Who drives to their stand?

I have driven to my stand, and walked. There is benefits to both. I think you leave a lot less scent driving to your stand, but obviously a lot more noise. I can walk to my stand fairly easily, without crossing much for trails, so walking to my main stand is a no brainer. But if I go to a stand on the back side of my property, and have to walk through the entire land to get there, it makes more sense to drive, because I then I am not leaving scent the entire trip to the back.

If you are able to walk to your stand without leaving scent throughout your woods, and crossing trails while walking, then walking is the smartest option. But if you have to cross a bunch of trails, then riding to your stand may make more sense. Also if deer are bedding near your stand, then obviously walking in quietly makes more sense. Properties dont hunt the same, and situations like this are different depending on your land.
Like a lot of things this depends. I will have someone give me a ride or pick me up on field edge hunts when I can. That’s often. I would rather bump deer in the field with a vehicle every time.
If I’m hunting in the woods I always walk. Or get a ride to the edge of the woods.
The only time I drive myself is one particular blind and I park over a hill in a thicket about 100yds away.
I have one stand at the back of my farm In the woods and on morning hunts I drive in very early park about 200 yds and walk the rest of the way.
For turkey hunting, I always walk only.
This is an interesting question. After last season I purchased an electric bike for use around the farm, so I would hope to find definitive proof that using the bike is the solution to scent problems. However, I have found no academic research on this topic (as a former dean, academic research is up my alley). The other day I walked through a foot plot and two does just watched me as I checked water hole. Come deer season, those same two does would be 1/2 mile away if I walked through the plot…or so it seems :-)