Conspiracy theorys, where do you stand?

With Community Care veterans choice I can get my VA benefits through my own doctor.

I think Trump made that possible his first term.
A quck google tells me that the US Dept of Education has 4,400 employees....with an average salary of $137,881 / year. And a 68 Billion budget. Chop it.....and let the states decide how to educate our kids.
With Community Care veterans choice I can get my VA benefits through my own doctor.

I think Trump made that possible his first term.
It was passed in 2014 and expanded in 2018

A quck google tells me that the US Dept of Education has 4,400 employees....with an average salary of $137,881 / year. And a 68 Billion budget. Chop it.....and let the states decide how to educate our kids.

In theory, it sounds good. I hope it turns out to be good in practice.
? no clue what that means.
Jared Kushner’s private equity firm received $2 billion (thats $2,000,000,000.00) from the same Saudi’s he dealt with when he worked in the White House. No reason to think that anything unethical happened. I’m sure he’s just a really good businessman, surprised he had time to mess around with working in the White House.
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In theory, it sounds good. I hope it turns out to be good in practice.
It worked with countless country schools and those folks learned how to function just fine.
Jared Kushner’s private equity firm received $2 billion (thats $2,000,000,000.00) from the same Saudi’s he dealt with when he worked in the White House. No reason to think that anything unethical happened. I’m sure he’s just a really good businessman, surprised he had time to mess around with working in the White House.
And so you have these facts organized how? .....and are you willing to be a whistle blower?......or just pulling chit out of thin air?
Foggy, it’s well known that after leaving the Whitehouse, Kushner started a company that was funded by the Saudis. If you throw his name and Saudi Arabia in google there are lots of hits. Part of why this was scrutinized was because it was kind of a touchy time to do biz with the Saudis since they had just gotten done luring a journalist that worked for the Washington Post to their embassy in Turkey. When they got him through the front doors of the embassy, they murdered, dismembered and (if I remember correctly) dissolved his body in acid. Turkish intelligence officers videotaped the journalists last moments on earth as he went through those doors. Turns out, Crown Prince Muhammad bin Salman, who is kind of a big deal over there, used Israeli cell phone spyware called Pegasus to track down this journalist. They lured him to a Saudi embassy in Turkey where an actual hit team dispatched from Saudi did the killing, dismembering and dissolving. It briefly became very unfashionable to do business with them because of that.

Related side story: there is an awesome podcast called Shoot The Messenger. The first episode is about this Pegasus spyware that governments (including the Saudi’s) use for the stated purpose of tracking and monitoring bad guys and spies. Turns out, a whole lot of governments that bought Pegasus also used it to track journalists, and they were turning up dead. Fun fact: The government of Mexico was the first buyer of Pegasus. Since the government of Mexico and the cartels are basically the same thing, many people think that the cartels used this software for REALLY nefarious purposes. Another fun fact: Mexico is the most dangerous place in the world to be a journalist. More journalists are killed in Mexico than in any country in the world. Pretty crazy since it seems like places like Syria, Iran, Lebanon, Russia, Afghanistan etc. would be pretty dangerous. Anyway, fascinating podcast. And why would anyone need a conspiracy theory when truth is stranger than fiction? ;)

So Foggy, I got really side tracked there. Is it that you don’t believe that Kushner took $2 billion from the Saudis? Or my comment about Kushner being a great businessman?
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Couple links to BBC stories and the podcast I mentioned. Truly fascinating stories, especially the espionage and murder.

I don't understand how we collectively as a group here, back the cuts to the EPA, state DNR or any other environmental agency. Don't we care about the soil, water, air quality of the environments we like to spend our time in?

What's the sense of trying to change the quality of or enhancing the habitat for animals or fish. If the regulations or enforcement of existing regulations are done away with because Musk or Ramaswamy don't give two beans about environment but care about money then what are we doing here?

This is the wailing, crying and sniveling I'm talking about.

I wish that I could think of one thing that the WI DNR has done in the last 10 years to help the deer hunting anywhere in WI. Populations are crashing and they keep adding “opportunity” seasons. If they manage everything else like they do the deer, we can survive with them having less funding and a smaller role. The government and our debt has gotten too big. This needs to happen for our kid’s and grandkid’s sake.
Couple links to BBC stories and the podcast I mentioned. Truly fascinating stories, especially the espionage and murder. from these articles, some things are "plausible", yet proof of wrong-doing is not here. PROOF of wrong-doing is what Joe Biden and Hunter and family has done.....and now is getting pardoned. <----this chit is WRONG. If Kushner is guilty....make the charge....and if he is guilty then put him away. You got a little smoke....but no fire as I see it.
Jared Kushner’s private equity firm received $2 billion (thats $2,000,000,000.00) from the same Saudi’s he dealt with when he worked in the White House. No reason to think that anything unethical happened. I’m sure he’s just a really good businessman, surprised he had time to mess around with working in the White House.

