Conspiracy theorys, where do you stand?

Lol. The head in the sand award would go to anyone on your side who still believes that what we are saying is conspiracy theory.

See this is where you're wrong Bill, I don't have a side. Everything in your world is either Red or Blue, nothing in between, nothing down the middle. In your world everything that "Blue" people think, say or do is wrong and I think it's a sad reflection on your life that you haven't learned how to listen to other peoples ideas and learn how to compromise.
See this is where you're wrong Bill, I don't have a side. Everything in your world is either Red or Blue, nothing in between, nothing down the middle. In your world everything that "Blue" people think, say or do is wrong and I think it's a sad reflection on your life that you haven't learned how to listen to other peoples ideas and learn how to compromise.
Holy balls. Read your own post. You just described yourself!
See this is where you're wrong Bill, I don't have a side. Everything in your world is either Red or Blue, nothing in between, nothing down the middle. In your world everything that "Blue" people think, say or do is wrong and I think it's a sad reflection on your life that you haven't learned how to listen to other peoples ideas and learn how to compromise.
And for the record, I am neither a Republican nor a Democrat. I'm a conservative and an American. I vote and listen with my mind, not with my emotions and my feelings like the left and your people like to do. I listen to what I think will make America strong again. Not with what will make me feel good at the moment. In 2016 I didn't want to vote for Trump. I thought he was the worst possible candidate but knowing the criminal that he was running against I figured he was by far the lesser of two evils. The worst he was going to do is not do what he promised he would do. So I voted for him. It turns out he did almost everything he promised he was going to do and I respect that. So yeah, the man has earned my vote. He's earned my respect .
Fellas, lashing out at me and saying things about “my side” and saying I need to open my eyes is pretty asinine.

For about the 10,000th time, I’m not a democrat, don’t support democrats, don’t sent them money, none of that crap.

But I can spot bullshit. And some of it is so preposterous that it startles me to see it repeated.

The part I don’t get is why it is taken as an attack on republicans when someone calls out how the latest rumor doesn’t make sense. And how the same old stuff just keeps coming around and around in a slightly different form. Nothing good is going to come of that.
Everything in your world is either Red or Blue, nothing in between, nothing down the middle.
This is well said. I feel the same way. I don’t get how we got to this point in this country. I can’t take how everything turns into this. My neighbor is active duty military. He’s got some rank, he’s been places in the world and he isn’t a dummy. He moved here moved into the farm house closest to mine. He tried to title a car in this state that he bought in another Midwest state had a loan on. I don’t know how they do it in other states but here, if you have a loan on a car while it’s in your name the bank has a lien on it and holds the title. He was very angry with the “liberals in this state”, he didn’t want to turn over the title from the other states so he could get it registered. I’m sorry, thats wacky. But I tell this story to say everything isn’t red or blue. To him it was some kind of deep state stuff. Nah I don’t think so.
Fellas, lashing out at me and saying things about “my side” and saying I need to open my eyes is pretty asinine.

For about the 10,000th time, I’m not a democrat, don’t support democrats, don’t sent them money, none of that crap.

But I can spot bullshit. And some of it is so preposterous that it startles me to see it repeated.

The part I don’t get is why it is taken as an attack on republicans when someone calls out how the latest rumor doesn’t make sense. And how the same old stuff just keeps coming around and around in a slightly different form. Nothing good is going to come of that.
#1, who was talking to you?
#2 you and your guys can say I'm not a dem all you want ,I think everyone on here can see the truth and guess pretty accurately how the voting went
#3 I agree on the bullshit, the Dems and the msm they support spew plenty of it, and you guys keep repeating it . Take a look around all the"bullshit" you guys keep railing about turns out true and the Dem criminals just keep looking worse
I don't think to many on here are standing up for most Republicans either. End of the day, right is right, wrong is wrong, there is no middle ground there. The Dems are wrong are literally every position they take.

LOL. Been about six pages back since I posted previously.

And as far as who was talking to me, not sure what you mean. This is a discussion forum and people discuss. If I was supposed to raise my hand and get called on before I speak I wasn’t aware.

You’re a ton of fun as usual Bill!

LOL. Been about six pages back since I posted previously.

And as far as who was talking to me, not sure what you mean. This is a discussion forum and people discuss. If I was supposed to raise my hand and get called on before I speak I wasn’t aware.

You’re a ton of fun as usual Bill!
Fellas, lashing out at me and saying things about “my side” and saying I need to open my eyes is pretty asinine.

Maybe that will refresh your memory? You weren't part of the discussion and you interjected yourself. Funny how you guys have such short memories when you're wrong. And that's often
Not sure why grown men who have common passions and interests can't come together on a forum dedicated to those interests and not resort to the kind of 3rd grade playground "your side" vs. "my side" calling...I'm taking my ball and going home...I can't be your friend if you don't agree with me kind of BS you see on this thread.

Unless you're a spineless and timid soul, nobody should allow their panties to get all bunched up about the thoughts and beliefs of "the other"...especially when the "the other" on this specific forum are guys that probably are cut from very similar cloths and have very similar beliefs about family, community, hard work, traditions, customs, morals, and mores. Learning from "the other" and understanding "the other" is how we become better.

Failing that...yes, continue on with your life in your cave drinking the kool-aid, wearing your tinfoil hat, getting getting your knickers in a twist every time some random dude on the internet says something you disagree with.

Is our Democracy flawed? Sure. Churchill said "Democracy is the worst form of government....except for everything else."

