5 year old buck +
This afternoon I was able to find a little time to work on the Maverick XL that will be deployed by an island of oaks overlooking our bean/corn rotation. After mounting the blind to the Nex-Level platform, I installed the carpeting. While carpet is questionable in a blind, I like that is insulates and deadens sound, so I went ahead and put down a traditional green outdoor carpet. The plan is raise the blind 8" (nearly 9’ with the Nex-Level mounts) and leave one side open to allow concealing the e-bike or side-by-side.

The Solar fan (which I noticed was on sale--I should have waited) has been installed. Installation could not have been easier, however, the usefulness of the small solar fan (with battery) is yet to be seen. I am hoping it will reduce fogging during rifle season which always necessitated opening a window. The fan can push or pull, but is not overly powerful.

The Solar fan (which I noticed was on sale--I should have waited) has been installed. Installation could not have been easier, however, the usefulness of the small solar fan (with battery) is yet to be seen. I am hoping it will reduce fogging during rifle season which always necessitated opening a window. The fan can push or pull, but is not overly powerful.

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