

5 year old buck +
So hey all - @SD51555 convinced me to post a link here for others to follow. My thread (Ohio farm tours) I post a lot of videos, write ups, etc.

I started Vitalize Seed a few years ago with my friend Jared. I know several on here have used our mixes and we sincerely appreciate you all.

I respect this forum and don’t want to come off as pushy or advertising. I know yall have a lot of choices for seed options.

However after some persuasion from SD on my own thread I decided to post a reminder here - that we do exist. I plan to continue all posts on my own thread going forward.

If you are interested in a take on garden, food plots, and soil health that’s a bit different than most- please checkout my thread and/or our website.

At admins of this isn’t allowed - blame SD haha jk.

YouTube -

Thank you all!

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Inspired me to check out your site. Looks good!
We won’t axe you for posting your stuff for sale unless that’s all you do :).

Made those rules so we don’t ever get into a situation where the place is an infomercial or worse yet we take $ from vendors who want to shut up posts about how bad a product sucks, if it does.

We don’t accept paid advertisers for that reason. (Yeah that’s counter productive these days.). But it’s working for a bunch of guys who just want to learn, share and know they aren’t the only nut out there doing this kind of stuff. We’re completely off the radar except for SD bringing the NSA here to check out the meme’s.
We won’t axe you for posting your stuff for sale unless that’s all you do :).

Made those rules so we don’t ever get into a situation where the place is an infomercial or worse yet we take $ from vendors who want to shut up posts about how bad a product sucks, if it does.

We don’t accept paid advertisers for that reason. (Yeah that’s counter productive these days.). But it’s working for a bunch of guys who just want to learn, share and know they aren’t the only nut out there doing this kind of stuff. We’re completely off the radar except for SD bringing the NSA here to check out the meme’s.
Thank you all! I appreciate the kind words. I’ll continue to post in my thread - daily or close to that.

Appreciate you all.
SD....did you trade your Subaru for a real car?
Thank you all! I appreciate the kind words. I’ll continue to post in my thread - daily or close to that.

Appreciate you all.
Some thoughts/suggestions for your website.

1. When I buy seed, I like to know planting specifics. Depth, lbs/acre, ideal soil temps
2. No till drills are getting popular. Share drill calibration data for your seed mixes for the more popular drills, if possible.
3. I like looking at seed online, but the shipping costs kill. I'd love to see a "blend mixer" product. Let me buy the cereal grains locally but add the rest of the stuff to it via your product. It could drastically reduce shipping costs.
In regards to the "no paid advertisers" or people here just to promote their product - I'm not sure I've given Al a cent of money for his products but he's always been very helpful on inquiries related to soil health and food-plotting. He's a great resource to have on these forums.
Some thoughts/suggestions for your website.

1. When I buy seed, I like to know planting specifics. Depth, lbs/acre, ideal soil temps
2. No till drills are getting popular. Share drill calibration data for your seed mixes for the more popular drills, if possible.
3. I like looking at seed online, but the shipping costs kill. I'd love to see a "blend mixer" product. Let me buy the cereal grains locally but add the rest of the stuff to it via your product. It could drastically reduce shipping costs.

1. I like that idea. We just re l-did website so some things are lagging. I’ll update some of those suggestion or make sure they are more clear. I do hesitate to give much because I personally know (from talking to so many folks) how many variables go in to each persons farms. We recommend 45lbs to the acre but some will do more or less depending on deer density. We recommend only 45lbs due to the ratios of our mixes. For example our carbon load has 4.5lbs of brassicas - if guys go too heavy, they’ll hurt tuber and forage brassicas production. I always plant green and I drill everything from 1/4 to 1/2inch depth. The results have been phenomenal but I also will have 3-8 inches of thatch laid over on the furrow.
2. Drills similar to above - I have shared privately some GP recommendations but in all honesty - we should calibrate a drill each year. The seed sizes changed by weather, harvest date, etc. I’d hate to put it out there and if someone uses too much or too little - they feel I led them astray. Although maybe I can work with putting together a calibration video - would the be useful for folks?
3. So everything on our site sells at that price - except for tax. Because of what you mentioned we added our annual clover, brassicas, premium clovers and even bundles this year where you can get them together, save money, and get it shipped free same day or next day.

Every bag of our core NB and CL also come with our Seed Armr+ which is our broadspectrum inoculant with a humics base as well. We sell a lot of that to folks even using beans and corn - as they’ve been happy with the germ impact.

All that to say- I really appreciate the feedback and I am going to email the guy who helps me with web stuff right now!

Pleased contact me anytime.
In regards to the "no paid advertisers" or people here just to promote their product - I'm not sure I've given Al a cent of money for his products but he's always been very helpful on inquiries related to soil health and food-plotting. He's a great resource to have on these forums.
Wow man! That seriously means a ton.

We really try to be personal and help folks. That’s where my passion lies! I love to learn be it soil to physics and I love to discuss it.

Lots of amazing folks in the industry and I am just one guy who likes to share when I can.

Because of those who’ve supported use we’ve had some really cool experiences in giving back as well - which has been amazingly humbling to say the least.

