Conspiracy theorys, where do you stand?

Tough one. We do need good teachers. And I do see good, young teachers entering the profession. They tend to get disillusioned, jaded, and burnt out fairly quickly. So I question the staying power as a career? Can a young person enter the profession and do 30 years? That's becoming tougher.

My son is a recent graduate and currently a full time substitute in PA for a school district. He's looking for a full time position. He's been covering an elementary class as the teacher is out for medical reasons. 1/2 the class doesn't speak English. Many of those kids only show up to school once a week. Impossible to actually teach.
That's not what I want to hear. My daughter wants to be a teacher. Do I try to talk her out of it? I would hate to, we need more good teachers and she'd be a good one

There are plenty of good school district's around the country. Just let her know that she might have to teach somewhere kinda shitty for a few years before she lands a job in a good district. And of course she might have to move rather far. Ohio has several great districts in suburbs around the big cities, as well as smaller more rural towns.
I like my odds. If you held a gun a to my head and said is he on that list, you better believe I’d flinch if I said no

Now maybe I will be shocked and pleasantly surprised and he releases the list and everyone goes down in a blaze of fire. But i couldn’t be more shocked if i woke up with my head sewn to the carpet.

My guess is that the list has so many high-level people on it that releasing the list would crash the markets and the economy.

Imagine if Bill Gates is on the list of pedos and that gets out. Microsoft stock takes a dump and the S&P with it. Add a few more CEOs, and the panic selling could tank the market for years. The loss of capital and the lack of consumer confidence would have major impacts on the economy itself.
My guess is that the list has so many high-level people on it that releasing the list would crash the markets and the economy.

Imagine if Bill Gates is on the list of pedos and that gets out. Microsoft stock takes a dump and the S&P with it. Add a few more CEOs, and the panic selling could tank the market for years. The loss of capital and the lack of consumer confidence would have major impacts on the economy itself.
To big to fail? Maybe short sighted I know ,but I say burn em all. Rip off the band aid and get it over with. We will recover.
There are plenty of good school district's around the country. Just let her know that she might have to teach somewhere kinda shitty for a few years before she lands a job in a good district. And of course she might have to move rather far. Ohio has several great districts in suburbs around the big cities, as well as smaller more rural towns.
The district we are in for all its faults is a good one. A lot better that some of the surrounding.

And they have a history of hiring locals( at least 5 teachers I can think of right now graduated from here) , that is my hope.
My son is a recent graduate and currently a full time substitute in PA for a school district. He's looking for a full time position. He's been covering an elementary class as the teacher is out for medical reasons. 1/2 the class doesn't speak English. Many of those kids only show up to school once a week. Impossible to actually teach.
We have that here also. A lot of big farms around us employ illegals and the kids get to go to school scot free. It's disgusting really. Pay nothing or little to nothing in taxes, get fed 2 Meals in school at 0 cost. Pisses me off that farmers can do it, but on the other hand if they had to pay for legal help milk would be $20 a gallon.
My guess is that the list has so many high-level people on it that releasing the list would crash the markets and the economy.

Imagine if Bill Gates is on the list of pedos and that gets out. Microsoft stock takes a dump and the S&P with it. Add a few more CEOs, and the panic selling could tank the market for years. The loss of capital and the lack of consumer confidence would have major impacts on the economy itself.
The theory about a two tiered system and a protected class would never be more on display if that were to happen. Trump is FOS if he didn’t release the list to momentarily protect the stock market. Would be a pretty weak excuse and trumps preferred term of banana republic would be right.
In interviews that I’ve seen, when pressed on it, he gives a very half hearted almost nervous agreement to release the list. Like I said, I would be absolutely stunned if he lives up to it.
What happened with the drones? Have heard anything in a few days.....

To much heat on the Government so they grounded them. Or they found the radioactive material they were looking for. Do a search on NJ drones looking for radioactive material. The first (And Many) articles are fact checks saying that this is/was not what the drones were looking for. Which tells me that there is good chance that is what they were looking for.

Kinda like the fact checks saying it wasn't a lab leak because it came from someone eating a bat burger.😆
My son is a recent graduate and currently a full time substitute in PA for a school district. He's looking for a full time position. He's been covering an elementary class as the teacher is out for medical reasons. 1/2 the class doesn't speak English. Many of those kids only show up to school once a week. Impossible to actually teach.
I always say: It’s not a teacher or school issue. It’s a parent issue. Usually a daddy issue.
The theory about a two tiered system and a protected class would never be more on display if that were to happen. Trump is FOS if he didn’t release the list to momentarily protect the stock market. Would be a pretty weak excuse and trumps preferred term of banana republic would be right.
In interviews that I’ve seen, when pressed on it, he gives a very half hearted almost nervous agreement to release the list. Like I said, I would be absolutely stunned if he lives up to it.
What is FOS?
"full of shit"
We have that here also. A lot of big farms around us employ illegals and the kids get to go to school scot free. It's disgusting really. Pay nothing or little to nothing in taxes, get fed 2 Meals in school at 0 cost. Pisses me off that farmers can do it, but on the other hand if they had to pay for legal help milk would be $20 a gallon.

