930 Mossy not cycling

Smelly buck

A good 3 year old buck
I have a 930 Mossberg thats never really cycled worth a darn. It's a turkey gun and I've been using it for a couple of years as a single shot, with TSS who's ever gonna need a second shot anywhays. Last year after the season I broke it down realy well and cleaned it, there was a surprising amount of gunk, maybe I tried to oil it one time to see if it would cycle any better. Anywhay I was carfull not to oil it this time, just cleanned it real good and put it back together. I just pulled it out of the gun cabinet and pulled the slide back and let it go and it travled sooo slow. I can tell its still a single shot. Is there a spring or something I can replace to make it work. I know its not dirty or greasy. It thows an amazing pattern way out there and I love it for that but man is it heavy for a single shot.
One of the 13 NWTF World Still Target Championship that I won was shooting a 935, but I haven't owned a 930. However, I have some suggestions:

1. If you bought the gun used, there is a chance that someone didn't put it back together properly. Look at the diagram in the link I post at the end of my message and visually inspect per the diagrams.
2. Even if you bought it new, the above possibility still exists.
3. A common cycling problem with your gun is what mossberg calls the forearm retainer. This is a plastic spacer lpiece that is part of the gas operating system. See the link that I post and look on page 14. If any part of it is broken, cracked or turned the wrong way, this could be the problem.
4. These guns run better "wet" or heavily oiled with a light lubricant. However, this also causes fowling and crud to accumulate more quickly. Bottom line is clean and oil often.
5. The 935 I had never did cycle anything less than a 3.5 inch shell like it should. However, it did get much better with continued use. Breaking in with some cheap ammo might help.
6. If all else fails I would just call and discuss the problem with Mossberg.
PS - I was so worried about my 935 tearing up before the world championship shoot that I went out and bought another one. The plan was that I would put my good barrel on the spare receiver if I had to. Luckily it did make it through the shoot. Good luck.
Wow, thanks so much for that detailed info. I did buy the gun new and it actually is 935. I will enjoy that manual and now have hope I will get to the bottom of this.
thanks again.