The golden rule....

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Hopefully he resurfaces here to tell us that he harvested one of those bucks off his place!
I would sure hope he comes back. Nobody was dogging him personally. Little bump in the road. Its all good.
I hope he comes back too he's helped me many times. Just can't let every post turn into mn deer politics.
I don't think it's about winning or losing. It's about threads being constructive or beneficial. When every other thread just turns into mn issues, some guy from Ohio, Indiana, wisc, wherever is going to be turned off. A forum with nothing but complainers doesn't have a chance, no matter how much informative potiental it has.
Not everyone's agenda is to grow the Minnesota deer herd. Smith and everyone needs to respect that. This forum attracted many mn guys because of that, but that's as far as things will go. That might be benficial to the mn cause, but the intent of this site isn't catered to Minnesota.
When I mentioned a winner it was meant to provoke thought and for us to realize this isn't a competition. It isn't a MN vs xyz forum. I agree that smsmith is a wealth of knowledge and hope he returns. I do believe he took a hiatus once before and came back. At the same time none of us are above the rules, except maybe Obama, he seems to do what ever he wants. I don't think smsmith did anything wrong, (or anyone else) seems like he just didn't like what he was hearing or seeing with regards to the golden rule. I could be wrong. I would think smsmith has been following along as not logged in guest. So show him some love.
I don't think Stu is giving two craps about what is going on in this thread or any thread for that matter. He was nice enough to continue to contribute after the last time a thread like this was started. Doubt he will be back!
Good point eob
I don't think Stu is giving two craps about what is going on in this thread or any thread for that matter. He was nice enough to continue to contribute after the last time a thread like this was started. Doubt he will be back!

You are probably correct.

I guess whoever thinks it is necessary to whine to the man in charge should keep their mouth shut on wishing he comes back.

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I know Stu personally, to not have him on this sight is like never have been an Edison, Einstein, Dr King.
Smsmith knows/knew more about random things than just about anyone. He is/was always Jonny-on-the-spot with plant and tree IDs. I hope he comes back, even though I disagree with him on his position about ironwood.

I doubt he is coming back, he already started deleting his old posts which I find a little childish. .
I agree, good post EOB. People need to make their own choices in whether to participate when the rules are brought up as a reminder from the man who makes this forum possible. I assume smsmith will reappear at some point on the web again just like he's joined and left multiple forums over the years...might even come back here as this place is one of the better for habitat threads currently compared to some others that were productive 5-10 years ago but have gone down hill on fresh content and respect for other posters.
Stu's removal of his content is not childish. This site relies on the information it's members contribute. If someone wishes to no longer support this place, removing their content is how you do that.

It's not just "us" who find the info useful. Google and all the other search engines churn people here from those posts.

If he comes back or not; I don't know. I'm fortunate to consider him a friend and haven't asked. He's the real deal though, and it's a shame whatever went down that he got mad enough to pull out of here.

It's the internet: people say things that get read wrong all the time. Poking fun gets seen as being hostile, a question for clarity gets read as an accusation of incompetence, and then there's the people who never left mommy's basement and grew up getting participation trophies - we're all just words on a screen. Don't take it so personally, and for Pete's sake, don't go crying to John because he's not your mother. The report post button should be left for spam. Grow a pair and confront the guy if you have a problem. We're all adults here, right?
Most of us are.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk's a shame whatever went down that he got mad enough to pull out of here.

It's the internet: people say things that get read wrong all the time. Poking fun gets seen as being hostile, a question for clarity gets read as an accusation of incompetence, and then there's the people who never left mommy's basement and grew up getting participation trophies...

Really agree with this part. Not sure if I am taking it the same way as you meant it, but hope that everyone reads the quote and looks at from different angles.
Some folks can't handle being countered (too egotistical, or just believe they hold the correct opinion despite the facts), and some are countered by mistake and then go on the offensive about it causing undue drama from a misunderstanding.

I won't call anyone out, but I've disputed beliefs with another member which they see as factual (it's theory), and all the so-called supporting evidence presented on their side amounts to an appeal to authority logical fallacy and groupthink. We've remained polite about it despite both of us thinking the other is wrong. You can agree to disagree, but you have to be willing to not win an argument and some folks can't back down.

Once again; it's just the internet. Don't take it so seriously. Personalities will always clash, and if someone bugs you that much ignore them (it's a handy feature for spammers too). We're all here because of passion so conflict is inevitable. That's just human nature, but we're big enough alpha's to hold back a beta without needing to kick their butt over it every time. In other words: don't feed the trolls. :D

I'm just as guilty of it as anyone. We do have something special with our members, so I try not to have a negative tone.
^ Great post Jim. Ditto.
Well, other than my initial post on Tuesday morning, I have refrained from posting in this thread. That was mainly due to the fact that this crap made me so disgusted I didn't even really bother logging back on the site until late Thursday evening. I think it is time to throw my $0.1-1/2 cents worth(adjusted for inflation of course) in the mix. I am glad to see that I was not missed, because after this post, I may not be welcomed back.

