I think these types of programs are actually programs designed to address a problem that a free market would never solve, and with that in mind, one of the few government programs that is "needed". Now it is perfectly reasonable to question which types of programs are actually doing a whole lot of good, but CRP/CSP and EQIP were started because the trajectory of soil loss in states like Wisconsin was so dramatic. If not addressed, that soil would be gone forever, polluting streams and aquifers in the process. It takes 1000 years to form an inch of topsoil in the Midwest. It took less than 200 years to degrade soils by more than 40% by farmers who were doing nothing illegal, providing for their families, and were at that time the largest employer in the US.
Even without programs like EQIP we are still not likely to see that level of soil loss again (thanks in part to soil conservation research). But they still serve a purpose as an ecological safety net. Who knows, maybe in 500 or 1000 years the US will still have some of the most productive soil in the world, and with any luck people will still be able to chase wild game that is supported by that soil we are conserving for future generations.