Would You Go On A Free High Fence Hunt?

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I have been on several. The 20 acre ones are different from the 200 acre ones are much different than the 1,100 are ones are much different than the multi thousand hectacre ones. They can be canned hunts with dumb animals, or you may experience high pressured animals that you never see.

Most assume the hunting is easy and a no brainer. That assumption is false. I have shot buffalo, red deer, pigs, fallow deer and other exotics, does, and some 'management' bucks in TX. Every hunt was a lot of fun.

Its not free range hunting, but would I go for free? Not for trophy whitetail, but other 'farmed' animals I would do again.
My cousins own wilderness whitetails. I hunt outside there fences, and get to see all their breeder bucks.
It is nothing different than shooting someone's high priced Holstein. They are cattle that's why the department of ag regulates them, not the dnr.
I would not. I don't think I would enjoy it and I would not want anyone spending money to a support high fence operation on my behalf.
I have been on several. The 20 acre ones are different from the 200 acre ones are much different than the 1,100 are ones are much different than the multi thousand hectacre ones. They can be canned hunts with dumb animals, or you may experience high pressured animals that you never see.

Most assume the hunting is easy and a no brainer. That assumption is false. I have shot buffalo, red deer, pigs, fallow deer and other exotics, does, and some 'management' bucks in TX. Every hunt was a lot of fun.

Its not free range hunting, but would I go for free? Not for trophy whitetail, but other 'farmed' animals I would do again.
This is one of the issues i see with high fence hunting. I call it the :Bambi Syndrome: People will shoot any other kind of animal behind wire,regardless of size or head gear but find it against all of natures way to drop the hammer on a large whitetail buck. That there just amazes me.
Is your statement aimed to offend me?
Not in the least. My statement was made from what i see and believe. The Bambi comes from the book. People think of deer as oh so cute and such. Hunters find it easy to kill any other animal and still call it hunting or harvesting but let the word whitetail fall in the sentence then its taboo.
Im glad you hunt high fence and see no problem with anybody doing it but when it comes to selecting what animal its :Ok" to harvest behind wire is what digs me a bit.
But to offend another sportsmen, No positives in that.
I'd probably prefer to take part in a doe control hunt behind a fence than to shoot a "freak" buck. I'd have no qualms with getting a bunch of well fed doe backstraps in the freezer :D
I have done just what you mentioned (including just this past winter), and those does tasted great! If someone said, "You can do the same thing, but have to shoot a buck," I would do that too- I'm betting those straps will taste just as good! :)
Hey Dipper, I grew up on a dairy farm, and the does we shot on the preserve were nothing similar to Holsteins except both lived within the confines of a fence. A 1,000 acre preserve is nothing like Gene's breeding pen. ;) Actually, if it weren't for a wind switch, I would have gone home empty handed this past winter. (It seems those "Holsteins" I was hunting knew the smell of a human meant danger!)
Five years ago, I would have said no. I have some friends in south Texas who manage a number of farms. They begged me to go on a hunt for TEN years. I eventually went and hunted a high fence ranch in which 6,500 acres were fenced. It was 100 percent native bucks with no breeder bucks etc. I did not kill a buck, but could have killed a buck EVERY day. I saw the best bucks of my life (and I have taken many bucks between 160 and 195 inches). I really saw no difference between free range and this hunt. There was a diesel and gas tank lot in the middle of the ranch it was so big. I would go there EVERY year. They then talked me into going to a ranch that was only 1,500 acres. The deer were still very hard to hunt and it took us four days to find a nice buck. I saw fewer bucks by far! However, it just FELT too small and did not feel right even though it too consisted of 100 percent wild deer.
I'd do it in a heart beat. Mini vacation + meat in the freezer = sounds awesome.
This is what $15,000 will get you. My friends brother was happy. I still would not do it, but don't care if others do! Scored 282"

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Awesome buck for sure. Take that buck on 1500 acres and never even know you are on a ranch. I bet a hunter would have to pay a guy like Duffy a heck of alot more than 15 large and still never see a buck of the caliber! For Sure. lol
I would know. The fact that You have to drive through huge iron gates, and you can shoot a buck out of season standing at a feeder or a corn coated road, would give it away for me!

And I for sure would not pay Duffy one red sent for anything. As a matter of fact you could not pay me a million dollars to pee down Duffy's throat if he was laying on the ground with his stomach on fire! Just sayin!;)
LOL..I love it but please..Tell us what you really think about him! HaHa. But you really are painting with a wide brush. Most seasons dont start till September inside although there are some velvet hunts in August just like i can go to South Carolina and velvet hunt on public deer in August and yes there are many places you can go and not see the Texas gates or the Texas corn in the road, even though that happens there on most every piece of hunting land of any kind in that state. But do realize it does happen on some ranches elsewhere.
Did it ever occur to any of you anti's that the people who "farm" these ranches feel exactly the same about their herd as you do about the free range deer you follow on your trail cams? They care and nurture for their benefits, but have the advantage of the neighbor being unable to whack 'em first.

I'm not calling anyone out with this, but it's an interesting parallel no one's brought up.
Did it ever occur to any of you anti's that the people who "farm" these ranches feel exactly the same about their herd as you do about the free range deer you follow on your trail cams? They care and nurture for their benefits, but have the advantage of the neighbor being unable to whack 'em first.

