Instead of a gun


5 year old buck +
What would you want. Gun scope ammo vs habitat

Browning x bolt 270 win, run of the mill 3-9 vortex scope, Burris rings, 10 boxes regular ammo, only need 300 yards... about 1575 bucks. Dream rifle is a Winchester 1897 in 45lc

I spe d about 800 for a good atc cart,then 500 in materials for a hunting shack for my son in law where he hunts. Then stock up on 3 bags triple 12, 3 6-24-24, and 3 bags potash. Then stock up on clover with the rest. Only do about 3 acre or so
My Uncle was a gun trader and did quite well at it.

He said there is spending money and “ shuffling money” .

Proper procurement of firearms will ”cost” a lot less than the initial investment when considering appreciation.
I have a nice reloading setup rifle ammo on a single stage. I’d like a really tuned up Dillon 750 setup to spend a lot less time at the bench. 223, 223ai, and 6.5x47. I can do low volume stuff for my magnum hunting rifles on the single stage still.