Recent content by THunter

  1. THunter

    Oak ID

    Looks like shumard.
  2. THunter

    Tree ID needed

    Serviceberry would be my call. Great wildlife tree.
  3. THunter

    Help identify mid Mo chestnut

  4. THunter

    Sawtooth oak acorn source?

    I'm not going to sell any acorns this year. The freeze we had in April two years ago wiped out this year's crop. I have a few but not very many. If anbody wants some, and will pay me shipping, I'll send you some if I get any--squirrels may wipe out what is left.
  5. THunter

    Union Pacific RR????

    Dude, if you do, and get up to engineer or conductor, my son and I want to come ride with you. I've got good friends who retired from CSX. My son and I used to ride with them all the time--40 miles in each direction. That was a HOOT--even got to drive myself one time. Has to be a fun job...
  6. THunter

    Realizing A Dream

    You put those plots in place with high quality deer food and you'll have every deer in the county there.
  7. THunter

    American Sweet Crabapple trees

    I know NOTHING smells sweeter than a wild Southern Crabapple in bloom.
  8. THunter

    Interstate I55 Apple project (first time grafting)

    Last year was the first time I tried it. Used 10 B118's from Cummins. All grafts took. Deer ate one and killed it. Six of the rootstocks died. Had three survive and really take off. Thirty percent ain't great, but it was for a first-time, never-done-it-before grafter. On a side note I...
  9. THunter

    American Sweet Crabapple trees

    How does it smell when it's blooming?
  10. THunter

    what size pot for apple rootstock?

    I grew mine all summer in 3 gallon nursery pots. They did real well. They are getting planted to permanent spot this winter.
  11. THunter

    Deer Shedding Antlers Yet

    I've seen where some folks have found some in Missouri. None here yet and don't expect an early drop this year with the mild winter, but we'll see.
  12. THunter

    Durana vs Ladino clover

    Severe drought will not kill durana. It will ladino. Ladino does not suppress weed and grass growth like durana.
  13. THunter


    Thanks to you guys that bought acorns from me this year. Non-pro-archer, I still haven't received your check you sent. Need to check to see if it cleared.
  14. THunter

    Persimmon scions

    Yeah, that's weird. I have two big trees 15 feet from the back of the cabin that the deer think nothing of walking up and feeding on. Of course, it's at night, but they feed them just the same. I put a camera there one year about 5 years ago and set it so you could see the fire pit, the...
  15. THunter

    Persimmon scions

    Dang Jordan, I have NEVER heard of a deer passing up a persimmon. They have some good eats of some kind around if they do. You ever put a camera on them? I assume you have.