2014 rut reports

Lots of dead deer along I-74 in the southeastern part of IN this weekend. Didn't see much if any along I-75 from Cincinatti to Piqua in OH. Went to visit my boy in Lima over the weekend (Go Racers).
Saw a tell-tale sign this morning. On my way to work I noticed 2 deer bedded down about 150 yards from the road in a large cut corn field. Obviously I stoppd to take a closer look. One was a doe bedded and watching me the other was a buck - never even picked his headup off the ground - all I could see was anlter points. I see this alot in my area and when bucks are old enough to know better are doing dumb things like tis - it means only 1 thing. My general firearms season opens saturday morning -goody goody!
Hey Guys, here's a few pictures I got at the super scrape during the week. I will have the camera out there for one more week and i'll pull it during the gun opener.

I had quite a few pictures, lots of spikers and forks and young bucks in there as well as does. These are the highlights.



Here's 3 closeup / crops. And a few others that are not great pics but you can tell they are some shooters.



Couple more pics of the actual scrape and the area in general.


Looks like a couple good deer and a good hunting spot to boot.
Ed my scrapes have gone real cold this last week. Rubbing posts too.
the breeding has been hot and heavy in central wi. hopefully it will be done by gun season, but you know some bucks will be on their feet searching opening weekend, and that will be the end of them.
I just havent seen anything over 135. If we could only protect these 2.5 and 3.5 year olds. It's just never going to happen, unless hunting looses popularity.
It is at the peak of rut activity right now in Northern Missouri. I have never been out in the woods and seen this many bucks running in my life. These poor doe's can't find a place to hide anywhere. It has been like this for 2 days. How many more days can it continue at this pace?
Dipper I was out a good portion of Saturday. When walking around I still saw many fresh scrapes that were all tore up.

My season in review - I hunted November 1st morning and 3 hours in the afternoon. All day Nov 6 & 7. Morning and 3 hours in afternoon on November 15th. I saw 2 different mature bucks the morning of Nov1, one which was over 150". I saw the same mature buck twice on November 7th, i'd say probably 135" 8 pointer. I saw this busted up 11 pointer on November 15th, he was WAY rutted up, came into 16 yards but was hung up behind brush and offered no shot, I thought he was mature. I have not seen much chasing at all in our neck of the woods granted i'm mostly a weekend warrior and dont hunt much. I am the only person hunting our 160 acres, one 40 to our east is hunted pretty hard but our other neighbor has 2000+ acres of very low pressure/ no pressure land, it's not really bow hunted at all but they did take one 170+ from what I hear. They will send 20 guys out during the gun hunt like always, but 80 acres of standing corn will help provide some good food and cover, and there is lots of other corn in the area still standing, not sure how much will get picked this week. Good Luck everyone, temps look pretty mild for opening day in the land of cheese!
Saturday and Sunday were as good as it gets for the Rut during Rifle season here. Monday was real slow. No deer running, all just standing around out of the wind. Only one buck walking around in one of the sanctuary's.
Bucks in Lock down, only a few little guys are walking around.
I sat 4 days last Wed-Sat ... each day got quieter in terms of deer movement ... a few does jumping out of the marsh ... but every buck was locked on a doe ...
Not bad hunting, your seeing a lot more quality in your bucks than I am. I haven't been hunting in a week and a half. I went back to work and put in over 90 hours last week. Gonna hunt almost all of gun and muzzle season.
Not bad hunting, your seeing a lot more quality in your bucks than I am. I haven't been hunting in a week and a half. I went back to work and put in over 90 hours last week. Gonna hunt almost all of gun and muzzle season.

As I said ... very low visual activity ... last afternoon I sat for 4 hours ... snow, winds at 20 plus mph, and 21 deg F. Did not see a deer. Heard activity in the tag alders and marsh ... they just weren't ready to step out. I too put a ton of hours in at work and could not hunt mornings because of International customers.

Walked back out of the marsh towards the cut corn field the farmer harvested the day before. 15 plus deer jumped as I came through ... :)

Good luck ... I will be logging major hours in the stand the next 12-15 days too. I really enjoy muzzle loader as it is usually absent of all the orange ...
As of thois past weekend the bucks were still chasing the does ... I will update once I am up this weekend ... good luck to everyone muzzleloader hunting this weekend !
Well the rut is long over but I am going out with the bow one last time on Saturday. My plan is to sit near the edge of a huge cut corn field and hope to find mr. big on his way out to get a snack. Looks like some cold weather will begin pushing in later this weekend, hopefully that helps get things moving. I have not been up since second weekend of gun deer so our property has been super quiet since from a pressure standpoint. If anyone else is heading out for one last shot good luck and Happy New Year!
Well the rut is long over but I am going out with the bow one last time on Saturday. My plan is to sit near the edge of a huge cut corn field and hope to find mr. big on his way out to get a snack. Looks like some cold weather will begin pushing in later this weekend, hopefully that helps get things moving. I have not been up since second weekend of gun deer so our property has been super quiet since from a pressure standpoint. If anyone else is heading out for one last shot good luck and Happy New Year!
Good luck out there Ed. My season is done but I'm hoping to get up there before the snow gets to deep to do some post season scouting and to fire up my new chainsaw to cleanup some fallen trees on my fenceline.
I've had deer real close as I'm logging.at this point they stay at 100 yards. Had them a lot closer when the snow was deeper.