I hunted at my new place this morning. I sat on a stand until around 10. I'd been wanting to take a stroll around my perimeter trails now that snow has been on the ground for about a week. I was curious to see about any trespassing concerns and see where the deer were crossing the trails and creek. Conditions were perfect. The wind was right. The snow on the ground was getting softer and quieter with the rising temps. The snow on the oak and pine branches was falling making noise and movement which I would use to help conceal my own movements. After almost an hour of creeping along I was now on the thickest portion of the trail, looking into my sanctuary. I saw what appeared to be a bedded deer a mere 15 yards or so off the trail in the thick stuff. I thought, it can't be. I hadn't seen a deer all season. I scoped the body and confirmed it was indeed a deer. I moved to its head and saw it was a baldie and it was looking right at me. She was making no signs that she was getting ready to get up and moving. I put the crosshairs back on the body and the rest is history. 1st deer off the new place. And to get it the way I did, I'll never forget this one.