Tractor Toolbox for Chainsaws

Mista Paacha

5 year old buck +
With a little help from my father in law we built a "Go" box for tree work around the farm. I was getting really tired of hauling the truck and trailer then tractor down the lane with all the gear to cut trees. Using the grapple to pull and push smaller ones is great but still need a chainsaw. Now I can hook the trailer to the tractor and have all my gear in the tractor. Big time saver. Putting it all to work tomorrow.

I started with a Titan 3 point receiver hitch. Purchased from Amazon. Then made the box from treated plywood and bolted to the hitch. Two saws, chains, wedges, strap, fuel, bar oil, clevis, hammer, hatchet and some hand tools(Harbor case they get dropped in the woods).





Oh man I want one of those three point trailer hitches...
Hmmmmm....:emoji_thinking: Might have a project for dad (he's retired and always looking for something to either build or tear up)!
So are you bolted into the T of the hitch combo?
Everything in that picture is too shiny!
So are you bolted into the T of the hitch combo?

Two carriage bolts on the vertical post and an angle iron bracket under
Everything in that picture is too shiny!

The saws are well used and well taken care of. Raided Harbor Freight for the rest. If it gets lost in the woods I'm not out much.