Conspiracy theorys, where do you stand?

Jared Kushner’s private equity firm received $2 billion (thats $2,000,000,000.00) from the same Saudi’s he dealt with when he worked in the White House. No reason to think that anything unethical happened. I’m sure he’s just a really good businessman, surprised he had time to mess around with working in the White House.
Jared that Damn Democrat! More $$ or less than Hunter Biden ?
There is no denying Trump/Kushner did a great job with the ME.
I feel like progress is already being made in that region by Trump. Biden has been ham handed keeping the bad actors in check and he has not handled Eastern Europe in a satisfactory way. Man this Syria thing though…. Not sure what to make of that yet.
The freedom of the press thing is funny, you surely are kidding hanging onto that with the total exposure of the fake news media that has infected almost every aspect of everything that used to be news! It’s almost no different here now than it was when Nazi Germany was controlling the news media. Completely one sided, biased, fake and meant to be disinformation to try and control the masses.
I’m certainly not kidding about that. And taking in a wide variety of info from a wide variety of sources helps you discern who is trying to mess with your head. They get stuff wrong. Some intentionally mislead and obfuscate the truth. But if you let all your news come through one funnel it becomes more and more likely that you won’t really be able to sort out who is messing with you.
Jared that Damn Democrat! More $$ or less than Hunter Biden ?
$2billion is $200,000,000,000. I think

Thats 2,000 millions. Thats a lot. If hunter is a crook (and he very likely is) I don’t think he was as successful.

And hey- Kushner’s deal was business and he didn’t try to hide it (or couldn’t). I don’t claim it was criminal, in fact I have no idea how that stuff works. What I am saying is the timing was suspect and he dealt with some very questionable characters.
I can tell you what I would do if I was a police that night I would shoot the first one that crossed the line and then I would shoot the 2nd until I ran out of bullets.

This has been hanging in my head since it was posted. I know quite a few LEO’s and I’m pretty sure none of them would say this and mean it in the J6 case.
All threads eventually end up here, anyway

Westwind,where do you stand?

You will be judged accordingly


I’m not wading into that one, ba ha ha ha ha!
Just was reading on another topic somewhere else......when I stumbled onto this comment......and I thought it was fitting for here: (grin)

Wise men speak because they have something to say Fools because they have to say something - Plato
I have acquaintances who feel Wisconsin DNR has done things so much better than Minnesota.

Your post could have Minnesota inserted and I would agree completely.
MN deer hunting is tough. Gun season during peak rut kills a lot of bucks and age structure each year. WI didn’t move rifles to the rut, but they did move some of the hunters into the rut with crossbows. I feel for you MN hunters. WI hunters are in for a rude awakening these next few years though- low herd populations, low buck numbers and horrible age structure.
$2billion is $200,000,000,000. I think

Thats 2,000 millions. Thats a lot. If hunter is a crook (and he very likely is) I don’t think he was as successful.

And hey- Kushner’s deal was business and he didn’t try to hide it (or couldn’t). I don’t claim it was criminal, in fact I have no idea how that stuff works. What I am saying is the timing was suspect and he dealt with some very questionable characters.
If you are not trying to claim that Kushner's actions were illegal, then comparing them to Hunter's known criminal acts is misleading at best and I would say just plain wrong.
I'm sorry to hear your deer hunts aren't going the way you'd like. Curious if you've been attending the fish and game hearings in your area? Gather up everyone you know who isn't happy with the deer situation and go bitch at the meetings.

Also, the DNR happens to help manage the air, water and soil quality in the state. If you're truly concerned about your children and grand children's future the deer herd is pretty low on the list. Talk to the residents of French Island and the Town of Peshtigo, they could give you some insight as to what will truly affect our future generations health.

Trust me JB I don't like all of their decisions and policies either. But we definitely need to keep them around.
I used to be super active with DNR hunting and fishing meetings. I’ve backed off now after being busy with kids and seeing next to no improvement over the years. Still fill out every survey that I can and promote it to many area hunters that do it as well. Our county voted against a late either sex archery and crossbow season Jan 1- Feb 1 this year. The Dnr went against the counties recommendation and recommended the hunt. The NRB voted with the Dnr to add the season. This and many other reasons are why I’m sick of government and the DNR. Many bucks are shed by Feb here. What a waste of the resource. It won’t be long before we’re hunting 9 months a year. They don’t kill enough deer during this season to justify the conflict with habitat improvement work, predator hunting, small game hunting, snowmobiling and other outdoor recreation.
Wise men speak because they have something to say Fools because they have to say something - Plato
You should not honor men more than the truth. Also Plato.
If you are not trying to claim that Kushner's actions were illegal, then comparing them to Hunter's known criminal acts is misleading at best and I would say just plain wrong.
I think what I said had a little more nuance than that. I’m saying that I have legal and certainly ethical concerns about any former official who cashes in immediately after leaving government. Especially when that money comes from outside the country from people he worked closely with. From people who murder, dismember and dissolve people who speak out against them.
You should not honor men more than the truth. Also Plato.

I think what I said had a little more nuance than that. I’m saying that I have legal and certainly ethical concerns about any former official who cashes in immediately after leaving government. Especially when that money comes from outside the country from people he worked closely with. From people who murder, dismember and dissolve people who speak out against them.
I can understand where a person could raise a question of ethics. However, I do not believe that you can say there are legal concerns at the same time that you say you are not claiming that he did anything illegal. You can't ride two horses with one ass.
You should not honor men more than the truth. Also Plato.

I think what I said had a little more nuance than that. I’m saying that I have legal and certainly ethical concerns about any former official who cashes in immediately after leaving government. Especially when that money comes from outside the country from people he worked closely with. From people who murder, dismember and dissolve people who speak out against them.
But you have no issues with your democrat crime families cashing in WHILE in office?
Fair enough Skeeter. I can buy that.

I love that saying. Going to steal that one for myself.
Thanks. I appreciate the intelligent arguments of others, as long as they're logically consistent, even if I don't come to the same conclusions. I don't have the time or dedication to research every political happening and several people on this forum help fill in some of the gaps.
It looks like they've apprehended a suspect in the shooting of United Health CEO. Tipped off by a McDonalds employee, only in America.
It looks like they've apprehended a suspect in the shooting of United Health CEO. Tipped off by a McDonalds employee, only in America.

I'm interested in the fallout if the pistol is really a ghost gun and if he made it or purchased it.
So they release every bit of history about this guy immediately. What do we know about Trump’s would-be assassin?

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I'm interested in the fallout if the pistol is really a ghost gun and if he made it or purchased it.
Earlier it was reported to be like the guns that farmers put animals down with. Then it was reported to be like the gun veterinarians use.

Strike three is a ghost gun.

I say strike three and you are out.

I worked as a farm veterinarian for forty years. I never saw a farmer with a gun like that and never saw a veterinarian with a gun like that.

I fear that everything about this case needs to be seriously questioned when a major part of it is BS. Pisses me off that false data is so easily spread by what is supposed to be trusted media like the AP.