Badgerfowl's habitat projects

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Clover mix is looking good.

That looks great Jon!
Very nice clover patch indeed!
Thanks! With the warm up, the clover finally started to grow. It sat there for quite awhile, green, but not doing much.
Liberty is all but dead. One branch still green.


Sweet 16 looking good. 3rd leaf. I'm hoping this tree really takes off this year.


Clover mix planted a few weeks ago. Alice white, jumbo ladino, Kopu II, and marathon red. Dumped 1" out of the rain gauge at 230pm this afternoon. Probably got another inch after that today. More expected tomorrow. Good start to June after a fairly dry May.

Bummer about that liberty. Does that one have wet feet? I might have a replacement for you if needed. I grafted a handful of liberty, we'll see what things look like in another month or two for what kind of inventory I have.
Bummer about that liberty. Does that one have wet feet? I might have a replacement for you if needed. I grafted a handful of liberty, we'll see what things look like in another month or two for what kind of inventory I have.

I doubt it has wet feet. It's about the furthest one from any water. The other 4th leaf Liberty would be the one I'd worry about wet feet as it's one of the closest to water. If you have one to spare I'd certainly take it as the two I lost this year were both liberty. I think the 1st leaf liberty that bloomed this year even set some fruit. Definitely have to get those pinched off next time I'm up.
What are you thinking caused the Liberty to look like that? Winter?

I really have no clue. It bloomed out and then kicked the bucket basically. I'd think if it was winter kill nothing would have happened? When I have more time I'll try to inspect it closer. I didn't think I'd have too many issues with the DR trees. The other one I lost was totally preventable and my fault for not getting window screen on it.
3rd leaf sweet 16 has more apples than I was expecting.

Wolf River has a few on it. Only one in the picture. 5th leaf dwarf.

Fall planted clover.


Clover planted Mother's Day weekend in the woods.

Made it up to our place to spray some gly for a July brassica planting. Snapped some pics of apples/clover/dogwoods.

1st leaf Hudson's Golden Gem on M7

1st leaf Liberty on B118.

2nd leaf Enterprise on B118 that I transplanted this spring.

Apples on a 4th leaf Freedom. EMLA 7.

3rd leaf Hudson's Golden Gem on B118. Tree has one apple on it.

Apples on a dwarf 4th leaf Wolf River.

3rd leaf Honeycrisp on B118. No apples yet.

3rd leaf Sweet 16 on B118. Probably 15-20 apples on this tree.

Some of the apples on the Sweet 16.

Fall planted clover starting to flower.

Shot of part of the "orchard"

The other side

Apples on 4th leaf Liberty on EMLA 7. The one that didn't die.

Never miss an opportunity to eat the red-osier dogwood.

My little clover plot in the woods doing pretty well. Some winter rye came up as well. Want to double the size next spring. A few weeds but nothing major.

Looks like you are going to have tons of apples in years to come.

What's in the green field behind your truck in one of the orchard shots?
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Good question. We rent that to a local farmer. For years it was clover, then he planted corn or beans for about 5 years. The last 4 years or so it's been too wet to plant anything so he planted something in early June back in 2011. I haven't figured out what it is. He cuts it once a year. This august we are having him plant clover/winter rye/radishes. Then back to a perennial clover plot for a few years. 90% of it flooded last year after the massive amount of rain in April/May and early June.
Looks like you are going to have tons of apples in years to come.

Already ordered 4 more from Cummins for next spring plus CrazyEd is grafting a couple for me. Somebody just had to go ahead and post the Cummins 2015 offer list. Couldn't resist. :)

Going to up my crab count next year. Ordered a dolgo on antonovka, a centennial on b118 and a Kerr on b118. Also threw in a black oxford on b118.

My 2nd leaf dolgo has a few apples on it this year. We'll see if they make it to maturity. I'm hoping to try one later this summer.
the only apple tree we had when I was a kid was a dolgo.

Only one way to eat them. Pop the whole thing in your mouth and get over the first burst of acid, then they taste great.

(Never mind the worms!)

dolgo makes great jelly and apple sauce. Probably better sauce than chestnut crab.
Do you have any Dolgo on Antonovka Sandbur? I've got one coming next year. That'll be my first tree on that particular rootstock. Looking forward to the Kerr and centennial as well. Also looking to add a chestnut and Whitney to round out my crab diversity.
Do you have any Dolgo on Antonovka Sandbur? I've got one coming next year. That'll be my first tree on that particular rootstock. Looking forward to the Kerr and centennial as well. Also looking to add a chestnut and Whitney to round out my crab diversity.

My oldest dolgo is on antanovka. It is probably on twenty plus leaf (years). I think the new one in third or fourth leaf is on own root.

I have a centennial graft that looks like it is surviving. Three kerrs on second leaf and about 10 or 12 chestnut crabs of various ages up to twenty years.

I would like to have a whitney.