We have plenty of Hispanic people in my area that also work on dairy farms. I wouldn’t go just calling them illegals but in reality I have no idea.

When you hire anyone they have to fill out paperwork with all sorts of info including citizenship so…. The farmers all claim they aren’t and many of the farmers in my area are close friends of mine.

I have no reason to believe they are lying. They get paid every bit as much as anyone else working on farms. The farmers love them because of how dependable and hard working they are.

My wife teaches 4th grade in the district we both grew up in and still reside. The Hispanic kids all speak fluent English but the parents are a different story. I do get the tax issues though with feeding them, having to hire translators, etc. Agriculture isn’t taxed high enough to cover those costs and it’s on the farms where many of them live. Some of the farmers around here even build new houses for them. They aren’t any more than a bathroom, kitchen, and a bunch of bedrooms so fairly low cost by today’s standards.

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We have plenty of Hispanic people in my area that also work on dairy farms. I wouldn’t go just calling them illegals but in reality I have no idea.

When you hire anyone they have to fill out paperwork with all sorts of info including citizenship so…. The farmers all claim they aren’t and many of the farmers in my area are close friends of mine.

I have no reason to believe they are lying. They get paid every bit as much as anyone else working on farms. The farmers love them because of how dependable and hard working they are.

My wife teaches 4th grade in the district we both grew up in and still reside. The Hispanic kids all speak fluent English but the parents are a different story. I do get the tax issues though with feeding them, having to hire translators, etc. Agriculture isn’t taxed high enough to cover those costs and it’s on the farms where many of them live. Some of the farmers around here even build new houses for them. They aren’t any more than a bathroom, kitchen, and a bunch of bedrooms so fairly low cost by today’s standards.

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True, what I will say though is it's really easy for illegals to fill out paper work and make it look legal. SS numbers are bought, things of that nature. Not saying all are illegal but I would bet a lot are. I could tell some stories about my own experience in construction and illegals and how easy it is for them to get all the necessary numbers.
My wife spent a year or so as an 'emergency-certified' supplemental math teacher for 8th graders. It took very little time for her to start having dreams about pulling a .44 and blowing away the miscreant troublemakers in her class that made it so difficult to teach the kids who actually wanted to learn something. She said that if they could just jettison the 10% (I'll bet it was higher) into an 'Idiots Class', that she could have made some real headway. Principal really liked her, and offered her a job again the next year... but she said, "No way in hell."
I taught for 25 yrs at the college level - to last-semester seniors. A large percentage of those students should never have made it as far as they did in the program I was housed in, before they got to my course; many of them should have been shunted to some other discipline that they were actually capable of handling. Far too much of the material before they got to my course had been dumbed-down just to keep the kids - and their tuition $$$ - in the program to justify other faculty positions. I didn't have much in the way of disruptive students, but far too many that were way out of their league.
The following article is from a blog I follow on a regular basis. Thought-provoking, though it would likely make liberals' heads explode, especially if they read the comments following...
^^ oh boy - I see I have my Saturday night reading planned.
True, what I will say though is it's really easy for illegals to fill out paper work and make it look legal. SS numbers are bought, things of that nature. Not saying all are illegal but I would bet a lot are. I could tell some stories about my own experience in construction and illegals and how easy it is for them to get all the necessary numbers.
The foreign minorities ( documented or undocumented) working jobs in the U. S. may not have a S.S. #. They may have a ITIN number which looks similar to a S.S. # but starts with the number 9. Taxes are taken out of their pay but they don't collect S.S,
My wife spent a year or so as an 'emergency-certified' supplemental math teacher for 8th graders. It took very little time for her to start having dreams about pulling a .44 and blowing away the miscreant troublemakers in her class that made it so difficult to teach the kids who actually wanted to learn something. She said that if they could just jettison the 10% (I'll bet it was higher) into an 'Idiots Class', that she could have made some real headway. Principal really liked her, and offered her a job again the next year... but she said, "No way in hell."
I taught for 25 yrs at the college level - to last-semester seniors. A large percentage of those students should never have made it as far as they did in the program I was housed in, before they got to my course; many of them should have been shunted to some other discipline that they were actually capable of handling. Far too much of the material before they got to my course had been dumbed-down just to keep the kids - and their tuition $$$ - in the program to justify other faculty positions. I didn't have much in the way of disruptive students, but far too many that were way out of their league.
The following article is from a blog I follow on a regular basis. Thought-provoking, though it would likely make liberals' heads explode, especially if they read the comments following...

So if we lop off the bottom 20% they don't go away. Don't they just become a problem somewhere else in the system? Not saying we should keep doing what we're doing but I don't think kicking them out of school and locking them in institutions is free.
The foreign minorities ( documented or undocumented) working jobs in the U. S. may not have a S.S. #. They may have a ITIN number which looks similar to a S.S. # but starts with the number 9. Taxes are taken out of their pay but they don't collect S.S,
Yeah .... Been doing this long enough. I know what an immigration card looks like. And I know what a ss card looks like.
I had a guy I needed to put through a background check. Turns out his SS was purchased and was from a guy in California. As an employee we hire cases on SS proof. We can't /don't background check. I don't know how many illegals we have employed or are and I'm not sure I want to know....