Is this when he was a major player in brokering peace in the Middle East…and there was peace?
And that $$ came from the ME not our tax dollars? After Trump was president?
So the Arabs paid and it helped save lives and took the crazy down a bunch of notches in that part of the world.

Are you somehow trying to compare that to;
Rosemont Senica
Bidens personal aides taking money

Money laundering, personal favors scheme?

And then you bring up the Mohammed Salman thing….that involved no USA citizens or our country and really had nothing to do with the USA?
Unlike Clinton’s having sixty American friends that have committed suicide in the USA.
Not to mention Hunters gun charges, hookers, under age girls, drugs…cocaine actually found in the Oval Office. And the Biden family all getting super crazy rich somehow while the “Big Man” was in office.

Great comparison….meh
I wish that I could think of one thing that the WI DNR has done in the last 10 years to help the deer hunting anywhere in WI. Populations are crashing and they keep adding “opportunity” seasons. If they manage everything else like they do the deer, we can survive with them having less funding and a smaller role. The government and our debt has gotten too big. This needs to happen for our kid’s and grandkid’s sake.
I have acquaintances who feel Wisconsin DNR has done things so much better than Minnesota.

Your post could have Minnesota inserted and I would agree completely.
Name 1 government agency that has done ANYTHING right, or even mildly effective ?
Is this when he was a major player in brokering peace in the Middle East…and there was peace?
And that $$ came from the ME not our tax dollars? After Trump was president?
So the Arabs paid and it helped save lives and took the crazy down a bunch of notches in that part of the world.

Are you somehow trying to compare that to;
Rosemont Senica
Bidens personal aides taking money

Money laundering, personal favors scheme?

And then you bring up the Mohammed Salman thing….that involved no USA citizens or our country and really had nothing to do with the USA?
Unlike Clinton’s having sixty American friends that have committed suicide in the USA.
Not to mention Hunters gun charges, hookers, under age girls, drugs…cocaine actually found in the Oval Office. And the Biden family all getting super crazy rich somehow while the “Big Man” was in office.

Great comparison….meh
Yeah, but.....,.... MEAN TWEETS!
If Kushner is guilty....make the charge....and if he is guilty then put him away. You got a little smoke....but no fire as I see it.
My point was that the appearance of impropriety should be avoided. And maybe it doesn’t look good to do what he did with the people he did it with.
And then you bring up the Mohammed Salman thing….that involved no USA citizens or our country and really had nothing to do with the USA?
See above. Also the journalist lived and worked in the U.S. Remember, freedom of the press is guaranteed by our constitution. Killing, dismembering and dissolving a journalist because he writes things critical of the Kingdom Of Saudi Arabia it kind of DOES have “something to do with us”. A big picture kind of deal. Just doesn’t look right to do business with them. Thats why a lot of people were pissed about the Saudi golf thing.

this when he was a major player in brokering peace in the Middle East…and there was peace?
And that $$ came from the ME not our tax dollars? After Trump was president?
So the Arabs paid and it helped save lives and took the crazy down a bunch of notches in that part of the world.
Not exactly how it works. No matter how good your work for the government is, benefitting personally is usually considered pretty suspicious. And we are talking about lot of money here.

Ah- but then you bring up money laundering! A topic close to my heart! A really complex topic too. You wouldn’t believe what I’d say about that.

So I won’t.

But as I write this, the complexity of the Middle East rears its head again. Assad has reportedly fled Syria. He was a certified bad guy, actually used chem weapons on his own people, was supported by both the Russians and to some extent the U.S. Why? Because we didn’t want what is about to happen there.

