Compact tractor disk and brush hog thoughts.

I think I posted $1950 but I think the real price was $2950 in 2020.
Lot more than that now. With a spare set of belts and a handful of spare flails you’d be pushing $4k.
Lot more than that now. With a spare set of belts and a handful of spare flails you’d be pushing $4k.
I told you that they delivered to my door.....but now I remember I took my trailer to a truck terminal in Brainerd and they loaded it on my trailer. Was no cost to do it this way.....IIRC. was no big event. They performed as promised.
8. The Woodmaxx Flail Mower does not lend itself to a QH.

So I have the tractor and a woodmaxx flail mower delivered now. Why is it you say the mower doesn’t lend itself to a QH? I was just about to cut my driveshaft to length based on length with a landpride quick hitch but just remembered this post so curious on input so I don’t have to cut it twice.

All my King kutter implements go on my QH I just bought a used LP 6ft and it has that strange QH mount that I have to see what I want to do there
So I have the tractor and a woodmaxx flail mower delivered now. Why is it you say the mower doesn’t lend itself to a QH? I was just about to cut my driveshaft to length based on length with a landpride quick hitch but just remembered this post so curious on input so I don’t have to cut it twice.

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Try it before you do any cutting. Maybe yours will work with the QH you have? Seems to me there was not enough room between the pins and the frame to accommodate many of the QH models on the market....from what I read. I do not use a QH instead I use PAT'S lower links. (I do own a QH but have not used it for 10years as it does not fit most of the implements I have. Your results may vary? Dunno.

I like the way they package those implements. Sure prevents damage in shipping.
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NEED a set of pallet forks for our FEL next. Those look reeeally handy. A grapple is a “fun” tool as well..
NEED a set of pallet forks for our FEL next. Those look reeeally handy. A grapple is a “fun” tool as well..
I got a set from TItan. I haven't used them much yet, but so far I like them.
My flail mower hooks up to a quick hitch.
NEED a set of pallet forks for our FEL next. Those look reeeally handy. A grapple is a “fun” tool as well..

Grapple would be nice but along with the cost of adding the required hydraulics I cant justify it currently.

The fork I got was from titan attachments (not titan implement) but was a made in USA version made by a company called UA? I like it feature wise and it didn't come at a steep "made in USA" premium especially with the shipping deal they have. The paint is pretty cheap, comes right off but that doesn't bother me. I've noticed a lot of folks reference "titan" without clarification between titan attachment and titan implement. Far as I can tell Titan attachments is primarily a re-badger of made in china stuff but not all. Titan implement seems to be mostly made in USA.
Grapple would be nice but along with the cost of adding the required hydraulics I cant justify it currently.

The fork I got was from titan attachments (not titan implement) but was a made in USA version made by a company called UA? I like it feature wise and it didn't come at a steep "made in USA" premium especially with the shipping deal they have. The paint is pretty cheap, comes right off but that doesn't bother me. I've noticed a lot of folks reference "titan" without clarification between titan attachment and titan implement. Far as I can tell Titan attachments is primarily a re-badger of made in china stuff but not all. Titan implement seems to be mostly made in USA.

Yep, was about $600+ for the twin hydraulic hoses routed to the rear. Went with 3/8" for (supposedly) quicker response over 1/4" hose. Makes one h@ll of a tree puller too..
I've "gotten along" with bucket forks for over 10 years. Last fall I decided "enough". Found a nice set of forks at one of the local accessory stores. I think I paid $650. I like that I can remove the forks from the frame and turn them upside down to lift higher loads (as well as normal stuff). This makes them handy for use when moving high box blinds. Happy camper now.
Pallet forks are awesome for cleaning up after logging. scoop up a bunch of tops, dump it on a pile.

alot of my old orchard's dead apple trees were removed with a skid steer and pallet fork. Aim down under the stump and pop up. Appeared real rough on the tractor, but it did ok.
One thing I'll add about a disc, is that you want as heavy of one as your tractor will handle, and my experience is those L series will handle as much as it will lift if you run it in 4WD. I had the 7.5' king cutter box frame disc with one gang of serrated and one smooth gang. It goes somwhere around 900-1000 lbs and in dry ground it still too several passes if i didn't plow first, which I often didn't. I pulled that with an L3000 DT with loaded tires and front weights that I had at the time, so your tractor should handle a lot more. Heavier the better in my opinion.
One thing I'll add about a disc, is that you want as heavy of one as your tractor will handle, and my experience is those L series will handle as much as it will lift if you run it in 4WD. I had the 7.5' king cutter box frame disc with one gang of serrated and one smooth gang. It goes somwhere around 900-1000 lbs and in dry ground it still too several passes if i didn't plow first, which I often didn't. I pulled that with an L3000 DT with loaded tires and front weights that I had at the time, so your tractor should handle a lot more. Heavier the better in my opinion.
Where were you a month ago? :emoji_grin:

I'll probably throw some logs on it for additional ballast if needed. I'm going to use it this year for a fire break and sorghum screen but it'll likely collect a lot of dust after that. Wishin i would have skipped splurging on a nice new one but that is in the past now..
Pallet forks are awesome for cleaning up after logging. scoop up a bunch of tops, dump it on a pile.

alot of my old orchard's dead apple trees were removed with a skid steer and pallet fork. Aim down under the stump and pop up. Appeared real rough on the tractor, but it did ok.