Is America flawed? Sure. But I have always believed, and will continue to believe, that America and our government is a force of imperfect a world that at times is full of near perfect evil.
It was nice to see you guys admit you are Democrats, that was my point. It’s surprising, there are not many on hunting and habitat sites.

Most hunters and outdoorsmen are Republican or Independent. Otherwise who would combat the gun grabbing of liberals, or the anti-beef climate change agenda for farmers ?

I’m not a one issue voter , but that’s important to me ranking high along with abortion-I want babies to live !!!, lower taxes, unrealized capital gains-a disaster, no men playing in women’s sports, no kneeling for George Floyd. I’m also against transgender pandering, an open border, a corrupt education system, constant money for Ukraine. I support Israel unlike Democrats, I want companies to hire the best candidate, and not base it on race or gender…

I mean cmon …. What issue attracts you to the Democratic Party ? Look at the map of the USA … 31 states voted for Trump and only the no voter ID coastal elite states made it even close to a Reagan type landslide !
It was nice to see you guys admit you are Democrats, that was my point. It’s surprising, there are not many on hunting and habitat sites.

Most hunters and outdoorsmen are Republican or Independent. Otherwise who would combat the gun grabbing of liberals, or the anti-beef climate change agenda for farmers ?

I’m not a one issue voter , but that’s important to me ranking high along with abortion-I want babies to live !!!, lower taxes, unrealized capital gains-a disaster, no men playing in women’s sports, no kneeling for George Floyd. I’m also against transgender pandering, an open border, a corrupt education system, constant money for Ukraine. I support Israel unlike Democrats, I want companies to hire the best candidate, and not base it on race or gender…

I mean cmon …. What issue attracts you to the Democratic Party ? Look at the map of the USA … 31 states voted for Trump and only the no voter ID coastal elite states made it even close to a Reagan type landslide !
I agree with you on all those things except I'm pro-choice. And I don't think we should give money to Ukraine or Israel.
Also, I'm not a Democrat, I don't have a party. If I did my views most closely align with Libertarian, but like everyone(me)/everything they're flawed too.
Trumps win will sideline the additional 87,000 IRS agents Biden/Democrats wanted to hire ??

As a small business owner this was a real concern for odds of an increased audit ! I had other business colleagues tell me that we’d very concerned about audits on small businesses. Audits are stressful and time consuming!

The proposal made no sense, and was not popular!
Any government organization is problematic for employers here in Minnesota. Walz just needs to sign the latest plan to ruin businesses in MN. Jan. 1st 2026 employers will be forced to pay anyone who earns $3,500 a whopping 20 weeks paid leave. If that goes through I'll have to go find somewhere else to work because I'll be out of business. Such a great feeling.
Trumps win will sideline the additional 87,000 IRS agents Biden/Democrats wanted to hire ??

As a small business owner this was a real concern for odds of an increased audit ! I had other business colleagues tell me that we’d very concerned about audits on small businesses. Audits are stressful and time consuming!

The proposal made no sense, and was not popular!
Been going through an audit for the past few months for sales and use tax. Audit being done by the state of Mn. We are not even open to the public anymore. We have 1 customer that we make a product for. Being treated like public enemy #1 by the auditor. They can take all the time they need but if there's something they can dream up that I don't have in my back pocket for them instantly then they really go out of their way to show you how useless they really are. I bought supplies for my business from several other states and paid all of my bills. Now I have to pay tax on anything that didn't show the tax being paid. I paid my bills and some places didn't charge me tax so now it's my problem to pay tax I was never charged plus the penalties and interest on the amounts for things I paid for. Won't discuss this anymore as it tends to seriously piss me off.
We don't even need a conspiracy. America is already being occupied by foreign entities and has been for some time. Spanish is becoming the second or even first language in places. Schools are doing announcements and sending newsletters out in both languages. Americans don't want to work, so people used to less money can come right in and scoop it up. Employers can hire these people at much less of a cost. Who's to blame? The employers who can get the work done at a lower cost? Open borders since before America began? Are we going to stop it now? No. There's no way, because we've already been taken over. Some people just don't realize it yet.
Is our Democracy flawed? Sure. Churchill said "Democracy is the worst form of government....except for everything else."
This is absolutely awesome.

That guy could turn a phrase!

Is America flawed? Sure. But I have always believed, and will continue to believe, that America and our government is a force of imperfect a world that at times is full of near perfect evil.

Absolutely. We blunder sometimes. We do things that aren’t well advised sometimes. We do things that might serve the U.S. more than the people we are “helping”. Still the best thing going, and the world looks to us for leadership. We have done more good in the world than any country on the planet.
Is America flawed? Sure. But I have always believed, and will continue to believe, that America and our government is a force of imperfect a world that at times is full of near perfect evil.

I totally agree with you. I have travelled and lived in much of the world, and I've had the luxury of comparing first-hand dozens of countries and cultures.

The US is the greatest nation that ever existed on Earth. Our country has done more good for the world than any other nation. The Breton Woods agreement alone brought billions of people out of abject poverty and ended colonialism and practically ended communism as a global force. The US as a superpower fended off the evil regimes of the Soviet Union and communist China, not to mention Nazi Germany and the Japanese empire.

Every country is flawed, but the American democratic system along with American culture allows us to correct our problems as they arise. I have no doubt whatsoever that the US will continue to be the global leader for the next hundred years at least. There is not a single country or culture on Earth that even comes close.