Too early or a strange year?


5 year old buck +
Well our across the creek neighbor turned a dozer and excavator loose on his side and it is baby butt bare all the way to the county road ..he is a farmer and strictly looking for row crop production and no hard feelings on my part
However a big, tall and successful screen is severely needed so I rolled the dice today and no-tiled in along the creek an 18' wide seeding of "HD" screen seed (a form of an engineered sorghum) from Northwoods Whitetail Seeds .. as well as a 12' wide screen around all our raised box blinds ..
Soil temp is 75 degrees ..just a skoch moist but the closing wheels seemed to press things OK ..I figure I'm 3 weeks ahead of normal plant time ..but then again I've never seen soil temp 75 degrees this time of year either in 6a zone ..did all the pre-stuff two burn downs, first gly n 24D Amine ..month later gly only then another 2 weeks with Atrazine yesterday before planting today ..fertilizer buggy over it a month ago and will follow up with urea in about two weeks

if I screwed up my insurance policy is I have enough seed left to do it again 😎
It's definitely early but you'll probably be fine. I would worry a little that it will mature too early.

Good luck!

@northwoodswhitetail can weigh in and let you know.
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I would drill part in switch or start planting trees for longer lasting screen
B662 ..this seed is supposedly bred in Canada and is just coming on ..I bought it a month ago but I see it is no longer listed so I do not know if it is sold out since it is in it's infancy of coming on the market or what ..but one of the factors was long maturing as compared to others plus we seldom get the heavy wet ride down the stalks snow here in southern Missouri

BD1 ..I also ordered 15# of RC Big Rock Switch Grass to run along beside this and will plant it late May but the overall plan is to plant along the creek Miscanthus cuttings but our checkbook for Tom Foolery is about dry for this cycle.
Here in NY got a funny feeling we are going to get one of those wet springs. When the young pants die from moisture. Planting a peach tree with my doubts today. They don't like being too wet.

I would be spraying my home plot this weekend, but too much regular stuff to do. Daughter in law's jeep is in pieces. She'sl iking my winter beater car too much.