A few random thoughts on loader implements.....

I bought a grapple from Markham about 12 years ago....when they were well regarded on the TBN site. They went out of biz shortly there after. It's only 48" wide but I much prefer that small size (light weight and better visibility) on my tractor. When I bought the grapple I had a 790 JD, then went to a 3520 JD and finally to a Kubota 3560 HSTC..... which I plan to keep for a long time. I reconfigured that same grapple from a JD pin mount to a SS mount. I suppose I have picked up hundreds of trees and lots of brush and slash over those years. I only paid $600 for that grapple complete with hoses and couplers.....and it still works like a new one.

I think a narrow, single lid grapple is the real deal.....tho I could wish for a bit more of a root grapple if I was to buy one again. I believe many folks buy too wide of a grapple and it gets to heavy for compact tractors. My grapple stays on my tractor 70% of the time.....and I seldom use a bucket these days.....tho in the early years I used it allot. Next item of use is those pallet forks....then the bucket.

If you buy the "right" pallet can remove and reinstall the forks "upside down" to make your forks go about 5 feet higher. <-----quite useful to move deer stands as I posted in another place.

This summer I will install my old 5' Markham tooth bar to my current Kubota 6' bucket.....just need to add 1 foot of metal. I need to place 4 dump truck loads of fill on a corduroy trail. Hope that tooth bar provides extra strength to my standard weight bucket. The tooth bar sure helps with digging for operations like this.

I also want to make a front mount for my landscape rake so I can push some slash to clean up the log landings from a few years ago. Pushing that rake would seen to be the ticket for this purpose.....and I do have a spare mounting plate to use.
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Where were you a month ago? :emoji_grin:

I'll probably throw some logs on it for additional ballast if needed. I'm going to use it this year for a fire break and sorghum screen but it'll likely collect a lot of dust after that. Wishin i would have skipped splurging on a nice new one but that is in the past now..
I'm kinda in the same boat. I have a nice box frame disk with fluted coulters front and rear. Seldom will use it now that I have gone no till. I had mounted a heavy log on top of my disk for a year or so.....but found that after I got my disk set up right and my land "broken"....I really did not need the extra weight. In recent times I did not want such deep tillage anyway......and today I want NO tillage. I'm hoping to stay a no till operation now I have my Saya 505 Drill and roller/crimper. Time will tell.

I have a few implements that will just sit there now that I have completed the logging, de-stumping, and food plot develment of my land. I have 10 acres of food plots that wend their way through my land.

What now seems "excess equipment" is a 3 point Woods stump grinder (over 3000 stumps been ground with it), an EZ Flow 6' lime spreader (over 30 tons of lime been run through), a 3 point box frame disk, a JD 71 2 row planter, 5 foot KK tiller, 3 pt Cultipacker, 6' Rotary Cutter, and a few more implements I sometimes consider selling. They dont owe me anything after getting the needed work I think I will just keep 'em for occasional use and / or after proving to myself that I am committed to no-till plotting.

Some say you should sell those items and not look back after going no-till......but IME about the minute you sell one of those items you'll wish you had it back for one more job. :emoji_rolling_eyes: Perhaps after another year goes by I might change my mind. It also costs to store and maintain those unneeded items.
One thing I'll add about a disc, is that you want as heavy of one as your tractor will handle, and my experience is those L series will handle as much as it will lift if you run it in 4WD. I had the 7.5' king cutter box frame disc with one gang of serrated and one smooth gang. It goes somwhere around 900-1000 lbs and in dry ground it still too several passes if i didn't plow first, which I often didn't. I pulled that with an L3000 DT with loaded tires and front weights that I had at the time, so your tractor should handle a lot more. Heavier the better in my opinion.

I'd say that it really depends on what you want to use it for. We did just that, but our purpose was to maintain firebreaks where you want as deep and aggressive of a cut as you can get and weight is important. However, that disc does very poorly on food plots as I'm typically using min-till/ no-till techniques to focus on soil health while providing great deer food. When I used a tiller, I'd raise it with the 3-pt hitch so that the tines barely touched the top inch. One of my partner's sons was working on an abandon house and found an old light disc in the back yard. We fixed it up and got the discs spinning again. It is very light compared to the big disc we use for firebreaks. It works great for min-till. It just scratches the surface a bit which is just what you want. Even when set quite straight, the heavy disc tills far too deep.

So, I'd say, start with your approach and find a disc that fits it.
What now seems "excess equipment" is a 3 point Woods stump grinder (over 3000 stumps been ground with it), an EZ Flow 6' lime spreader (over 30 tons of lime been run through),

I know a guy who might be interested in renting that lime spreader from ya this year.. just sent soil samples in today.
I know a guy who might be interested in renting that lime spreader from ya this year.. just sent soil samples in today.
Not sure where your land is....but maybe we could split a trailer load of lime? PM me.
I do have a quick hitch but never use it anymore. Issues with a few items and I found a much better solution. My barn floor is concrete, so I just used cheap Harbor Freight dollies and 2x4s to build dollies for each implement. I can roll even the large ones around enough for easy arm hookup. I have an hydraulic toplink so that is a breeze. I still have a few large implement that have no moving parts like a box blade. The extension arms on my tractor make that a fairly easy hookup.
Post pics sounds cool!