Who's working in the woods this weekend?

16 to 24 " called for here. We have about 8" give or take. End of the world as we know it by snow - like usual. Very windy though. They got that right.
The recent cold snap has froze the snow to a hard crust. Hard enough I can drive on it with the RTV. Great for habitat work. Did some hinging, edge feathering, cut some firewood and burned some brush piles... good times! Fortunate enough to be north of the recent snow event. Cold though -20 C and windy.
The recent cold snap has froze the snow to a hard crust. Hard enough I can drive on it with the RTV. Great for habitat work. Did some hinging, edge feathering, cut some firewood and burned some brush piles... good times! Fortunate enough to be north of the recent snow event. Cold though -20 C and windy.

That's just tooooo cold for me.

Weatherman blew it here to. 8-12 turned into an inch of ice and high winds that took out my internet and cable tv.
Weatherman was off a little for Northern Bradford County Pa as well. The forecast was for 12-18" Monday nite thru Tuesday.
We started out with 6" on the ground before the storm started Monday late afternoon. Hasn't stopped snowing since. Now we're well over 3 feet on the ground :emoji_frowning2:
I was planning on spending 3 days this weekend laying down trees along the perimeter of one my sanctuaries...... for screening. I'm not even sure I can walk to it :emoji_angry:
Weatherman was off a little for Northern Bradford County Pa as well. The forecast was for 12-18" Monday nite thru Tuesday.
We started out with 6" on the ground before the storm started Monday late afternoon. Hasn't stopped snowing since. Now we're well over 3 feet on the ground :emoji_frowning2:
I was planning on spending 3 days this weekend laying down trees along the perimeter of one my sanctuaries...... for screening. I'm not even sure I can walk to it :emoji_angry:

Wow how long has been since Bradford Co saw 3 feet? Years ago I hunted Bradford county. Just outside of Wysocks.
That was back when 3" of antler was fair game and sought after.
IMG_0780.JPG IMG_0775.JPG
My son Austin and I got out today to do some frost seeding. I weighed and divided my clover into appropriate portions for each trail. The trails all got Kopu 2 and my campground and the two camp trails got Dutch white clover. Last fall's mix included medium red and Ladino so I should have a nice blend now.

A nice bonus - Austin took a walk while I was fooling around at the campground. He walked up in a bedded doe and saw her long before she saw him. She eventually got up and wandered off and he saw this skull very close to where she was. It's pretty sun bleached so my guess is it's been there a couple years. He said there were some small bones around it too.

I opened up this hill top by cutting out cedars to release the crowns of these oaks and to put in a food plot. I'm going to plant a temporary WR plot this morning for turkey's (since I just bought the land and did not have something previously planted in the fall or last spring). Hopefully enough will grow by mid April to bring in some bugs and turkeys!! It will be cool, 42 degrees, but I'll have fun I'm sure. Any day in the woods is a good day. Wish me luck!
I'm going to trim out all the red cedars that have been popping up in my CRP strip, then I'm going to start planting some white pine and spruce.
I'm going to trim out all the red cedars that have been popping up in my CRP strip, then I'm going to start planting some white pine and spruce.
Better protect those white pines. They get destroyed around here.

W. Pa.
Here too. Mostly by bunnies in winter, and bucks in fall that want to take them on. I'm planting bigger ones this year mostly along the road as part of a privacy strip project, not practical to try and cage them.
Here too. Mostly by bunnies in winter, and bucks in fall that want to take them on. I'm planting bigger ones this year mostly along the road as part of a privacy strip project, not practical to try and cage them.
They get heavily browsed here when there is snow on the ground and ONLY when there's snow.

W. Pa.
They get heavily browsed here when there is snow on the ground and ONLY when there's snow.

W. Pa.

I haven't had trouble with deer eating on them bad here (yet) just the rabbits. I planted a bunch of foot tall seedlings a couple years ago and the bunnies eat the hell out of the low branches in winter if they aren't planted in heavy cover. The ones I'm putting in are 3' or better and in the open, most about ten yards from the edge of a country road. I'm working on a 400yd long privacy strip.
The windstorm last week left me some box elders that fell across trails and have to be taken care of soon, as well as a few tree tubes that got blown over...but not as many as I expected with 81 mph wind. Unfortunately, the snowstorm this week dumped 2 feet on us and I'm waiting for it to be navigable again. To think that a month ago we were in the canoe fishing perch because of an early ice-out. Now I'm just hoping to get the saw work done before the planting begins in April.


Had a skid steer with brush cutter out at the property yesterday, expanded my long lane.

Had plans to cut another lane on the north side, but those saplings have gotten too big for the machine to handle. Looks like that'll be done by hand


View from the stand last year


Vie from the stand after cutting yesterday

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Good job, looks great.
I like the little patches and points of cover sticking out along the edges and in the " island " in the center of the pic. Just the kind of extra cover that might make good crossing spots. Nice job !!!
I like the little patches and points of cover sticking out along the edges and in the " island " in the center of the pic. Just the kind of extra cover that might make good crossing spots. Nice job !!!

Thanks! I'm going to cut some of the trees, just make some brush piles in thos areas.

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Finalliy completed hand spreading 15 acres of Switch Grass seed ... 120 lbs ... my ass is sore. back is aching, and the dogs are barking.

Thank god for corned beef potatos & cabbage ... and 2 martinis and multiple advils .... uggggh!
Finalliy completed hand spreading 15 acres of Switch Grass seed ... 120 lbs ... my ass is sore. back is aching, and the dogs are barking.

Thank god for corned beef potatos & cabbage ... and 2 martinis and multiple advils .... uggggh!
What kind of spreader did you use? 120 of grass seed through an Earthway Ev N Spreader would be a major pain. I've spread less than an acre's worth of switch with my Earthway and I had to keep 1 hand in the bag to agitate it the entire time or it wouldn't feed out.
What kind of spreader did you use? 120 of grass seed through an Earthway Ev N Spreader would be a major pain. I've spread less than an acre's worth of switch with my Earthway and I had to keep 1 hand in the bag to agitate it the entire time or it wouldn't feed out.

It is the shoulder strapped commercial spreader model 3200. It was rotating agitator at the base which helped seed movement downward. Biggest isse was getting the gate setting for the right amount of seed.

I still have another 8 acres on the north end to do and I should be done.