1st rd done of grafting complete.

I think I was around 85% take on apples last year and 90% on pears. It never fails I always seem to have a variety or two that I have terrible success on last year it was Dolgo and Chestnut crabapples, I think it was the result of the winter weather that damaged the scions. If it wasnt for those 2 problem varieties last year I would have batted about 95% on apples. I can do about 20 grafts an hr and hope to improve on that this year.

Really, ya choose to post 90% success, dick....... lol.

Bows to the masters of grafting.
Grafts look good BV !! Now comes the hard part of waiting to see them pop and start to grow.

Just finished grafting a few. I don't do the big numbers some of you guys do. I grafted 3 Minnesota 1734, 2 Prairie Spy, 3 Nova Spy, and 1 unknown crab we have at camp. The unknown crab gets a ton of fruit about 1 1/4" to 1 1/2" dia. Mid- September to about 3rd week of October dropper - good for archery attraction. I got the Nova Spy scion from N.Y. Terrence. I swapped him a few scions he needed.

I have more to graft - some late-hangers from up-state near my camp. Greyphase is getting some of those scions from me.
Grafts look good BV !! Now comes the hard part of waiting to see them pop and start to grow.

Just finished grafting a few. I don't do the big numbers some of you guys do. I grafted 3 Minnesota 1734, 2 Prairie Spy, 3 Nova Spy, and 1 unknown crab we have at camp. The unknown crab gets a ton of fruit about 1 1/4" to 1 1/2" dia. Mid- September to about 3rd week of October dropper - good for archery attraction. I got the Nova Spy scion from N.Y. Terrence. I swapped him a few scions he needed.

I have more to graft - some late-hangers from up-state near my camp. Greyphase is getting some of those scions from me.

Bnb love of the hobby is key. Amout of trees isnt the end game. I can look at picture of pruning (before/after) all day long, i love driving around an starring at orchards when their in bloom.

Im an apple tree finatic! I only am doing alot because my wifes family has graciously given me freedom to plant as many as i want on 5-10 acres of their 120.

When they start to pop awake is some of the biggest joys i have all year!

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Bnb love of the hobby is key. Amout of trees isnt the end game. I can look at picture of pruning (before/after) all day long, i love driving around an starring at orchards when their in bloom.

Im an apple tree finatic! I only am doing alot because my wifes family has graciously given me freedom to plant as many as i want on 5-10 acres of their 120.

When they start to pop awake is some of the biggest joys i have all year!

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I agree I take so many pics of my orchards in spring. I can't wait to get home and see how my grafts are doing
BV - I wasn't making a judgment on what or how many other guys graft. I don't give anyone grief about what they do - better things to do with my time. I was just sharing my little piece of the grafting picture and adding to the story of what you guys are all doing. No offense meant or taken !!

Truth be told, I wish I had another 10 acres of open fields to plant with apples and crabs. Our camp is mostly wooded, with some pre-existing fields ( it used to be a farm years ago ), that we plant to food plots - and lately apple trees and crabapples. We're about out of apple tree space, but we have 60 trees planted in addition to 4 old apple trees that were here for years. I enjoy the hell out of planting, pruning, training, fertilizing - the whole thing. Grafting too - though I won't be doing it on the scale some of you guys do !! I feel the same way about all the spruce and other things we plant at camp. If it's outdoors, and at the camp - I'm there !! :) :)
image.jpg image.jpg Grafting underway... 50 antonovka from Willamette. Scions are from our camp, GRIN, greyphase and bowsnbucks. I will post list at some point. 11/50 done so far. New this year... 12-year old son helping, use of double-boiler vs propane torch last year to melt wax, the fancy new razor blade knife recommended on this site. A few pics...image.jpg image.jpg
Love the look of concentration on your boys face and it looks like he's doing some serious record keeping. It's times like this that he'll remember when he grows up.
NY Terrence awesome pics of your handsome son concentration on his job. He really looks into it and that's cool. I love how you have him documenting everything also. I could learn a few things from that picture. I am sure you will have a high success rate with that helper
My dog sitter took some pics of my grafts to show me that many were popping buds. IT looks like I might have a good crop this year?image.jpeg
Wow paul nice!

Bnb no offense at all, was just stating why i do what i do.

Nyt, nice spreadsheet!

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Finished my bench grafting for the year!

