A Microfarm

Last year, I planted a row of white pine along the road of my yard at stab camp. I gave them the executive treatment (cage, mat, chips). I even rounded up a pile of deer pellets for each hole. That was originally my brother’s idea.

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No interest in my comfrey root cuttings, so I planted them all. It doesn't take much for them to grow, so planting goes quickly. Just stick a shovel in a couple inches deep, lift the soil and drop the cutting in, then lower the soil back on top.

I put 50 cuttings into small grow bags to see if anyone on the FB marketplace wants them once they've sprouted. If not I'll find a good home for them.
Toka plum is the first tree to hit full bloom in my orchard every year. Pipestone plum is a couple days later, followed by my 3 pear trees a day or two after that. The apples then start, about a week after that first plum.

Our average last frost date is May 15th, though it looks like May 3rd was it this year. Here are the full bloom dates for that Toka plum each year.

May 8, 2018
May 14, 2019
May 18, 2020
April 28, 2021
May 13, 2022
May 6, 2023
Got my field grafting done today. Took care of 4 in the orchard that didn't take last year, and 20 in my nursery.

I have 2 in my orchard that were completely girdled. Not sure if it was a rabbit or vole. The local cats take care of most of them. Only the 4th tree they've got in 8 years.
I picked up 25 of these 3' coco coir weed mats. Put them down around some dwarf trees up near the house

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Dug up my two skulls from last season. Didn't realize how much bigger that second one was, since they were killed a month apart.

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Had to break out the water cart. 2gallons for each young tree, with double that for those showing distress . I think 3 that were transplanted in fall are too far gone already.

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Had to break out the water cart. 2gallons for each young tree, with double that for those showing distress . I think 3 that were transplanted in fall are too far gone already.

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Do you use lids for your buckets? Only way I've found to not lose any water during transportation. Can fill them to the top. I hate watering but don't have a choice this year right now. I've just been doing the garden though. No trees yet. Last time I watered trees was 2012. Said never again. They are basically on their own.
I don't use lids. I travel in first gear so not a lot spills. The gorilla cart holds water, so I dump it out at the base of a tree once the buckets are empty. The trees I have mulched well all looked fine, but I didn't mulch the dozen I transplanted last fall, and they were hurting.
Here is a pic with a comfrey plant that wasn't divided in the spring, alongside one that was. I cut the big one off about 2 inches above ground level today and used it for mulch. It will grow back the same size twice more this year.

The second pic shows a close up of the one that was divided. You can see 4 new plants, (1 on left, 3 on right) growing from where root portions were left in the ground.

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One good thing about dry weather is that it lessens the opportunity for apple scab to get started. Honeygold is a variety that is listed as very susceptible to scab. Here are it's leaves. We're supposed to get a slow, all day rain tomorrow, so Wednesday I'll hit my trees with a foliar fertilizer that includes cobalt to keep scab from starting.

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Beetle season has begun!

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For the first time ever, I'm going to be hauling water with my wheeler and trailer this weekend. I've got to get a few hundred gallons on my raised beds to equal about 1.5 inches.
Planted out the 50 comfrey plants I started in pots from root cuttings. As dry as it's been I'm not sure all of the ones I just stuck in the ground near my apple trees will do anything. The crowns I separated and planted are all doing great. I noticed the Rose Chafer beetles are loving them, and ignoring the apple trees 3 feet away, so that's helpful. The comfrey won't be bothered by whatever damage the beetles do.

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This comfrey topic has come up a few times. I haven't been fully briefed on the ins and outs of it all.
Coe's Comfrey

Here's where I bought my first plants from. It'll give you lots of info on comfrey itself, and their particular variety. Then there's a ton of videos on YouTube detailing it's uses. Perma Pastures Farm has some good ones. I use it as mulch, to make liquid fertilizer, and as a trap crop for bad bugs.
Bought my summer seeds today. Seemed expensive, $93 for an acre. Of course I go heavy as I throw and mow and the thatch will be minimal as the plot is pretty dead due to the drought. Chances of rain 4 of the next 5 days. Soaked the seeds for 6 hours, drained them using landscape fabric, broadcast by hand, then mowed.

The last pic is smoke from fire less than 10 miles from us. Local departments and DNR have been working on it for 3 hours, with 8 houses gone so far. Smoke was blowing directly over us but wind has shifted more to the north now.

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They had the fire contained by 9:00 last night. Started by a pallet fire at an Amish sawmill, burning over 800 acres before it was put out.
I just did the math on what I spent the last few days to get my quarter acre of rye sweet clover restarted and topped up. I also did the match on the other quarter acre I'm rebuilding this summer.

$340 for a half acre. Ick.