I have a custom built Smokless muzzle loader that I use here in Ohio for both Shotgun and ML. It's just an amazing gun. I shoot 200gr SST's out to 300 yards with absolute certainity on where it's going to hit (without big wind). I really enjoy shooting this gun. A local guy here in Ohio builds them and he's more anal than a brain surgen on his builds. He'll build a ML's around the bullet you want to shoot too. That said, the new 20 gauge slug Savage bolt guns are pretty darn sweet. I have two buddies who have bought them and I've done some shooting with them here on my property. They shoot very nice and are very repetitive. I wouldn't hesistate in taking a 200 yard shot in light wind with these guns. If you're interested in a custom Smokless gun IM me and I'll give you his contact info.

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