USA to "take over" the Gaza Strip

I believe the Sde Taiman incident on its face is deplorable. I do however understand how this can occur and freely admit that I have very little sympathy for Hamas and those that support Hamas.

I agree this type of behavior should not occur however once brought to the attention of the Israeli government those involved were charged and convicted. These 5 Israeli reserve soldiers were brought to justice and sentenced. I have not seen any Palestinian face the same justice by their own government for rape, torture or any other despicable acts committed against the people of Israel.

War crimes occur during every single war and without exception. That doesn't make it right but that is a fact. I don't believe in an eye for an eye. I believe in an eye for the entire body and anyone who is a party to the turd that took the "eye".

I wouldn’t pin the actions of 9 IDF soldiers raping a gentile prisoner in israel on israel no more than I’d pin the actions of hamas on the ‘stinians, or the actions of our government on Americans.

The question everyone should ponder from that incident is: what were those ultra orthodox jews doing the rioting so angry about?

Keep digging

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It's pretty simple really. They for whatever reason did not like what had occurred.

I have not seen any news organization reporting on any Palestinian(s) protesting against their own elected government for what occurred on October 7 or anything thereafter.
I support a nation that has been a partner to the U.S. in both security and trade who has not abducted a single American and filmed the cutting of their heads off.

I support the side that doesn’t convince young women and young men to strap on a bomb and blow up innocents.

I support the side that hasn’t sworn to murder every infidel.

I have nothing against the Palestinian people. My beef is with Hamas, Lebanese Hizbollah and the IRGC. (And Putin and Kim but that’s for another day.)

I don’t know who you support other than the Paul’s. That’s fine, doesn’t seem like they have murdered any one so you got that on your side.
It's pretty simple really. They for whatever reason did not like what had occurred.

I have not seen any news organization reporting on any Palestinian(s) protesting against their own elected government for what occurred on October 7 or anything thereafter.

Don’t quit there. You’re close. I’ll help a little more, but I cannot give u the answer. Remember, the ultra orthodox are the strict adherents. This would be akin to our priests and grandmas protesting the investigation into Abu Grab.


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A sliver in time vs. sustained and continuous evil that the evildoers have vowed to continue in perpetuity.
“House arrest”. Sheesh.
Sounds callous but I have ZERO empathy for Palestinians.
I agree- it’s really tough. Saw a story about this poor little 4-5 year old girl that got killed in an airstrike. Very sad, darling little kid. Then in the next photo she’s sitting next to her two brothers who are maybe 6-7 years old and one of these little kids has a tee shirt that has an AK on it. Born into the grave, matter of years before he is vaporized by a bomb vest, an airstrike or takes a bullet in the streets.

What is wrong with these people.
I wouldn’t pin the actions of 9 IDF soldiers raping a gentile prisoner in israel on israel no more than I’d pin the actions of hamas on the ‘stinians, or the actions of our government on Americans.

The question everyone should ponder from that incident is: what were those ultra orthodox jews doing the rioting so angry about?

Keep digging

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About 20% of Israel are parasitic shitbag "ultra-orthodox" Jews that even the Israelis hate. There's not much they can do about it, because the mechanism that created them is a part of their constitution.

About 75% of Gazans support Hamas and genocide against Jews. This is while living next to a state that has Arabs living and functioning freely alongside Jews and Christians. It's more a death cult than a religion at this point, and it's so ingrained in their culture that it's really impossible to make any progress. What happened to the Jews and Christians who lived in Gaza? They were chased out or murdered. We call that genocide, or at least, ethnic cleansing.

Israel has always wanted peace, has always been willing to trade land for peace, and has always allowed Arabs to live peacefully within Israel.

Now, regardless of what I have said here, and whether or not you believe anything that I have said, there is a simple test:

Would you rather live in Israel or Gaza, and why?
Would you rather visit Israel or Gaza, and why?

You know the answer just like everyone else. You would choose Israel. You could visit or live freely there in a liberal democracy. In Gaza, you would be tortured and brutally murdered almost immediately by a hateful death cult. You know this to be true, and to pretend otherwise is disingenuous at best. And blaming Israel for the Gazan culture is likewise disingenuous.
Hamas started the latest sh##-show by bombing Israel & taking innocent people hostage. It's 100% clear who did what. Once again, innocent people get caught up in the power struggles of the few.
Sounds callous but I have ZERO empathy for Palestinians.

It seems like 25% of them do not support Hamas or Jewish genocide (probably less, by this point in the war). I have empathy for those people who are not a part of the Gazan death cult. But I have no idea what to do about it. Unfortunately, I think they will all become additional victims of Hamas tyranny.

I have met Middle-Eastern people from many walks of life. This is a long conversation that would muddle the issue here.

I have zero empathy for Hamas and their supporters, and even beyond that, I wish then all death.

I truly wish there was a way to separate the good Gazans from the evil ones, but I am sure that is impossible. It would be amazing if we could eradicate evil elements from a population, but if it were possible, it would have been done before.

There really is no way Gaza can exist without foreign supervision. They have proven that.

I would really like to see a system to get the Western-loving Gazans out of there before the whole place gets destroyed. We managed to get a lot of Iranians, Chinese, Vietnamese, etc. who supported us, and they have been great for our country. It would be wonderful to get some Western-loving Arabs into our country, but it doesn't seems possible.

Unfortunately, it seems the minority of Gazans who are decent people will mostly be casualties of war. I believe Hamas knows who they are, and intentionally puts them in harm's way or kills them.

It breaks my heart to see good people die. But seeing evil people die lifts a weight off my shoulders.

This is truly one of the ugliest conflicts we will see in our lifetimes. Hamas literally kills people for fleeing targeted areas. What do you do when you receive an Israeli leaflet telling you to leave your building because it will be bombed tomorrow? Most people would leave. But Hamas gathers people and crams them into that space. By this point, it might just be dead bodies, but they have been known to put non-supporters in harm's way so that they could celebrate it later.

It is a disgusting death cult. It is not a religion.

I would be happy to show anyone who is interested the relaxed side of Islam.
Abu Marzouk, a hamas leader who lives in the safety of Quatar, says had he known what Israel's response would not have supporterd an attack on israel.

This implies that responding to terrorists with overwhelming force can work.
Who'da thought this would be a problem? Now we've got the dilema of who to back in this conflict, cause we're giving weapons to both sides.

Who'da thought this would be a problem? Now we've got the dilema of who to back in this conflict, cause we're giving weapons to both sides.

Same as the other, I draw the line at US boots on the ground. Cannot happen.

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Same as the other, I draw the line at US boots on the ground. Cannot happen.

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Agreed. We can clean up a lot of trash with drones
Can we all agree that we should not give weapons to both teams in this conflict? Doesn’t seem like a wise spend when we’re printing money so damn fast the average American cannot afford housing anymore.

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