Who's working in the woods this weekend?

I am “working in the woods” everyday. Fertilized three days ago, disked yesterday, trapped 6 hogs last night, going to plant eight acres of beans today, and put out some more fertilizer tomorrow. Something everyday this time of year.
Barbeque at SwampCats!

Cant even give a hog away anymore. Called a dozen folks and nobody wants them. I sure dont need them. Killed over 100 on my land since last October
Cant even give a hog away anymore. Called a dozen folks and nobody wants them. I sure dont need them. Killed over 100 on my land since last October

Holy Cow! That's a lot of pork. We have a venison donation coalition up here to help out food kitchens in some of the urban areas; it sounds like you could start your own charity!!

I only wish I could get my desk-jockey a$$ into the woods every day. Work makes it harder and harder, and then when I do get the chance to spend 8 or 10 hours sweating hard, I pay for it the next day.
Holy Cow! That's a lot of pork. We have a venison donation coalition up here to help out food kitchens in some of the urban areas; it sounds like you could start your own charity!!

I only wish I could get my desk-jockey a$$ into the woods every day. Work makes it harder and harder, and then when I do get the chance to spend 8 or 10 hours sweating hard, I pay for it the next day.
We cant donate hogs to any of the charity services because of the various diseases they could possibly have. Two weekends ago, on the adjacent property, hog doggers caught 26, another acquaintance of mine trapped 22 on their own farm, another acquaintance of mine (and his buddy) killed 18 with thermal equipment, and I caught 7. They all went to the coyotes. That is just folks I know. I have a relative in Louisiana who has a friend who’s family row crops 2000 acres. They start trapping a month before planting, and have caught over 300 on their land. Those, too, were discarded. There is no telling how many millions of pounds of wild pork is annually fed to the coyotes.
Then there are shmucks like me, that is willing to pay to go on a hog hunt.
Cant even give a hog away anymore. Called a dozen folks and nobody wants them. I sure dont need them. Killed over 100 on my land since last October

You could give a few to me! You get them all year?
Not quite as busy as you, SwampCat, but between me and two neighboring properties we've taken out almost 60 this past year... and still seeing few of the dadgum suckers on camera. LOVE eating them, but in same boat as you in having more than enough / hard time finding folks to take them.
Spent half a day discing and dragging the plot. I planted some buckwheat after clearing a few tons of rocks—some so big I had to push out of the way with the loader. The plot looks much better. I dragged the bw in and called it a day. (After I checked my trees which for the most part are looking great. Felt good to get out. Rain tomorrow and Saturday!6B8A365A-D556-48A7-BC6B-E378AC9D79F6.jpegD2D9AE29-78EC-4827-9DDE-E46E5593FBD3.jpeg
Wasn't working in the woods but did move these trees to screen the yard from cold north winds... I originally planted these trees as 8" seedlings about 10 years ago on another part of the 20180505_200827.jpgproperty
Ufda, glad to finally be on the couch drinking a fat tire an eating Doritos.

Phase 2 an 3 of the planting season is complete
100 red dogwoods
6 burr oak
2 hackberry
6 common chokecherry
All got weed mats, an hardwoods got tubes.

Feet feel like wrinkly ol soggy bread from sweating in my mucks all day.
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I jokingly said to the wife ... maybe I should get a post digger for the tractor this year rather than the Hand auger. She looked at me and said if I did not have a powered auger on the tractor, I would be planting trees alone. She's the boos :emoji_relaxed:

This 5 acre field was an old alfalfa field that we seeded with SG 2 springs ago. It sits on a south facing slope and even the 1st year after the SG planting deer beds were everywhere. We planted 250 Norway Spruce & Colorado Blue Spruce that were 24" - 36" tall, 50 red pine, and 25 white cedar in a day and a half. These are all designed to add thermal cover for the deer and roosting sites for the beds.



Put in 10 Kerr & 10 Chestnut crabapples ... I now have planted 36 Pear & Apple trees the last 3 years. Hope to start seeing fruit soon.


Still have to stake, screen, and gravel them but they are loving the rain we are getting. Have had 6.2" so far last 12 days.

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Snuck up to my place for a day trip to get a start on a new opening in the woods. Eventually, it'll be about a half an acre "natural" type plot in the woods along the deer trail system, just a mow it now and then, fertilize and lime kind of deal. Anyway, a few hours with a chainsaw is a lot of work. I'm re-thinking my plan and may hire a guy with a machine..... The old aches and pains that are just tolerable on most days are a heck of a lot worse than normal today. :)

I took my Son with me. I told him he could do whatever he wanted, but it sure would be nice if "that box blind had some stairs". I came in from the back 40 to find this. Tim Builds Steps.JPG
You raised him right,Kooch!

Planted 25 lbs of Milo and 15 lbs of Egyptian wheat last night. Raining today with the best rain we’ve had since last October. Didn’t get the buckwheat planted yet though.
Planted 25 lbs of Milo and 15 lbs of Egyptian wheat last night. Raining today with the best rain we’ve had since last October. Didn’t get the buckwheat planted yet though.

Glad you are getting rain! I’m not working today but we’re getting some good rain all night tonight too. So Mother Nature is working for us right now on our newly seeded plots (buckwheat). We probably had sufficient moisture in the soil for germination anyway but this should make things even better.
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Planted sunflowers, proso millet, and browntop for the doves today. Dry and hot here - in the 90’s. Hogs still eating my soybeans and I am Still killing hogs - got a good one three nights ago.C8B38727-6CB7-45A2-9E02-A02FA4872E4A.jpegEF506A5A-B35A-48CD-8103-F915BDCCE437.jpeg
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We didn’t get as much rain as I hoped. Only a little over an inch at my place. 5 miles south got 3”. Gonna spray some more today in preparation for planting buckwheat.

Illegal for us to hunt hogs. State does a great job at keeping them at bay.