I'm not calling anyone out with this, but it's an interesting parallel no one's brought up.
Yes but at least here on this site the conversations stay civil and respectful for the most part. You don't have guys like singelterry screaming we are all going to die of some brain infection and our deer herds will be killed off. I guys it shows that shows the difference in those that use this site and those that use the other! And it does show!!!
I don't see it as a purely evil profit driven business like you guys seem to. They buy big deer for big money and attract bigger money to come shoot the deer. Yeah, that sounds terrible. Someone providing a "naturesque" experience to rich pukes who don't have 4 weeks to spend in the tree for their livelihood. Might as well be an abortionist. Right? ;)

Peter (I don't recall his last name) with the red deer by Little Falls is where we used to store our boats (up until last winter). Those are essentially cattle with better looks. Is that the pen you guys are objecting to them being raised in? Free of predation, and vet checks with shots every 4-6 months or whatever it is? Geez... Those deer sure hide being miserable well.
Jim, I don't think most guys have strong objections to high fence/farmed deer being harvested. I think the objection comes from many when its called "hunting".

I look at farmed deer as livestock. Other livestock gets killed, processed and sent to grocery stores (so do many red deer I think). The guy I know near Holdingford takes very good care of his animals. Many of the extra does get culled every year and they are indeed tasty :D

The strongest objection to high fence/game farm deer as I see it is the perceived threat of CWD being introduced to wild deer. I used to have very strong opinions on that as I felt the evidence was clear. I guess I now see the evidence as being less clear. I've not seen any conclusive proof that penned deer introduced CWD to wild deer. There is some strong anecdotal evidence, but no "proof". Not sure there ever will be to be honest.
Now this is a post that should be framed! Kudos to you for telling the truth! There has never been a deer that has died from CWD behind fence! Ever! All killed by bullets or trauma of some sort. QDMA groups always try to use CWD as a scapegoat and if you look into the hearing in Indiana this week you will see where Kip was called out on it and squirmed like a fish. Every post starts out with CWD for a sentence or two then turns to people killing deer with big racks! That's what most people can't handle and most is because they can't do it themselves! Great honest post Smith!
I would know.

My thoughts exactly. I'm sure 1500 feels like a wild, free range experience. But just knowing I was hunting inside a fenced in enclosure…for me personally…stomach turning.

I am not judging anybody who would lay down $15K to have that kind of an experience. If they enjoy that, great. It's just nothing I would ever want to be a part of as a hunter, even if free.
Not sure you want to use me as a "poster boy" for farmed deer. I still have reservations about such operations, but will give them the benefit of the doubt for now. As far the big racks go....I'm sure there is some jealousy/envy/greed/whatever involved. It comes down to a perception of "fairness" I think. Also, when rich dudes go shoot a 200" buck and then tell their buddies they took it while "deer hunting" it casts doubt. For instance, last winter Autumn Antlers had a facebook post about a "new world record buck". What was left out of that post was the fact the deer was taken behind a fence. Lots of hunters jumped all over the post. It seemed pretty clear to me when you look at Autumn Antlers fb page...they don't hide the fact they are a high fence operation.

As far as not being able to do it themselves, I'm not sure that's a fair statement. Being able to take a 200+" buck in the wild is something not many really great deer hunters will ever be able to achieve.
. Well that's fine and opinions are to each their own but the Cwd thing is getting old and finally coming to light. So may people believe guys like that Terry fool that has an agenda first and foremost but you as a sportsmen seeing and saying what you see is a start with the truth anyways! As far as the world record. If they didn't hide the fact it was on high fence and it was in fact the largest buck ever shot of all times recognized by the SCI club? Well then those that read into it are the ones at fault I believe. The statement about the large racks is that many would in fact hunt it and kill it if they could afford it. They can't and know that so they bad mouth it. Human nature I guess. Many don't have the time every year to hand Duffy 3 grand for a chance at a big deer but for that same money they get it done and have a great time doing so! That buck above, how many years of handing someone 3 grand would it take before one was harvested? I would bet a heck of alot more than 5 years? To each their own on the high fence part but the CWD excuse is really gettin old!
It's certainly not hunting to you and I, but to a white collar stiff it's as close of representation of the experience as they're going to get - and in a society when every kid gets a participation trophy, they don't come back if there isn't a brag worthy souvenir to go with the "exclusive" price. The market is speaking. You guys seem hung up on what they're calling it.

From what I've seen of African safari hunts - they drive around til they find an elephant, then 8 guys "sneak up" on it and the lucky "hunter" blasts it at close range. Is that hunting or is that something else now? :) Oh, but the elephant could run away right...
Surprisingly enough, I agree with you. I think a fair amount of the research done so far has likely had a bias.
Lol and the world didn't end at that moment! Like I said before at least it stays a civil conversation on this site without a few to blow it up into a pi$$ing match. Like many said. To each their own but at the end of the day when sportsmen fight over how another sportsmen does something....the antis win in the end! That we don't need!
Thought this was kind of funny..

Later in the thread the same guy stated that QDMA got its hand slapped by the IRS for partisan activities outside the scope of a 501c3. I may have a bone to pick but this guy come with knives and bullets-

Second post may very well be the sole reason NDA was formed for.

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