Persimmon scions

Jordan Selsor

5 year old buck +
I have many native perssimons on my place. I'm wanting to try my first attempt at grafting with them. I would like to try fuyo or really any type of Asian persimmon. I will be grafting them onto the non producing male trees. Anyone have some scions available for sale or trade? I Don't think deer use persimmons that much but think it will be a neat project. Thanks
Deer don't use persimmons much?? You're joking, right?
I should be able to help you out with some fuyu scions when I prune in a few weeks. I would like some late dropping native persimmon cuttings in return, or some named varieties. I am in zone 7b
Deer don't use persimmons much?? You're joking, right?
Seriously Tommy. I got 2 really good mature perssimon groves that were loaded this year. The deer may eat one here an there but don't seem to hammer then by any means. Coons an coyotes sure do though!
I should be able to help you out with some fuyu scions when I prune in a few weeks. I would like some late dropping native persimmon cuttings in return, or some named varieties. I am in zone 7b
My perssimons start dropping in Nov. Still a few hanging now. If that's somthing your interested in would love to trade you some scions.
Dang Jordan, I have NEVER heard of a deer passing up a persimmon. They have some good eats of some kind around if they do. You ever put a camera on them? I assume you have.
Dang Jordan, I have NEVER heard of a deer passing up a persimmon. They have some good eats of some kind around if they do. You ever put a camera on them? I assume you have.
I have not put a camera on them. Have half a dozen trees that are loaded on the edge of one my plots. I have yet to see a deer walk over an eat them while hunting! So this is just observation. I don't get it. Maybe they use them more than I realize. They taste good! I have tried them!
Yeah, that's weird. I have two big trees 15 feet from the back of the cabin that the deer think nothing of walking up and feeding on. Of course, it's at night, but they feed them just the same. I put a camera there one year about 5 years ago and set it so you could see the fire pit, the cabin, etc. It was cool to see the bucks eating there at night with the house in the background---with me in there asleep. LOL. Tried to find some to post but can't remember what album they're in.