  1. Scion Scion Supplier Rootstock Graft Date Graft Type
    Honeycrisp WTNT G30 3/19/2016 Cleft
    Zestar Aerospace G30 3/19/2016 W/T
    Roxbury Russet GRIN G30 3/19/2016 W/T
    Zestar CrazyEd G30 3/19/2016 Cleft
    Pinova Masonville Orch. G30 3/19/2016 W/T
    Pinova Masonville Orch. G30 3/19/2016 W/T
    Pink Pearl GRIN G30 3/19/2016 W/T
    Fuji Red Sport 2 GRIN G30 3/19/2016 W/T
    Pink Lady Aerospace G30 3/19/2016 Cleft
    Zestar CrazyEd G30 3/19/2016 W/T
  1. Scion Scion Supplier Rootstock Graft Date Graft Type
    Kieffer Lot2Learn OHxF97 3/19/2016 W/T
    Kalle (Red Clapp) Chickenlitte OHxF97 3/19/2016 W/T
    Flemish Beauty Buckvelvet OHxF97 3/19/2016 Cleft
    Shenandoah Chickenlitte OHxF97 3/19/2016 W/T
    Shenandoah Chickenlitte OHxF97 3/19/2016 W/T
    Potomac WTNT OHxF97 3/19/2016 W/T
    Harvest Queen Chickenlitte OHxF97 3/19/2016 W/T
    Harvest Queen Chickenlitte OHxF97 3/19/2016 W/T
    Magness WTNT OHxF97 3/19/2016 W/T
    Magness WTNT OHxF97 3/19/2016 W/T
BV - I wish I had more acreage like you do to plant more apples and crabs. I've had so much fun the last 4 years doing this apple thing, I could sure keep going !! I can see myself doing this in retirement. I've been gardening and growing things all my life - apples are the new project/wildlife investment/snack supply !!
I'm a little over half way done with my grafting. I started with some regrafts.

2-Arkansas Black B118
Stayman B118
Kestrel B118
Devonshire Quarrenden G969
Bakers Delicious G969
Isle of Wight Pippin G202
Allen's Everlasting G202
May Queen G202
Arkansas Black Antonovka

Then I started on my 75 B118 rootstocks.

2-Kaz 613988
2-Kaz 613990
2-Kaz 613991
2-Kaz 614000
2-Black Limbertwigs
Keener's Seedling
#5 Crab
Virginia Beauty
Brambley's Seedling
Winter Sweet
Dr. Matthews
Rocky River Limbertwig
Virginia Limbertwig
Ruby Limbertwig
Dixie Red Delight
2-Grimes Golden
2-Canadian Strawberry
Hooples Antique Gold
Betsy Deaton
Clear Gold
Weidner's Reinette
Scarlet Nonpariel
Greenmeadow's Cox Orange Pippin
Adams Pearmain
Buckvelvet #3
BV Homestead Crab
Wolf River

Taking a few days off then finishing up the B118's plus 25 G-30's and 10 OHxF 97 pear rootstock.
I'm a little over half way done with my grafting. I started with some regrafts.

2-Arkansas Black B118
Stayman B118
Kestrel B118
Devonshire Quarrenden G969
Bakers Delicious G969
Isle of Wight Pippin G202
Allen's Everlasting G202
May Queen G202
Arkansas Black Antonovka

Then I started on my 75 B118 rootstocks.

2-Kaz 613988
2-Kaz 613990
2-Kaz 613991
2-Kaz 614000
2-Black Limbertwigs
Keener's Seedling
#5 Crab
Virginia Beauty
Brambley's Seedling
Winter Sweet
Dr. Matthews
Rocky River Limbertwig
Virginia Limbertwig
Ruby Limbertwig
Dixie Red Delight
2-Grimes Golden
2-Canadian Strawberry
Hooples Antique Gold
Betsy Deaton
Clear Gold
Weidner's Reinette
Scarlet Nonpariel
Greenmeadow's Cox Orange Pippin
Adams Pearmain
Buckvelvet #3
BV Homestead Crab
Wolf River

Taking a few days off then finishing up the B118's plus 25 G-30's and 10 OHxF 97 pear rootstock.

Wow fantastic Rick! Lots of great diversity on your end. I need to do more research on all these limbertwigs and see the differences so I understand what I had from you better next year. LOL!
BV where are the buds? Lol. Here is my update with 11 of 18 breaking after 1 month I got a lot of scions with multiple shoots . So far so goodimage.jpeg
BV. Looks like some of those grafts are ready to break