class every 3rd or 4th day. Started in kindergarten. Art, PE, STEM.
I think when I was in High School .....our guidance councilor wanted 3 of ever 4 of us o be funeral home directors. WTF was that about? I should have been coached to be an engineer....and had many skills in that area. Dumb. I ended up as a sales engineer of sorts.....before doing my own biz with over 25 patents on unique mechanical devices. Dumb bazturds. lol. Many well intended "councilors" do not know chit from shinola. lol
Public schools should focus more on teaching kids’ tech skills, real world skills, how to budget money, the importance of a 401K, how to live within their means, how compound interest works, how to think for themselves...instead of bias woke agendas, transgender crap, CRT, socialism and any other "ism" that will not help them succeed in the real world.
That's where I'd disagree. Teachers should teach reading, writing and arithmetic. Throw in some science.and that's it. Keep your personal beliefs at home and away from the kids. The rest is for the parents to teach.
My wife's company she works for fired all their software engineers and got one from india doing it, probably a quarter to the dollar. Alot of them were from Isreal working remotely. Kinda think they shot their company in the foot. They specialize in data mining and selling it as marketing data. Where companys should invest in, target demograph, etc......

My company cnt get folks in IT and electronics. Group of us will drop like flies in about 8-10 years. Probably takes a good chunk of a decade to teach someone our range of work.

I don't know if this was always like this, but alot of new kid hires are not up to snuff. Knowledge sure is ok, maturity. Focus, wanting to go the extra mile, responsible for the details, etc.... Kinda like poor parenting compounded to today's going rate.........
That's not just in IT. Most of the incoming generations are utterly useless. Only want to do the bare minimum while getting paid way to much. Most have no idea how to go the extra mile or even what that means. I agree it is poor parenting.
This is not a broad brush statement. There are some good ones and typically when you get a good one they are very good. But they are few and far between.
Granted this was 38 years ago, but my H.S. guidance counselor failed me. I was a math wiz, and owned my own computer before the schools even had one. I was told that only secretaries would be using computers. And that since I was a math wiz I should become an accountant. How exciting?

I bet a lot of students now have no idea what STEM careers are even out there. Unless their parents are in that work.
Ooohh the hs guidance counselor... To dumb to teach, to lazy to do a real job so they create a position where the weakest link "guides" the kids.. great plan.
I was a teacher/football coach for 7 years, got out fortunately (just needed to be my own boss) and started my own small business in the community I grew up in.

I used to teach a real life economics class in which the kids were taught about the stock market, investments, 401k, IRA, mortgages, small business plans, taxes, vehicle loans, checkbooks, expenses, daycare costs… you name it.

I’ve had former students tell me they learned “useful” skills from this and it’s helped them later in life.

It should be a must in every school !

Wish I would have had a teacher like you, it would have saved me a painful learning curve. You no doubt changed some lives.
That's where I'd disagree. Teachers should teach reading, writing and arithmetic. Throw in some science.and that's it. Keep your personal beliefs at home and away from the kids. The rest is for the parents to teach.

I’ll disagree with that, without changing with the times/technology students will have trouble competing and surviving in the real world. That is part of what has happened already.
I do agree with curbing teachers’ personal biases in the classroom.
Wish I would have had a teacher like you, it would have saved me a painful learning curve. You no doubt changed some lives.
Well I don’t know about that … but I think it helps . How could something so important /obvious not be in the curriculum!

Note.. I also wish I would have paid more attention to in shop class! I envy the guys that can fix things and build etc…