Compaction - Tractor Tire Size

Wind Gypsy

5 year old buck +
Any of you guys consider ground pressure when choosing tires for your compact tractors? After learning more about soil, it seems compaction is major concern that doesn't get discussed much by noobs like us using little tractors for food plots.

I really like my tractor but the one thing that irks me is how tiny (the front tires in particular) are. The tractor is a kubota L3560 which is built quite a bit heavier with stronger hydraulics than most competitors in that compact tractor class with similar horsepower. Figure it weighs about 6k pounds with the loader, bucket and rimguard fill in the rear tires. I'd be a little better if I had chose R4s instead of R1 in this regard but everything I read said "weight and traction are bigger limiting factors than HP and r1s get much better traction". I'm finding now that traction is unlikely to be limiting factor for what I want to do.

Anyone know if there are wider R1 style tires that would fit the factory wheels beyond the standard factory offerings?
The compaction issue is magnified many times over if you go out when the ground is too wet. Don't know much at all about tires for your tractor. Hell, I don't know much at all period.
soil compaction is a real problem when wet. That said farmers are using equipment many many X larger than your average habitat guy is without issue. While it’s not a non-issue for us, I don’t believe it’s a huge factor for us with little tractors. Some of these machines are 60,000 lbs before you put implements on them.
Just my opinion. While it's an issue worthy of consideration I doubt its worthy of all the conversation it generates and most likely not at all outside of production agriculture. That being said it's always a good idea to keep heavy equipment off extremely wet soils.

Let me back up. If you think you have compacted soils that's another conversation.
I do agree though, my m7060 has really narrow tires on the front.
I get little soil compaction in my sand. I have a few low spots that can get a bit greasy.....but on most of my land you can drive on it almost any time.....even after a rain.....and not leave tracks.