bueller's blotter

Yup, I now start everything With the rich soil, in my nursery, and transplant.

To this in 2 years

The cuttings planted at the same time directly in the field aren't to my knees. I will have a screen by fall.
dipper, do you have any issues with the roots tangling with them planted so close together. Are they hard to separate?
Had a busy weekend but didn't take any pictures :(. I was able to get my plots sprayed on Friday. On Saturday I got the seed and fertilizer down. Sunday we had a steady rain all day. About 1" without any runoff creating downpours :D. More rain is in the forecast along with warm temps. The buckwheat and turnips should be up and running real soon.

My hybrid poplar and dappled willow screen planted in April is looking good. Survival rate is >80% and many of them are approaching 6" of growth.

Also got the trail cams out. Love getting the tiny fawn pics on my waterhole every year.

Ticks have been pretty nasty the last two weekends.
On Monday I solved my lawn and trail mowing issues with a craigslist find. $350 for the mower and cart.

That was a much needed rain on sunday. I was at our place on saturday and its really dry. Despite the late frosts, I had pretty good fruit set on my apples. But they were in desparate need for some rain. Sunday's rain combined w/ what's coming today should get us closer to normal. Saw my first fawn of the season yesterday on my way home from the lake.
I'll take some dry weeks in April/May for some wet weeks in July/August :D. I'm jealous of your apples. The pears I've planted are a few years away from fruiting yet. I just don't have the time as of now to get a decent orchard started and cared for. But it's on the list for establishing one day.
I noticed a ton of tent catepillar nests at my place this weekend. Another item on the list that needs addressing in the future.
I found one tent cat. web on a crab. Pulled it out of the tree & size 10 boot did the rest !!

Badger - what DR trees did you plant ??
Its been 4 weeks since I planted my buckwheat plots and I finally got back up to take a look. Only got to check one because the rain moved in. Brand new plot for this year. Buckwheat is a little thinner than I would prefer but looks pretty darn good. 12" of more in spots, struggling in others. Some flowers are just starting to form. I was able to topdress some urea before the rain hit. I also have a small amount of turnips mixed in with the buckwheat so the boost of N should serve well. Standby for photos.....
View from a tower overlooking a first year plot planted in buckwheat.

Not bad considering this is what it looked like 4 weeks ago.
IMG_20150523_144259_439 (1).jpg
First fawn pic. Haven't seen any twins or triplets yet.
This guy looks to have some potential with growth like this already back on June 2nd. I think I recognize him from previous years but I'll have to wait a couple weeks before I can be sure. He blows away all the others I had pictures of during that time period.

Is the buckwheat for the deer or the soil?
Is the buckwheat for the deer or the soil?
Both :D!!! They are browsing it already but no way they will keep up with its quick growth so I will have plenty of green manure when all is said and done.
Good looking plots, good luck with that buck.
That pic of the powerline ROW is about the typical growth we would see on our old place as well. Nice job bueller! Those conifers on the left side sure are affecting the growth in that area of the plot, be it from using to many resources, to much shade, or a combo of both most likely.
That pic of the powerline ROW is about the typical growth we would see on our old place as well. Nice job bueller! Those conifers on the left side sure are affecting the growth in that area of the plot, be it from using to many resources, to much shade, or a combo of both most likely.
I think the compacted ground on that side is a major factor. When we got the place last year that was the clear vehicle traffic path. I've got a bunch of radishes ready to start attacking that issue this fall.
That would surely do it as well, especially with BW. It doesn't have the heartiest of root systems to be pushing through compacted soil like some other plants.
Looks real good Bueller. Don't you love it when you see them using something you've planted ??