Trump For Prez- Hillary For Prison!

Very happy she didn't win! It will be interesting reading the news and listening to the media asking how this could of happened.
Let's make America great again!
Trump signs 100-1 in my area... I guess rallies and signs do matter!!!
Prison will never happen. Wish it would though. Go Donald.
Thank you to all of you who voted! I truly believe if Hillary was elected last night it might have been the last time a republican had a chance to win the election due to amnesty and refugee acceptance. The Lord is not done with America yet so keep praying. Now lets get started building that wall!
The best stat of the night, he lost D.C. 94%-4
Drain the swamp!
I'm proud of everyone here. We didn't get in the mud about this election.

Straight talk. Last night was my Super Bowl. I'm a bit hung over, no hunting for me today even though it may be the best day of the year.

Get ready the news will now begin talking about real unemployment numbers, the economy and terrorism.

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Proud Missourian here
The electoral college saved our asses from our country being run by our inner cities!
Country boy can survive!
Our founding fathers were some smart SOB's!!!!
I'm excited for my 3 young boys future in this country!
Too bad outstate MN means nothing in elections. Frickin' citiots control the state's choices
Stu--It was very close, the senate and house is (R) in MN. If we can just get rid of Dayton in future.
Ya, it was closer than anybody thought it would be. Sure be nice for MN to be a red state for once though

Dayton's in two years. The DFL will probably find some communist to run for his open seat

You should've stayed here ... :)
You are right on more levels than just politics

Stu ... LOL ... we actually took 2 more seats in the legislature and another senate seat in Wisconsin further cementing Governor Walker's mandate here ... along time since this state went red for state Govt, our Senators, and the Presidential election ...
I find many things about liberals that disgust me, but the one thing that will bring me to my feet and ready to fight the quickest is when someone wants to mess with my gun rights. It's the first consideration, and the ONLY consideration for me in ANY election. I wouldn't vote for a dog catcher who embraced any form of gun control whatsoever. I can tell you that the people I call friends feel exactly the same way. There aren't many things I'm ready to die for, but my freedom to defend myself and my family is one thing that makes the cut.

80% of what goes on in government will go on regardless of who is in power. We will always be taxed too much - there will always be stupid laws - justice will never be fully administered - government will always waste too much, and common sense will never be the norm. I can live with that, but I won't live unarmed because of some stupid liberal.

This is a great battle won in a war that will never end.
I find many things about liberals that disgust me, but the one thing that will bring me to my feet and ready to fight the quickest is when someone wants to mess with my gun rights. It's the first consideration, and the ONLY consideration for me in ANY election. I wouldn't vote for a dog catcher who embraced any form of gun control whatsoever. I can tell you that the people I call friends feel exactly the same way. There aren't many things I'm ready to die for, but my freedom to defend myself and my family is one thing that makes the cut.

80% of what goes on in government will go on regardless of who is in power. We will always be taxed too much - there will always be stupid laws - justice will never be fully administered - government will always waste too much, and common sense will never be the norm. I can live with that, but I won't live unarmed because of some stupid liberal.

This is a great battle won in a war that will never end.

Native ... these two rights are self supporting and cannot exist exclusively on their own ...

A Gov't that inhibits the right to free speech, dissension , and objection to their powers without the people right to re-elect ... can only do so by owning the militia ... :cool:

Native ... these two rights are self supporting and cannot exist exclusively on their own ...

A Gov't that inhibits the right to free speech, dissension , and objection to their powers without the people right to re-elect ... can only do so by owning the militia ... :cool:


Long live our constitution and the US militia..........................
My favorite is, some college kids got an excused absence and didn't have to attend class yesterday if they were butt hurt.