Recent content by wildfire

  1. W

    DIY seed blends?

    As Mo said, ph and adequate fertilizer is just as important as seeding rate.
  2. W

    MN CWD Hunt

    If the percentage of CWD positive stays at 1%, with 11,000 deer in the area, after harvesting approx 1000 animals, 10,000 remaining could have 100 positive infection numbers.
  3. W

    You didn't build this.....

    John, if Dipper is able to bash all Mn. people, what else does it take to be banned. I am insulted by him personally. If he knew me I could understand his statements. For this if I get banned, adios!
  4. W

    Not one bid?

    A 80 acre mature maple woods, few oaks is for sale, is buying it worth the investment? I think maple is a climax woods. No understory except ferns.
  5. W

    Hunting and Hearing Loss

    Silencers are now legal. $900
  6. W

    What is the difference between these two spreaders?

    Just purchased a used land pride fsp 500 for $350.
  7. W

    Plot pics - brassica activity?

    Last year I had 3.5 acres of brassicas, come spring time, nothing left.
  8. W

    Building a mock scrape / What type of branch?

    I am lucky, I have both red and burr oak, about 10 to 15 feet tall. I left them when creating food plots. From year to year different ones get used.
  9. W

    The golden rule....

    I know Stu personally, to not have him on this sight is like never have been an Edison, Einstein, Dr King.
  10. W

    Oh boy the neighbors!

    Same experience, turned a neighbor in for 3rd time trespassing, they shot 2 bucks, forgot to register them. now I am an a$$. Any other neighbors that I am aware of illegal goings on will be reported.
  11. W

    Wildfires Foodplots

    I have 3.5 acres of a mixture of 1.2 and eagle beans. The 1.2 are mature, the eagles froze last friday. The picture shows how they have been devoured. For those of you that do not like the price of eagle beans, the more they are eaten when smaller, the more shoots come up from the rest of the...
  12. W

    Apple cam pics 2015

    The trees in the yard. The ones with tubes are harbin pear, dolgo crab, american plum. Theses were from Isanti county as seedlings. Even though they were as stated, it seems there is a large difference in them.
  13. W

    Apple cam pics 2015

    Sorry can not download pictures, but Art, Stu, and Foggy saw the trees. The apples taste terrible, but makes no difference to the deer. If you take a bite out of the apple , you spit it out. You grab another apple, same result.
  14. W


    Would love to include pictures, but at 71, too old to figure out.
  15. W


    For the last week, the deer have been hitting gfr hard.