1st rd done of grafting complete.


Stu & Anyone else that would like to hear more information in regards to the Homestead crab, here is a video I taped yesterday. If you would like scions feel free to contact me.

The tree has only dropped 3 apples that weren't consumed by critters when I was there, its mast crop most likely begin to drop about the 25th of October. As you can see by the apple in my hand they aren't really tine crabs they are probably right on the cusp of being crab/normal apple some of coarse are smaller. The apples look brilliant red on the tree but do have hints of yellow and green one or around the stem.

If anyone would like scion wood from the homestead crab please let me know with your address via pm and i'll get it to you. I plan to collect it in the next 2-3 weeks.
These 3 trees are very old, they were planted about the same time as the original homestead and my wifes grandmas property. She grew up here and was born on the property in 1934. The original home was built in 1875. Impressive trees from the 1800s still kicking butt with so little left in trunk support.

She has asked my find whatever new growth I can and get at least 1 of each to replace on the property.

Tree #1, ? Russet?






Tree #2 ?






Tree #3, looks possibly a golden delicious parentage anyways ?







Anyone want some scion wood from some of these old relics? Let me know & I can get these crabs as well.
Dude this brought back nightmares seeing you eating that apple in this post!!!!!!!! :eek:
Dude this brought back nightmares seeing you eating that apple in this post!!!!!!!! :eek:

Remember that back alley comment Paul? I'm coming for you! LOL!
I will keep my eyes open for you lol
Oh no boys!

Its starting again!!!!

They are shipping next Monday!cummins.jpg
Good luck BV. I am all done except for. 3 more rootstocks for which I am waiting for a scion shipment from Red which should be here tomorrow before I head off to the Caribbean again and hopefully come back to leaf I g grafts lol. So far 4 have already started to show some green!!!!!!
Not grafting related but I had gotten 2 flemish beauty pear trees from Cummins in 2014. I decided I didn't need 2 of the same variety so I moved 1 from my house to the Orchard at farm. I figured its still dormant yet, now is the time. :)

Full out panic mode ensues...

Looks like it's going to be cold next week. Should be ok if they aren't starting to break bud
Looks like it's going to be cold next week. Should be ok if they aren't starting to break bud

Paul this is a shipping notice for root stock that i'll be grafting in my basement. There they will be stored posted graft for 3-4 weeks until they wake up and are gently eased into the sun until they are planted in their bed at my house for the year.
Shoot! Walden heights box just arrived at my house, looks like i'm not sleeping tonight either lol!!!
I thought they were trees. You need to be more explicit and I need to drink less wine here in the islands lol
Aero - Not to disturb your vacation or anything, but my camp-mates and I transplanted your orchard over to our camp. We're all set for years of fruit now. :D:D:D
Aero - Not to disturb your vacation or anything, but my camp-mates and I transplanted your orchard over to our camp. We're all set for years of fruit now. :D:D:D
No worries. You must have strong guys lol
So in 2015 I had a grafting % success rate of 28.5% of 42 grafts. I lost 1 successful graft because i got crazy w/ weed spray (homestead crab), & 2 others (Dolgo/Wlliams Pride) to late spring cold snaps. I have 13 other grafts unaccounted for as a friend took him to his property.

So currently growing I have the following varieties from my successful 2015 introduction...

Granny Smith (m7)
Honeycrisp (m7)
Homestead Crab (b118
Winter Wildlife Crab (B118)
Winter Lane Crab (B118
NW Greening (B118)
Sinkhole Crab (Antonovka)
Liberty (Antonovka)
Enterprise (Antonovka)
Grafting sure takes me awhile, I don't know about the rest of you guys but I started at 6:30 pm and I got done at 1 am. I only did 25! Cut rootsotck, cut scion, graft, wrap, seal, write down what you did, make a label, yeesh! HAHA!

These are from Walden Heights Nursery in Vermont, SMSMITH turned me on to them for a source for Ranetka.



The roostocks were really small in diameter about half a pencil width (accept for maybe 5), however I ordered 25 and got 27 so I can't complain to much.
I have 13 other grafts unaccounted for as a friend took him to his property.

I am fairly certain 2 of those had successful grafts and the others did not. One of them was bent pretty severely before planting, so I think maybe 2 out of 12 on those.
I think I was around 85% take on apples last year and 90% on pears. It never fails I always seem to have a variety or two that I have terrible success on last year it was Dolgo and Chestnut crabapples, I think it was the result of the winter weather that damaged the scions. If it wasnt for those 2 problem varieties last year I would have batted about 95% on apples. I can do about 20 grafts an hr and hope to improve on that this year.
25 more grafts last night, B118 rootstock from Cummins, wow, those were some seriously hardy stocks! I ordered 7/16 and they were all of that!

I felt like I got on a pretty good roll last night and my grafts kept looking better and better. Here is hoping for success!


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