To be honest, I probably got more excited and had more satisfaction from killing a spike forty years ago than I get now killing a 130” 10 pt. Back then, every time you saw or heard a deer coming, you felt like it might be a shooter - meaning a buck. On my place, we had three deer this year I considered shooters. Next door neighbor killed one, 153 1/2, my son killed one, 148 1/2 and the other has been a no show for a week now - and is probably in someone else’s freezer. I dont even feel compelled to hunt until something else shows up on camera. I almost hate what deer hunting has become with the emphasis on trophy antlers.
I would trade the big buck hunting and gladly go back to shooting spikes if our quail, rabbits, ducks, and turkeys all came back. I could to hunting today and possibly see 30 deer - does and young bucks - and while I enjoy seeing them - they dont excite me. Walking in on a pair of staunch pointers - that is exciting. A flock of mallards, circling the whole, you are on edge, pressed up against a tree, hoping this is the pass they commit and drop in. A beagle barking every step of the way headed your way, as you strain to catch a glimpse of the rabbit headed in front of him. A big gobbler, in full strut, gobbling at every sound and hung up just outside of shooting range. All those things are exciting to me - and happen frequently during a successful hunt (except turkeys) - and I dont get that with deer. And while I enjoy seeing deer, I had one exciting moment last year deer hunting - and probably went 30 times.
For me, the potential of a harvest increases the excitement. When I see a 90” 2 yr old buck, there is no excitement - I enjoy it - but it is not exciting.
I have killed one buck in the last three years. Yes, I got excited. I have killed hundreds of hogs in the last three years. I get excited every time I am edging a little closer to a group of hogs at night - holding my breath one of them doesnt see me - searching through the thermal trying to decide which one I am going to shoot first. I get excited every time I do that. I dont get excited every time I see a deer.
If we still had good quail, duck, turkey, and rabbit hunting - I would probably quit deer hunting other than to put a couple in the freezer.
I would trade the big buck hunting and gladly go back to shooting spikes if our quail, rabbits, ducks, and turkeys all came back. I could to hunting today and possibly see 30 deer - does and young bucks - and while I enjoy seeing them - they dont excite me. Walking in on a pair of staunch pointers - that is exciting. A flock of mallards, circling the whole, you are on edge, pressed up against a tree, hoping this is the pass they commit and drop in. A beagle barking every step of the way headed your way, as you strain to catch a glimpse of the rabbit headed in front of him. A big gobbler, in full strut, gobbling at every sound and hung up just outside of shooting range. All those things are exciting to me - and happen frequently during a successful hunt (except turkeys) - and I dont get that with deer. And while I enjoy seeing deer, I had one exciting moment last year deer hunting - and probably went 30 times.
For me, the potential of a harvest increases the excitement. When I see a 90” 2 yr old buck, there is no excitement - I enjoy it - but it is not exciting.
I have killed one buck in the last three years. Yes, I got excited. I have killed hundreds of hogs in the last three years. I get excited every time I am edging a little closer to a group of hogs at night - holding my breath one of them doesnt see me - searching through the thermal trying to decide which one I am going to shoot first. I get excited every time I do that. I dont get excited every time I see a deer.
If we still had good quail, duck, turkey, and rabbit hunting - I would probably quit deer hunting other than to put a couple in the freezer.