ALONE on the history channel

Jordan Selsor

5 year old buck +
Anyone watching this show? I'm not a big TV guy and most of the survival shows are hOKie as heck but this one is pretty cool. It takes place on several Vancouver islands. I couldn't believe some of the sissies on the show that are supposed to be survival specialists! You are allowed to take 10 things and are there for as long as 6 months! Last man there wins 500K!! I emailed the producers today showing interest
I just watched the the first two episodes last night. The guy from Ohio was a puss!

My daughter says I could win that competition. The closest I've ever come to that kind of experience is elk hunting. But even then I had people in camp. I think a long time spent completely alone could make a person crazy.
Anyone watching this show? I'm not a big TV guy and most of the survival shows are hOKie as heck but this one is pretty cool. It takes place on several Vancouver islands. I couldn't believe some of the sissies on the show that are supposed to be survival specialists! You are allowed to take 10 things and are there for as long as 6 months! Last man there wins 500K!! I emailed the producers today showing interest

What kind of items are you allowed to take? Are you allowed to shoot animals as you deem necessary? What if you and I are both still there at the end of 6 months? ...... does it become The Hunger Games then?:eek:

I would deem it a pretty neat vacation!
My list of ten things:

1. A large tackle box and full array of fishing gear.
2. A reloading center with an array of rifles and shotguns.
4. A nice cabin fully equipped with modern essentials.
5. A maid and a butler.
6. Lots of food and drink.....including a large supply of GB Nordeast.
7. A wardrobe of clothing and gear.
8. A good 4wd vehicle with plenty of fuel.
9. An expense account.
10. The sweedish bikini team to cheer me on in my quests.

Yep.....I think I could get along for six months or so. :)
What kind of items are you allowed to take? Are you allowed to shoot animals as you deem necessary? What if you and I are both still there at the end of 6 months? ...... does it become The Hunger Games then?:eek:

I would deem it a pretty neat vacation!

Don't know all the specifics but believe it is 10 things among a list of basic survival gear. No guns. Only weapons that I read were long bow with 6 arrows and a slingshot. Not sure about the six months an multiple people left.
What kind of survivalist goes into the the wild with out a gun in this day and age?! :)For goodness sake guns were invented at least a couple hundred years ago, I dont think they fall into the modern conveience category anymore. I bet if you asked 10 survialists their first must have item it would be a gun. I dont watch these shows either for the same basic reason that Jordan mentioned previously. How about "Naked and Afraid", that is about the stupidiest <>*^% show I have ever seen! If the shows were "realistic" I would probably watch them. my request for the Sweedish Bikini Team denied? o_O I'm outta that contest.
Yes, I'm hooked on this show. I noticed a few guys chose sling shots. Not quite sure about this as a choice. Especially when they can bring a bow with 6 arrows.
I kind of felt the guy who bailed first didn't have a chance at his drop off point. Seriously the bears were thick in his spot for some reason.
I kind of felt the guy who bailed first didn't have a chance at his drop off point. Seriously the bears were thick in his spot for some reason.

That's what the bow and arrows are for. (?) I happened to watch a part of this show this morning. Interesting. Guy made a boat out of tarp to get access the open water. Quite imaginative.
That's what the bow and arrows are for. (?) I happened to watch a part of this show this morning. Interesting. Guy made a boat out of tarp to get access the open water. Quite imaginative.

Yeah that was pretty slick idea for the boat!

I don't know where they find these guys. 2 of them should have been eating bear right off the bat but more less crapped down both legs in fear:/ the midwest farm boy is the only one kicking ass so far.
Yeah that was pretty slick idea for the boat!

I don't know where they find these guys. 2 of them should have been eating bear right off the bat but more less crapped down both legs in fear:/ the midwest farm boy is the only one kicking ass so far.

Yeah that was pretty slick idea for the boat!

I don't know where they find these guys. 2 of them should have been eating bear right off the bat but more less crapped down both legs in fear:/ the midwest farm boy is the only one kicking ass so far.
You guys must be better at shooting in the dark then I am. I think it's on tonight again?
Foggy - post #4 - I nominate Foggy for camping director at the forum outing. I've never met Foggy - but I can spot excellent qualifications and knowledge !!! I needed you to get me geared up for my hunting trips to the North Woods of Maine. I like the idea of having my morale kept up by the bikini team ........ if the weather or the hunting turn sour.:D

Theses shows aren't realistic to me. If they were not so far out - like " Naked & Afraid " whatever it's called, I'd be more likely to tune in. It stands to reason that an outdoorsman would win at this type of thing, or a military individual.
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Theses shows aren't realistic to me. If they were not so far out - like " Naked & Afraid " whatever it's called, I'd be more likely to tune in. It stands to reason that an outdoorsman would win at this type of thing, or a military individual.

That is why I like "Dude, You're Screwed"

Every episode, one of the world's foremost survival experts is kidnapped, blindfolded, and dropped without warning into one of the harshest environments on earth. The goal: find civilization within 100 hours. But to win this game, you don't just have to survive -- you have to do it in style. Because every move, every decision is watched and scrutinized by the other Dudes -- a team of world-renowned survival freaks.
After watching the show I think the toughest part would be get fire going if all the wood was wet. Very few shaved the wood to make kindling to start the fires.

Then dealing without access to your family/loved ones for 6 months. If you can do that then you'd do ok. The guy that dropped out because of the bear had no idea what he was getting himself into. The guy who lost his fire starter I think wanted out and probably didn't lose it. The ironic thing is he has his own Youtube channel for survival techniques.

I don't think any of them are that far from roads or civilization.. You can see clear cuts in the hills around them.
Every now and then I like watching the youtube video on Heimo Korth
Hell, he has a WVU sweatshirt on. Of course he's crazy, or tough. We all are. 30 years up there? He must have some big ones.
What kind of survivalist goes into the the wild with out a gun in this day and age?! :)For goodness sake guns were invented at least a couple hundred years ago, I dont think they fall into the modern conveience category anymore. I bet if you asked 10 survialists their first must have item it would be a gun. I dont watch these shows either for the same basic reason that Jordan mentioned previously. How about "Naked and Afraid", that is about the stupidiest <>*^% show I have ever seen! If the shows were "realistic" I would probably watch them.

I watch all the survival shows, this one is interesting. However its all on Vancouver island not diff islands. Thing is there is a large population of bears, cougars, and wolves (again I repeat an island). If I couldn't bring a gun I sure wouldn't go. The last guy that left was about pissing himself in night as it took the crew like 5+s hrs over night to get to him while a bear was in his camp.
So far most of the guys who have tapped out is because of the pressure from the wildlife. The show would last too long if they were allowed to have guns. If they allowed guns and were giving out $500k for the winner, every Lee and Tiffany wanna-be would be on this show. It separates the men from the boys I guess. I don't have the survival skills or mental capacity to do it. I know that much.
Foggy - post #4 - I nominate Foggy for camping director at the forum outing. I've never met Foggy - but I can spot excellent qualifications and knowledge !!! I needed you to get me geared up for my hunting trips to the North Woods of Maine. I like the idea of having my morale kept up by the bikini team ........ if the weather or the hunting turn sour.:D

Theses shows aren't realistic to me. If they were not so far out - like " Naked & Afraid " whatever it's called, I'd be more likely to tune in. It stands to reason that an outdoorsman would win at this type of thing, or a military individual.
alot of the naked and afraid "winners" are military men and women. the worst part of that show are the interpersonal dynamics.....and the hell hole environments they put them