It was brought to my attention by another forum member on Tuesday evening that apparently Stu's profile is locked from logging on, i. e. he is essentially "banned" from the site. I have since verified this information with the man in question and it is truly the case.

Now, I am not sure how the rest of you feel, but I for one am severely disappointed that Stu has been banned from posting on the site for no apparent reason other than he disagreed with John's post. I saw nothing in his posts on this thread that was vulgar or profane, simply a man that voiced his opinion, which didn't happen to agree with the forum owners opinion, nothing more, nothing less. You can tell me all you want that Stu has been in this situation before, I know, I am pretty much a "permanent resident" here. The issue I have is that Stu gets banned, yet we still have dipper logging in every day and he actually wrote in Post #58 saying he would not go out of his way to comply with John's request(he has since Edited those comments out of the post, but anyone who read it at the time knows what was posted), please explain to me how that is any less "compliant" with the "golden rule" than anything Stu posted? dipper continued to make comments on posts that may or may not have even been directed at him. His comment on Natty's post was uncalled for, it appeared to be directed at internet "tough guys" in general, I see no mention whatsoever of dipper's name in that post, and whether or not it was insinuated is irrelevant, yet he is still posting away with no repercussions whatsoever. I find that strangely funny and quite unfair to those that have had their posting privileges taken away for the doing the same or less.

I would also like an explanation as to why it is any different to bring up the MN situation in a thread, but it is perfectly ok for dipper to repeatedly tell folks how stupid they are for using services like Steve B provides or how they are "wasting" their money doing some such improvement or another and how if they would just do it his way they would be much further ahead, frankly I am sick of that BS in random threads as well. I don't think any of those posters want to be chastised about how they spend their habitat money, and that is exactly what those posts do.

Now before any of you jump on the "I'm just protecting my buddy Stuart" bandwagon, please know that I have never met the man, even though we hunted land that was mere miles apart. So keep those comments to yourselves, because they hold no weight here, move on. I do not know why Stu was banned, but it is my opinion that the only reason John banned him is so that he can not remove the content of his posts. Personally, I and many untold others that use the internet feel like anything that a person posts anywhere on the internet is that persons personal intellectual property and should be solely controlled by the original poster. If that person decides to delete or modify their content in any way, it is their business and no one else's. It seems to me that Stu's content is being held hostage to improve internet search results pointing to this site and thus increasing site traffic for John. How many search results do you think you could Google and have them point directly to a response from Stu, a good many I am betting. A way higher percentage than any other poster on this site for sure. Not allowing Stu to log on to the site seems like it is being done to keep the site search traffic up and if that is the reason, it is wrong on every level. If Stu wishes his posts to be deleted, then the Mods should either delete them or return his site privileges and let the chips fall where they may.

This whole thread is an unfortunate consequence of today's feel good, participation trophy, PC society. If everyone would ignore those who they feel are disruptive and get over their propensity for wanting self validation, threads like this wouldn't need to even get started. For those of you who have reported posts in the past(you know who you are), the only reason you can even report them is because this is the internet and there is a "Report" button. What do you do when you come across situations like this in real life? If someone says something you find offensive, do you "report" them? If so, to whom? Their mommy? Your mommy? The cops? NO, you walk away and likely do nothing except ignore them in the future. Please grow up and start to use your real life experiences in your internet life and save everyone(especially John) the headache in the future.

I see many, many posts saying that no one wants to see Stu gone from the site. Well, I guess you will all have to contact John and find out why he is banned. And for those of you who think he will just create another login like MoSuchandSuch(sorry John R, don't mean to call you out here, but you are the prime example) was forced to do, think again. I have the utmost confidence that this will not happen in Stu's case. He will only come back if his original screen name is unlocked. I, for one, would like an open forum explanation as to why he was banned in the first place and the justification for keeping him off the site when he has done nothing that others who are still posting daily haven't done.

Just a couple more comments and I will be done here. I have nothing against John running this site as he sees fit, he pays for the place, so he has every right. The issue I have is that if he is going to make rules, he, like any "authority figure" will be expected to call things right down the middle. I'm not sure that is happening at this point. dipper, just in case you feel compelled to comment on this, keep in mind that I have referred to you only by your screen name and have said nothing bad or derogatory towards you in this post, I have only pointed out actual things that you have posted and have made no other insinuations. If you do reply, keep it as clean as I have or I will resort to using the "Report" button like many others on here apparently do and I will ask that you be banned from the site as well. By the way, anyone wishing to discuss this with me personally can just post here, because I would like to reply publicly to any and all commentary, and I have turned my PM's off, so don't even try. I am missing the Badger game, so I am going to post this now and watch the game. GO BUCKY!!!
Wow this has really turned into something. I'm not taking anyone's side but I will say this. Maybe there were some PM'S involved that determined the outcome.

Going back to hunting now.
You could say that, but unless Stu is a complete liar, there were no PM's involved in what took place. That was the first question I asked.
PMd john for confirmation. Let him know if he did not reply I would assume whips post is true.
PMd john for confirmation. Let him know if he did not reply I would assume whips post is true.
If you would like, I can forward you the email from Stuart and you can read it for yourself. I have your email address as well. Or you can email him and ask for yourself.
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