Wagyu?Cooked this for my buddy’s birthday today. Didn’t get any post-cook pics as it didn’t last long. He and I and our wives split it as an appetizer kind of. Way too rich to eat the whole thing and enjoy it. Truly a special steak, but I wouldn’t need one very often. It was cool to try.
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How is that catfish cooked Kooch?It’s that time of the year. Fresh tomatoes and onion.
And catfish
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Seared salmon, homegrown T-bones, bacon, sausage, dove breasts/hearts/gizzards, and morels. We ate good last night!
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How did you preserve the morels? I haven't had much luck finding a way to preserve them, so I eat so many two weeks a year that I'm done for a year!Seared salmon, homegrown T-bones, bacon, sausage, dove breasts/hearts/gizzards, and morels. We ate good last night!
View attachment 68130View attachment 68131View attachment 68132