1st rd done of grafting complete.

'3 in a week? DAMN! Nice, real nice!
Tons of grafting scheduled for next year with 25 Ranetka, 25 B119, 10 G30, OHxF 97. I'm gonna grab a bunch of dirt cheap trees from coop too and graft to them for fun.

However I have to admit to cheating. I have 5 dead spots on the current orchard so I decided to fill them via another route. Ordered these from Cummins for spring '16 shipment. LOL

Golden Russet -B118
Newtown Pippin - B.118
GoldRush - Antonovka
Galarina - B.118
Zestar! - Antonovka
Update on the height of successful grafts.

Mating season.......? :)


NWG on B118, '12 on the button for scion growth.

WWC B118 was deff the most vigorous growing scion I had, a Full '25!!


Sinkhole Crab B118


Enterprise Antonovka, '22 Inches!

Liberty on Antonovka after just waking up 7/1, '10 of growing power!


Homestead Crab on B118. This is the only local tree that I grafted.

These 3 trees are very old, they were planted about the same time as the original homestead and my wifes grandmas property. She grew up here and was born on the property in 1934. The original home was built in 1875. Impressive trees from the 1800s still kicking butt with so little left in trunk support.

She has asked my find whatever new growth I can and get at least 1 of each to replace on the property.

Tree #1, ? Russet?






Tree #2 ?







Tree #3, looks possibly a golden delicious parentage anyways ?






Here are some pics of the original homestead. In great shape for what it is.

You can see my new orchard just down the hill.



Nice old apples. I'd definitely be grafting them onto something to save. I bud grafted my parents' favorite tree onto P.18 this summer. Looking at your late Baldwin, I found a one of my grafts that I gave up was still green. Maybe it would have done something if I left it. I budded something else to that rootstock.
Great looking old trees BV. Still producing after all these years, they definitely deserve a chance to live on for another 100 years on a new rootstock. Your young trees are looking really healthy too. Thanks for sharing your pics with us.
Update on the height of successful grafts.

Mating season.......? :)


NWG on B118, '12 on the button for scion growth.

WWC B118 was deff the most vigorous growing scion I had, a Full '25!!


Sinkhole Crab B118


Enterprise Antonovka, '22 Inches!

Liberty on Antonovka after just waking up 7/1, '10 of growing power!


Homestead Crab on B118. This is the only local tree that I grafted.

It is nice to see someone else obsessed with crab apples!
Great looking old trees BV. Still producing after all these years, they definitely deserve a chance to live on for another 100 years on a new rootstock. Your young trees are looking really healthy too. Thanks for sharing your pics with us.

I grafted two whitneys for a farmer who gave me some scion. His greatgrandmother planted the tree and he wants to keep the historic link growing.
None of those old trees are dropping yet. I mean theres 2-3 apples under each tree that maybe the wind blew off or a critter pulled off but that it. All still holding onto their fruit right now.
Herre is a few pics from yesterday, this is the 'homestead crab' i successfully got a graft on B118 this year. Its split in the middle of the base trunk. Its not going to last much longer as you can see the decay. It drops though in October and used to have much heavier crop 20 years ago when I lived here.



How does the homestead crab taste?

ya know Stu, I was young and never though to try them before. When I see some falling I will pull a good one off and try it(this signals ripe, correct?).

It normally drops in October. i know its not tested for MN but I'd love to pass this tree along if anyone would like scions.
Game on! I'll be showing the apple size later tonight.

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How does the homestead crab taste?

Stu & Anyone else that would like to hear more information in regards to the Homestead crab, here is a video I taped yesterday. If you would like scions feel free to contact me.

The tree has only dropped 3 apples that weren't consumed by critters when I was there, its mast crop most likely begin to drop about the 25th of October. As you can see by the apple in my hand they aren't really tine crabs they are probably right on the cusp of being crab/normal apple some of coarse are smaller. The apples look brilliant red on the tree but do have hints of yellow and green one or around the stem.

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Except for that ugly mug in the pic that was a pretty good post there Buck LOL. Very nice. Looks like it would be a great apple for cider also. You might need to start a new thread where we can get pics of all the apple growing guys taking a selfie with their apples . I will start when I get a haircut shave shower and some make up lol
Except for that ugly mug in the pic that was a pretty good post there Buck LOL. Very nice. Looks like it would be a great apple for cider also. You might need to start a new thread where we can get pics of all the apple growing guys taking a selfie with their apples . I will start when I get a haircut shave shower and some make up lol

I shave my own head Paul, take that! :)
I shave my own head Paul, take that! :)
What about the face lol. More there you forgot lol. I would shave mine but it would be ugly I have melon head almost size 8 and bumps and scars all over. Good thing I have white hair to cover it
What about the face lol. More there you forgot lol. I would shave mine but it would be ugly I have melon head almost size 8 and bumps and scars all over. Good thing I have white hair to cover it

I can't speak for buck and his beard, but i'm heavily balding at 23, so I relish any hair I can get on my head!
I can't speak for buck and his beard, but i'm heavily balding at 23, so I relish any hair I can get on my head!

My parents had my hair a certain way all throughout growing up. Around 14 I had my head shaved and I've kept it as such ever since, I love it. I'm 32, I have seriously thick hair but yeah I roll w/ a shaved noggin.