Box blinds

I've got one Banks III enclosed blind. It's nice when the weather is really bad. But I also have problems with visibility. I have built two of my own. I got the idea from a friend of mine, and then I adapted it a little more. I even went back and remodeled both of them to make them even better. I enjoy hunting out of these the most. I don't give up any sound or vision for the most part, and I still get most of the benefits of an enclosed blind.

These are built out of 2x3's and wrapped in lanscape fabric. No floor, no glass, no siding, etc, just shoot through mesh. I am very accustomed to the big view out the front. I used to be able to build these for under $200. I imagine it's probably $300 or more now because of hardware inflation.





Always pop the hinge pins and coat in #2 boat grease.

I like my wood frame platform with walls and a roof, no windows. Yea it's cold but for the most part it keeps rain and snow off me and the old office chair scored from goodwill is comfortable. I can see and hear 360° and deer commonly feed directly underneath without detecting my presence. Nothing quite like hearing the sounds of deer pulling and chewing on the plants as they feed.
I have a couple rednecks and they allow me to hunt our bottoms that would almost be impossible to hunt due to swirling winds. With such a small percentage of our property that the deer use, I need to be able to access all of it.
You know the nice, plush, banks, redneck, muddy, whatever brand you choose…anyone else can’t stand them? I’ve acquired 4 now through transactions. One is brand new sitting in the shop. Zero desire to put it up right now. I just can’t get into feeling like I’m not “out there”. I feel so restricted in sight, sound and shot ability. Granted I only bow hunt but a lot of folks bow hunt out of them. I feel like this is one new fad in hunting I just can’t get behind.
I feel 100 percent the way you feel. My wife bought herself a really nice shadowhunter, I don't think I could ever bowhunt out of it. All the reasons I love bowhunting are diminished in there. I have shot a deer out of it gun season, but it is usually only for when it's really bad out or we need to take a doe for some meat.