Last thing. You guys all hammer on the Hunter Biden deal. Thats actually really interesting to me as an espionage case study. I’m not defending Hunter or Joe, their conduct sucks in this whole deal. Here comes the “but” part. If you really want to know what you are talking about with ‘ol Hunter, if you want to see a little snapshot of how things get done in the world, you gotta watch “From Russia With Lev”. Yes, it’s Rachel Maddow. I don’t care for her. Fast forward through her yapping. It’s only at the beginning anyway. Yes, it’s CNN, which I don’t watch. (I have said numerous times that I refuse to watch any 24 hour news channel. And I mean it.) But you gotta watch the show, it’s FASCINATING. I’ll warn you- this Lev cat meets up with Hunter at the end and there are hugs. It nearly made me puke. But what I took from it is some VERY imperfect people sometimes shape world events. How Lev, who’s is second generation Russian mobster, got into a presidents orbit is pretty fascinating. And pay attention for Lev’s running buddy. Lev comes off as personable for a bad guy. His Russian pal is a hell of a scary dude.

So I 100% expect this suggestion to be dismissed, and thats a shame. It’s the most interesting hour bar none that I have seen on this topic. And you will not believe the stuff that happens.
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Name 1 government agency that has done ANYTHING right, or even mildly effective ?
Bill, God love you.

Every giant government entity has done good and done bad. It’s the nature of the beast.

I despise the Corps Of Engineers. Probably because I love the Mississippi River and I see them earnestly working on making that river nothing more than a big drainage ditch with a 9’ navigation channel. I suppose they do some good but I’m pissed enough at them that I’m not looking for it. Usually when I say something like this someone realizes they belong to the Department Of The Army and they want to fight about it because “it’s goddamn un-American to criticize the Army”.
Bill, God love you.

Every giant government entity has done good and done bad. It’s the nature of the beast.

I despise the Corps Of Engineers. Probably because I love the Mississippi River and I see them earnestly working on making that river nothing more than a big drainage ditch with a 9’ navigation channel. I suppose they do some good but I’m pissed enough at them that I’m not looking for it. Usually when I say something like this someone realizes they belong to the Department Of The Army and they want to fight about it because “it’s goddamn un-American to criticize the Army”.
So nothin? I figured.
Lol, say you believe you're smarter than everyone without saying you think you're smarter than everyone.......
My point was that the appearance of impropriety should be avoided. And maybe it doesn’t look good to do what he did with the people he did it with.

See above. Also the journalist lived and worked in the U.S. Remember, freedom of the press is guaranteed by our constitution. Killing, dismembering and dissolving a journalist because he writes things critical of the Kingdom Of Saudi Arabia it kind of DOES have “something to do with us”. A big picture kind of deal. Just doesn’t look right to do business with them. Thats why a lot of people were pissed about the Saudi golf thing.

Not exactly how it works. No matter how good your work for the government is, benefitting personally is usually considered pretty suspicious. And we are talking about lot of money here.

Ah- but then you bring up money laundering! A topic close to my heart! A really complex topic too. You wouldn’t believe what I’d say about that.

So I won’t.

But as I write this, the complexity of the Middle East rears its head again. Assad has reportedly fled Syria. He was a certified bad guy, actually used chem weapons on his own people, was supported by both the Russians and to some extent the U.S. Why? Because we didn’t want what is about to happen there.

Last thing. You guys all hammer on the Hunter Biden deal. Thats actually really interesting to me as an espionage case study. I’m not defending Hunter or Joe, their conduct sucks in this whole deal. Here comes the “but” part. If you really want to know what you are talking about with ‘ol Hunter, if you want to see a little snapshot of how things get done in the world, you gotta watch “From Russia With Lev”. Yes, it’s Rachel Maddow. I don’t care for her. Fast forward through her yapping. It’s only at the beginning anyway. Yes, it’s CNN, which I don’t watch. (I have said numerous times that I refuse to watch any 24 hour news channel. And I mean it.) But you gotta watch the show, it’s FASCINATING. I’ll warn you- this Lev cat meets up with Hunter at the end and there are hugs. It nearly made me puke. But what I took from it is some VERY imperfect people sometimes shape world events. How Lev, who’s is second generation Russian mobster, got into a presidents orbit is pretty fascinating. And pay attention for Lev’s running buddy. Lev comes off as personable for a bad guy. His Russian pal is a hell of a scary dude.

So I 100% expect this suggestion to be dismissed, and thats a shame. It’s the most interesting hour bar none that I have seen on this topic. And you will not believe the stuff that happens.
Lol, I NEVER watch 24 hour news...unless I do.. then only when it's a left wing lunatic hack saying what I like.
Lol, I NEVER watch 24 hour news...unless I do.. then only when it's a left wing lunatic hack saying what I like.
Lol that's what I was thinking. Holy crap a 1 hour documentary by Rachel Maddow slamming Trump!!! Call off the deer hunt - I gotta clear my schedule and watch that pulitzer!