7mm-08 or 6.5 Creedmoor

you won't regret the Creedmoor. I have killed deer out to 400 yards with this round. 140 Grain Berger VLD Hunting Bullet. It leaves a devastating exit wound.

A lot of calibers will do that when you hit all of the bone in the shoulder area. Great caliber nonetheless

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Heres why I’m getting the new rifle. My 14 yr old shot this one opening day and then asked if that could be his rifle from now on. Heck ya so proud of him. He first sat with me at age 3 and loved the red head lamp I gave him wearing it on all the way home from that hunt. His first opening day behind that rifle at age 10 he dropped this guy. Since then he has had many chances at bucks but always let them walk wanting something bigger and he was fine with shooting does and not filling his buck tag. This year he got that something bigger and I couldn’t be happier. 2C4FE0C2-D0C4-45D8-B003-4E8DE01F5911.pngDA55B0E2-FE3F-49B4-A2EF-493E61EBA9FB.png
Here’s the end result. So far I’m very happy with it. Very balanced, easy smooth bolt throw, tack driver, and the glass is very good. E4774A7B-5709-4427-9264-F8B013D64A5C.jpeg
This thread is responsible for my sons Christmas present. He out grew his youth model .243 years ago. Been using my 7mm rem mag the last few years.

Browning 6.5 Creedmoor is in the safe now but going under the tree. No scope yet, he has to spring for something!

He doesn't know about it but I can't wait to shoot it. I just haven't figured out why the muzzle break on a low recoil rifle.
This thread is responsible for my sons Christmas present. He out grew his youth model .243 years ago. Been using my 7mm rem mag the last few years.

Browning 6.5 Creedmoor is in the safe now but going under the tree. No scope yet, he has to spring for something!

He doesn't know about it but I can't wait to shoot it. I just haven't figured out why the muzzle break on a low recoil rifle.
That’s awesome I’m sure he’s going to love it.
Wow, nice rifle. What kind is it?
Holy cow! That wasn't cheap.
Peeps and Bill, AWESOME purchases!

Used my 6.5 laser beam to take out another pesky hog a couple of nights ago (humorous tale behind it I'll share separately).

As with every round fired from it to date, DEAD-on target!

I never fired a 6.5 Creedmore. What would you guys say it compares to for recoil, noise, flat-shooting, etc. ?? It sounds like a gem reading this post. Interested in all comments.
Slightly flatter shooting Than a .308. Haven't shot it yet but I'm expecting recoil similar to a .243
Highly efficient round with moderate sized cartridge. Generalizing a bit, but recoil on an 8 pound rifle will be about 2/3rds that of a 270 weighing in at the same weight. I find the recoil to be fairly comparable to my 30-30... maybe even a tad lighter, but should add my 6.5 is a fairly heavy long AR model. Like everything about the caliber but would not say mine is quiet.
As stated above it is a flat shooting round with less wind drift as well. Recoil on mine felt less than a .243 but I’m sure the muzzle break and but pad contributes to that. The muzzle does not jump hardly at all during the shot and it was easy to keep the cross hairs on target while working the bolt. With the muzzle break it does have a bark to it tho. My set up was not cheap by any means but I plan to have this weapon for the rest of my life and I hope it gets passed on to my grand kids some day as my Grandpa’s rifle was to me. If that happens it will have been money very well spent.
Do all 6.5's come with a muzzle break, or is that an individual choice ??

Bigbendmarine - Is the 6.5 comparable to a .270 in it's noise level ?? I just wouldn't want a blast like a .300 mag. My ears don't need any more punishment !! I obviously wear ear protection while target shooting, but not while hunting. It's so thick here - I gotta hear approaching steps.
Bowsnbucks, I honestly can't say first hand... don't own a .270 or a .300 mag. My comment to noise wasn't meant to say it's particularly loud as much as to say that I can't say that it's especially quiet (versus the pop of a .22llr for example). Did a bit of google searching and from the looks of it, once you get out of the .22lr small bullet caliber range with a decibel rating of about 130 unsupressed the vast majority of firearms out there today without suppression are in the mid 150 to lower 160 level / all loud enough that suppression is a plus for saving hearing.

6.5 isn't in this one list I found but lots of other calibers are for whatever it's worth. On the bullet size note, can't swear that it perfectly correlates to lowering decibels significantly but again the 6.5 round is appreciably smaller and has less powder packed in it than quite a few other rounds. Personally wish supressors were easier to get without hassle as I'd love to have the flexibility of using them when desired.

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Bigbendmarine - Yep, the noise is the biggest thing for me. Recoil - not so much. Supressors would be the ticket just from the ear safety standpoint. I understood your "quiet" comment !! Thanks for the decibel ratings and other info. You & family have a great Christmas !! Thanks for your service.