Video camera - external microphone - Help????


I purchased a wireless microphone to use with my video camera, here is the one I bought:

First problem, it isn't stereo, once side only. So I have to force both sides via software. (that might be my camera's fault, not sure).

Second problem is the sound quality, it's bad.

I did my best, and the results still aren't very good. I'm not pimping my products, but here is the "best" I could do.

Where did I go wrong????? I've searched and searched, and have no idea what I should do to improve the audio quality. Different mic? Different camera? I'm at a loss.

I'm hoping someone here can help?


Your room is too "bright" and too open at the same time - sounds like a gymnasium (not the mic's fault). Get some rugs, get some throw pillows, or build sound traps (audiophiles make all kinds of room treatment "toys") - or don't shoot video in the shop with a cooler behind you. :D

The audio all going to one channel isn't an issue at all for a mono mic. If you wanted to use another mic on the other channel and your current mic was recording to both, that would be a problem! You'll just need to add the sound to the second channel in your editing software - it's a 2 click process in most NLE's. For the internet, and your content (all habitat stuff for that matter); stereo isn't even needed. Most people's computers aren't set up for good sound reproduction anyway, and so many people are watching via their phone - it's even less of an issue. For true stereo sound, both channels need their own mics and you need more than one sound source location so there's a difference other than amplitude between L/R. This isn't an action movie; don't over complicate it.

Honestly, listening over my laptop's fan - it sounds fine.
I'd also lower the camera a bit so we're not looking down on you so much. We don't want to look up your nose either, but you're a few inches too high IMO.
Cost is not the issue, and I dont think its the room. We used $29 radio shack set up on the Sportsmans Channel quite a bit.
I didn't think it sounded bad. If I had come across that on youtube or your website, I wouldn't have thought twice about the sound quality.
When I play video on my Galaxy S4 (android) I have no sound just video.
When I play video on my Galaxy S4 (android) I have no sound just video.
X2 on my I phone
I have no sound either, I also have a Galaxy phone. I Wonder why the guys with the Galaxy phones can't hear it?
I can hear it on my HTC android phone. Are you guys watching it in the browser or did you open it in the youtube app? Sometimes that can be an issue for me.
I can hear it on my HTC android phone. Are you guys watching it in the browser or did you open it in the youtube app? Sometimes that can be an issue for me.

Tried it by clicking on picture in thread, using you tube app and browser. No sound on any of them. Tried it on home computer and I have sound.
Cost is not the issue, and I dont think its the room. We used $29 radio shack set up on the Sportsmans Channel quite a bit.

As a former Avid editor and live sound engineer, I'm appalled at the quality aired on PBS, and I bet they have a much bigger budget than Sportsmans Channel. :)

The room isn't horrible, but I can pick up on it's acoustics using a $300 laptop. If I were to go down to my workstation and listened through my reference monitors, I might have a different opinion. The result remains the same - people buying hybrid poplar cuttings aren't going to scrutinize your videos that carefully.

If you don't like how your voice sounds, you could try some compression (a sound effect). That's what most commercials do to their voice tracks to add weight.
This for the feedback everyone.... Most of my videos will be outside, so I won't have the same issues (different issues none the less). I'll try a different location and setup on my next indoor video.

The no audio on phones is troubling. It's uploaded to YouTube, they format it the way they like it. Odd that some phones can't hear it?

Thanks again, I'll keep working on it.

This for the feedback everyone.... Most of my videos will be outside, so I won't have the same issues (different issues none the less). I'll try a different location and setup on my next indoor video.

The no audio on phones is troubling. It's uploaded to YouTube, they format it the way they like it. Odd that some phones can't hear it?

Thanks again, I'll keep working on it.


My advice is skip future video until you figure out the audio. Its hard enough to keep somebodys attn when everything is done properly.