1st rd done of grafting complete.

Went and cut some more extra shoots off the rootstocks today. Found a scion budding underneath Antonovka shoots, crazy they can break bud so late.

Liberty on Antonovka

Enterprise on Antonovka.

Northwest Greenings on B118.

Winter Lane Crab on B118.

Winter Wildlife Crab on B118.

Homestead Crab on B118.
Anything that doesn't take you can easily t-bud in August. The ones that did survive look great!
I'm sorry I didn't grab a picture, I'll bring my camera out saturday to snap one or 2. :)

Well a sinkhole crab woke up over the past week on Antonovka rootstock. I snipped a 2 foot of growth off that roostock to let that thing take off.

Also a Goldrush on B118 looks to have woken up also but that one is still questionable I can't tell if its the RS or the Scion. Will take a picture of that also.
Thats crazy NHM. be curious to see if that one actually takes. I've had some late ones pop up like this and then fizzle out after a few weeks growing. Good luck though, i'll be rooting for ya! No pun intended. :)
I am about same 60 % Ed after all the fallout and planting losses. But am happy and need to find 12 more spaces lol
I am about same 60 % Ed after all the fallout and planting losses. But am happy and need to find 12 more spaces lol
I grafted 43. 38/43 grafts took, but currently I have 27/43 alive (62%). I measured them all the past weekend. New growth from 4" to 30" with average around 15".
I grafted 43. 38/43 grafts took, but currently I have 27/43 alive (62%). I measured them all the past weekend. New growth from 4" to 30" with average around 15".
Sounds good with good growth average. I have 2 more I will be planting this week. I have prior year grafts that are bigger now than a lot of trees I receive from nurseries. Not all but maybe 40% or about 8 trees.
Well I'm back from Ireland, going from 8 days of 50 degrees to 90 here in W Michigan was quite a shock!

I visited my new orchard that I grafted and out of 26 of those, 7 are successful, would be 8 but I killed 1 a month ago with gly over spray, and 2 rootstock never woke up. A 27% success rate on that orchard is sitting ok w/ me. I did my absolute best here so I'll have lots of rootstock to graft to next spring once I have scions from you great folks again. :)

The Orchard

Winter Wildlife Crab - Cleft Graft on B118 4/9/15 - Greyphase (tag incorrectly marked Sandbur).


Sinkhole Crab - Cleft Graft on Antonovka 4/13/15 - Greyphase


Winter Lane Crab - Cleft Graft 4/9/15 on B118 - Greyphase (tag incorrectly marked Sandbur).


Enterprise Apple - Cleft Graft 4/13/15 Antonovka - Smallchunk


Liberty Apple - W/T Graft 4/13 Antonovka - Aerospace
(This one needs 2 sprouts trimmed)


Northwest Greening - Cleft 4/9/15 B118 - CrazyEd


Homestead Crab - Cleft 4/9/15 B118 - Buckvelvet


I apparently have an unhealthy obsession with Sandbur as I mistook him for Greyphase twice while filling out tags deliriously at night while grafting. I submit to the MN Deer council for any and all traditions or customs that appease these unhealthy subconscious desires.

It aint 50%, 60%, 70% or any such number higher than 27% but hey for a first timer, i feel pretty good.
Good job BV. Glad the scions worked for you. You should have some good crabapples in a few years. I believe Sandbur and I are both "grey around the muzzle" so that's probably how you got us confused. :D:D
I apparently have an unhealthy obsession with Sandbur as I mistook him for Greyphase twice while filling out tags deliriously at night while grafting. I submit to the MN Deer council for any and all traditions or customs that appease these unhealthy subconscious desires.

It aint 50%, 60%, 70% or any such number higher than 27% but hey for a first timer, i feel pretty good.

I wouldn't sneeze at 1 in 4 on your first try. I'm likely going to try a dozen next summer and if I can get three to take, well that's a start with room for improvement.
Nice BV,

You'll do better next year. One thing you might try on the ones that have a little lean to them is take some plastic flagging tape. Tie them in gently to one of yourbamboo rods. That'll pull them more upright. Other than that they look great.

Here's one I did this morning


Thanks for the info, I was wondering how to help some of them as you don't want a weird kink in it permanently. Double entendre anyone?
Good job BV. Glad the scions worked for you. You should have some good crabapples in a few years. I believe Sandbur and I are both "grey around the muzzle" so that's probably how you got us confused. :D:D

Yeah your scions seem to have been a huge success for me. You now have 3 off spring in MI, do I file the birth certs with the state of MN for child support purposes? :)
I'm happy to see the first scion I have ever shipped for somebody has been a success!
Well I know you a pink kind of guy NH but I went with green from TSC. :)

Some of them especially this Winter Lane Crab was serious crooked, we are talking Greyphase may never walk straight again crooked.



Also trained the sinkhole crab that was a bit crooked.



It was a delicate balance of not being to forceful to wear a wind shift could put to much pressure and break the graft. Which would cause BV to cry like a spoiled child at Christmas. :)
What are your guys thoughts on this. This is a goldrush on Antonovka, grafted at the same time as the others. I have cut off about 4 rootstock chutes and let 1 grow until a week ago or so I discovered this growth near the base of the W/T graft. It looks like it is the scion growing, I removed the alum screen for a week to see if it would take off with out the side pressure from the screen. I didn't seem to do much and I don't want to leave it exposed for long so I put the screen back on.

I know before I snapped the pics so that does hinder things a bit. I'm not sure what to think of this, it looks like its growing like more of a bush clump than a single trunk as preferred. Any experienced grafted care to weigh in on what I should do?



Very nice on the Baldwin, looks great! What are the size of those root trapper bags? I'm still considering what I'm gonna do next year. This year I grafted and installed them in totes until growth was ready for sunlight, exposed for 10 days then to their final resting place they went.

I think that worked ok this year but it was just my grafts that failed not the roostock itself so thats on me.

More fun stuff. I checked this Baldwin this morning. I just leafed out this week. I was going to leave the rootstock and try stooling it in sawdust to get more rootstock but, the scion finally popped new growth.
Not sure why these Baldwin's were so slow taking. The graft unions look fine.


This week? Lol holy smokes its Mid August. I wonder what happens inside to cause something to wait so long to break forth with energy? Gotta love a good surprise!
Guys I need some help.

Here is the Winter Lane Crap pic I took just a few days ago when I tied it up to get the trunk a bit straighter. This was taken on 8/4.

We had a few days of mid 90s from 8/13-8/16, I have kept them watered though. This tree and 1 other one has a leaf or 2 that has done this. No damage of chewing insects, leaves aren't curling & dying, are they deficient in something?



As you can see the other leaves and the top half is fine.

That coloration sure makes it look like a purdy leaf though don't it.