Now - who wants to debate base saturation vs. ph importance?! Hahah jk!!
3. So everything on our site sells at that price - except for tax. Because of what you mentioned we added our annual clover, brassicas, premium clovers and even bundles this year where you can get them together, save money, and get it shipped free same day or next day.
Regarding my 3rd point, I think there's a big market opportunity. For example, look at your Fall blend. There are 4 cereal grains. At 45 lbs of seed per acre, I bet a significant percentage of that 45 lbs is the grains. Sell me everything but the grains, in the same ratios (per your brassicas point) and tell me to mix it with any to all of the ## lbs of cereal grains. Whether you are charging me directly for shipping or not, I know I'm paying for it. It has to be cutting into your margin too. It's not easy to buy small quantities of the "extra" seed that makes the blend's magic balance. That's the type of product I'm specifically looking for.

  • Fall Triticale
  • Oats
  • Hairy Vetch
  • Berseem Clover
  • Winfred Forage Brassicas
  • Pasja
  • Winter Wheat
  • Winter Peas
  • Crimson Clover
  • Fixation
  • Purple Top
  • Rye Grain
  • Buckwheat
  • Chicory
  • Radish
  • Barkant Turnip
2. Drills similar to above - I have shared privately some GP recommendations but in all honesty - we should calibrate a drill each year. The seed sizes changed by weather, harvest date, etc. I’d hate to put it out there and if someone uses too much or too little - they feel I led them astray. Although maybe I can work with putting together a calibration video - would the be useful for folks?
Most folks with a drill know they shouldn't assume that they don't have to calibrate yearly. There's always variation. Having a starting point helps drill users to save time. I have an RTP Genesis, and they publish info for different seed and mixes. I appreciate the effort/partnership from the drill company and the seed company.
Regarding my 3rd point, I think there's a big market opportunity. For example, look at your Fall blend. There are 4 cereal grains. At 45 lbs of seed per acre, I bet a significant percentage of that 45 lbs is the grains. Sell me everything but the grains, in the same ratios (per your brassicas point) and tell me to mix it with any to all of the ## lbs of cereal grains. Whether you are charging me directly for shipping or not, I know I'm paying for it. It has to be cutting into your margin too. It's not easy to buy small quantities of the "extra" seed that makes the blend's magic balance. That's the type of product I'm specifically looking for.

  • Fall Triticale
  • Oats
  • Hairy Vetch
  • Berseem Clover
  • Winfred Forage Brassicas
  • Pasja
  • Winter Wheat
  • Winter Peas
  • Crimson Clover
  • Fixation
  • Purple Top
  • Rye Grain
  • Buckwheat
  • Chicory
  • Radish
  • Barkant Turnip

I can do custom mixes for anyone - just need to know how many acres are needed.

Our annual
Clover and brassica mix would get you close to your desired goal - checkout that bundle.

As for our mixes we pride ourselves on the ratios and I won’t sell a mix I won’t plant on my own farm. That’s why I started the company. I wasn’t wanting to buy mixes at 75-95% grains, and often a singular grain. I wanted diversity in grains and balanced ratios.

The grains are only 55% of our mix
10% is our brassica (4.5lbs per acre)
The remainder is the annual clovers
a few broadleaves.

We specifically do our grains this way and in conjunction with our NB planting to balance the C:N ratios not only in subsequent plantings thereafter (1-2 system).

I am bias but between our ratios, shipping to your door, outstanding customer service, inoculant included - etc. I think we offer an amazing quality product at a very competitive price point. Especially now we added our bulk pricing so if a few guys want to get together- you get a larger discount.

But I always say - some like to bake their own birthday cake and see how it turns out vs. buying ones that’s already made and that’s ok!!

Just keep me in mind if anyone wants custom mixes and I am more than happy to try to make you happy!

I sincerely appreciate the feedback - I re-did the planting instructions today and they’ll be up on website soon.

I will always try my best to make every customer or potential customer happy.

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Most folks with a drill know they shouldn't assume that they don't have to calibrate yearly. There's always variation. Having a starting point helps drill users to save time. I have an RTP Genesis, and they publish info for different seed and mixes. I appreciate the effort/partnership from the drill company and the seed company.
We did work with Ph outdoors on this. I absolutely see the benefit but also can see issues. I’ll need to think on this more. I appreciate the feedback! It’s super helpful!
The grains are only 55% of our mix
10% is our brassica (4.5lbs per acre)
The remainder is the annual clovers
a few broadleaves.
By weight or number of seeds? Good stuff!
Will check your site out.

A place that has the small seed mixes to go with large seed folks can get cheap locally would be a big plus for a seed dealer to folks like us. I got some play money, but it's hard to beat a $13 bag of rye 2 miles from my house. However, the small seeds are either pretty expensive locally, or non-exsistent in numerous varieties.

I think SD has a thread on a forever perennial foodplot with vetch in it. You guys have a mix to his standards?

Also, SD what movie is the trans am in? Don't recognize it. Used to have several pontiacs as a kid in my 20's.