

5 year old buck +
My broadcast spreader would only reach about 2/3rds of the width of this plot at my rifle range. Got it down just before good rains ten days ago. Shows the value of timely fertilizer application.

I have steel plate targets here at 25,50, 75 and 100 yards. (not sure you can see the 100 yard plate).

My "stand" for this plot is the rotary shooting bench right behind where I took this pic. ;) Nobody ever hunts here....but we do get fair traffic thru this plot. Maybe this year? :D
I was always told to hunt where the deer are. Funny how true that statement really is.
Man, I hope my urea I put down Sunday kicks those Brassicas in gear. Looks great!
Question for the urea guys...

Do you have access to ammonium sulfate in your area? I ask because lots of guys put their faith in Foggy's ability to dance up timely rain. I have it where I live, but I'm in the heart of 200+ bu/a corn country too. I'm truly curious. My understanding is that with ammonium sulfate I don't have to worry about nitrification if it doesn't rain quickly enough. I do need more pounds to match the N of urea, but that's still pretty negligible on plot sizes most of us have.
The only high nitrogen fertilizer available in bagged form at my coop is urea.
Ammonium sulfate acidifies your soil something fierce compared to all other fertilizers. This time of the year (Minnesota)...your urea will not evaporate very fast at all. You got a good week or 2 easy. Just buy the coated urea. It is about $100 more a ton, but you get the piece of mind of it lasting until it rains.
Ammonium sulfate acidifies your soil something fierce compared to all other fertilizers. This time of the year (Minnesota)...your urea will not evaporate very fast at all. You got a good week or 2 easy. Just buy the coated urea. It is about $100 more a ton, but you get the piece of mind of it lasting until it rains.

The feed store manager I buy from agrees with this ^^ unless it rains a few tenth's of an inch. Then, the coating is off and the fertilizer breaks down and evaporates. Did not happen for me THIS year. :)
cool. Appreciate the info.
I didn't even know coated urea was an option. Thanks for the info.