Tree ID needed


5 year old buck +
This tree is providing good back cover around one of my stands.
The bark looks identical to a maple but it is not maple. What is it?Thanks.

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Can't tell for sure, but looks like it may be serviceberry.
Could be. I didn't realize the photo quality of my pics wasn't very good when I posted them with my phone.
I guess I need better pics and probably pics next summer during the flowering and fruiting stage.
I'm also hoping that this tree is one that holds leaves well into the fall. Right now, it's providing good cover around the stand. Hope it lasts until the end of the season...or at least until I tag out!
The pics aren't horrible, just not super clear to show all the detail. The leaves and the bark indicate serviceberry to me, though. I am at least a zone north of you, and our serviceberries are still holding for the most part, so they should get you pretty close. Trail cameras around here say it's starting to get good, so it may not take you long!
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Serviceberry would be my call. Great wildlife tree.