Union Pacific RR????

Jordan Selsor

5 year old buck +
I am considering a change in my career path. I rescently applied for 2 positions with UP and was just looking for any feedback on the company.
Did you ask your buddy about the bump system? You would hate to start a job at one location and then every 6 months have a guy with one more day of service take your spot and make you move to a different location. Railroads are famous for that situation.
Havnt asked him yet. Got busy at work yest ev. I will give him a call tonight. He did text me a pic of the referal email he completed. Sheesh I hope I can live up to how good he made me sound if this all pans out!
Dude, if you do, and get up to engineer or conductor, my son and I want to come ride with you. I've got good friends who retired from CSX. My son and I used to ride with them all the time--40 miles in each direction. That was a HOOT--even got to drive myself one time. Has to be a fun job, but LOTS of sitting around waiting on green signals. Hard work, too. Got good friends in Nebraska that work for BNSF on the Alliance sub. Lots of fun riding around with them in the Alliance yard pushing stuff around. One still owes me a ride on a pusher up Crawford Hill. Good luck!
Carman/tool man an service operator. Both jobs work 4 10's. I'm sure nights to start.
Tks!!! Seems like most the negative reviews were from managment positions! Kinda odd. Their weren't many negative reviews which if you consider the amount of employees they have that's impressive! Always gonna have your negative Nancy's
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Good luck what ever you do.
Good luck what ever you do.
Thanks. If we could only take a glimpse into the future to make sure we are making the right moves in this chess game of life
Thanks. If we could only take a glimpse into the future to make sure we are making the right moves in this chess game of life
So true. The sale of my company is final April 1st and I am starting to have sellers remorse. The thought of going back to work for someone else is scary, but not being on call 24/7 will be nice. At least I will have plenty of time to get all my spring plantings in!
I've made it through the interviews twice for the RR and wasn't selected either time. The last one was about 2 years ago and I'd just finished getting my hands fixed so I'm sure they saw me as a medical risk. There was 27 applicants for 3 jobs that day. The first time was for a conductor trainee about 7 years ago. There were 56 applicants for 4 positions - 27 of them were recently laid off Ford plant workers and I'm near certain every spot was filled by an already union man.

Wages are good, but the hours are crap. To be conductor, you have to be available to report within 2.5 hours notice - that's not much of a way to live if you ask me.
So true. The sale of my company is final April 1st and I am starting to have sellers remorse. The thought of going back to work for someone else is scary, but not being on call 24/7 will be nice. At least I will have plenty of time to get all my spring plantings in!
Congrats on your new chapter Chummer. I hope it works out for you
I've made it through the interviews twice for the RR and wasn't selected either time. The last one was about 2 years ago and I'd just finished getting my hands fixed so I'm sure they saw me as a medical risk. There was 27 applicants for 3 jobs that day. The first time was for a conductor trainee about 7 years ago. There were 56 applicants for 4 positions - 27 of them were recently laid off Ford plant workers and I'm near certain every spot was filled by an already union man.

Wages are good, but the hours are crap. To be conductor, you have to be available to report within 2.5 hours notice - that's not much of a way to live if you ask me.
The positions I applied for are at a RR repair yard more or less. They inspect cars an repair damages an refurbish. It has chugged along as long as I can remember an is a big part of our local econmy in Jefferson County Mo.
I think I also made a tactical error for the BNSF interview when I told them I wanted to transfer to the depot in Brainerd as my 5 year goal.

I had a friend who's husband was a conductor and then engineer (mandatory career path - you have 2 years to make it or you're fired) who was making 75K according to her - lot's of OT to get that.
The thing that is REALLY tough for me to think about giving up is my 48/96 schedule. I work 2 days straight an off for 4 days. It allows me time to run lawn business and saves wear an tear on vehicle b/c I only drive to an from work 5x per month. Also family an hunting time.

But then I think about the mental strain that comes with my job. I don't know that I am gonna want to get woke up in the middle of the night when I get older and have to deal with some of the s*** that we deal with. I work with allot of people in their 50's an even 60's an they seem fried at times. Meaning no energy or passion for their job or even life outside of work. I don't think that would happen to me. Feel like I'm pretty strong mentally but hell I don't know. It's just somthing I have observed among my co workers at multiple EMS jobs.
Just trying to hit this from all angles
So true. The sale of my company is final April 1st and I am starting to have sellers remorse. The thought of going back to work for someone else is scary, but not being on call 24/7 will be nice. At least I will have plenty of time to get all my spring plantings in!

Sold my company some time back and retired. Different story if your going back to work for another company I suppose. I've done lots of stuff and it all seems to get better with each new adventure. Keep an open mind and you will be fine. My experience: One door closes.....and another opens. Just keep on going with the flow. :)
If you think you are going to burn out jump now. It's better to leave to early than to stay to long. Good work ethic will always land you on top. I had a very good job but knew I would have to relocate to advance any further. I quit to start my own business and took a lot of heat for doing so. Best move I ever made. Those same people now question me selling it. I could of kept it longer but a good deal presented itself so it's on to the next chapter. Nothing ventured nothing gained go for it. Of coarse get your wife's approval first.